This Update Could Have Saved The Game…… Icarus New Frontiers

#ICARUS #z1gaming

ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players or solo. Explore a savage alien wilderness in the aftermath of terraforming gone wrong. Survive long enough to mine exotic matter, then return to orbit to craft more advanced tech. Meet your deadline or be left behind forever.

ICARUS On Steam:


30 thoughts on “This Update Could Have Saved The Game…… Icarus New Frontiers”

  1. I understand people might not agree and I would love to hear what you think! I want Icarus to do well and want to see its success this is only MY OPINION and critic's for the game. Please keep comments calm and collected.

  2. I really enjoyed listening to this. I agree with absolutely everything you've said and I've subscribed. Great stuff. I think they need to work on performance, rather than content as a first step. The content isn't what they'd promised, but it's definitely still fun. It's the performance that I take issue with, and I think that should be a priority over adding content. I don't have the most beastly PC in the world, but I shouldn't be getting 20-30fps at 1080p lowest settings. I have a Ryzen 7 5700X and rtx 3070 with 32GB of 3600Mhz DDR4. The updates are also crazy, they can take hours to install for me across various PCs and SSDs, it doesn't seem to make a difference.

    Anyway! I loved the video, agree with everything you had to say and I'm looking forward to seeing more from you in the future.

  3. Great, Game love it and happy to pay for DLC Lots of new and interesting items, creatures and QOL changes for everyone…. Purple mist is hard to get used too lol. to have to pay for a DLC is fine just the world we live in.

  4. They are charging the full price for a whole new game instead of it being a FREE update since this what we were promised from the very beginning. I really dislike this dev, they are so freaking crooked. This dev did a bait, and switch when they finally released the game, and is the pure definition of false advertising in the trailers, and images which is something I rarely forgive a dev for.

    The full cost including taxes here in Nova Scotia Canada will be (it's on sale at the moment for $33.14).

    Price: $33.14 (on sale)
    HST + Federal (15%): $4.97
    Final Price: $38.11

    Tell me how this is above board, and being honest with their customers? It isn't, and it CAN'T be defended.

    Video Liked, and Shared.

  5. I think all up it costs 60$ for both and that ACTUALLY sounds like a good deal to me. Good on Z for pointing out that this was kinda scummy. I think this dev company is one to keep your defenses up with tho. Bummer that Z won't be playing this one.

  6. I have the same opinion as you but there's a decent discount on steam rn and I think I'm gonna get it. I'm re-buying the game in a bundle with the new dlc all for 40 something bucks. Still too much tho.

  7. I totally feel salty for the bait and switch. The last 90 weeks and this "DLC" has been to bring the game up to what was promised. I want to see how the next 90 weeks goes before I buy anything else.

  8. I absolutely was an early access backer and the only DLC in my library is styx map & missions, the new expansion is NOT free for early access backers – unless there was some premium package you could buy above basic early access.

  9. So glad to see at least a single content creator stating up for a moral value like this. I completely agree. I got the game because it was on sale, not realizing that at least two of the dlc were basically necessary to have what anyone would consider "the whole game". Which would total almost twice as much as the base game, its ridiculous. I consider this a scam. They sell you the base game cheap knowing that by the time you figure out you need the rest its too late to refund, then they think they have you hooked "in for a penny in for a pound" you might as well get the rest. Companies will never stop doing this nonsense until the customer base refuses to play their game.

  10. Your opinions on this DLC that are literally ALL based on the price point, are bad. "$25 for what it SHOULD HAVE BEEN" -on release it was not full priced, and the initial game trailer showed stuff that was not in the EARLY ACCESS GAME yet. Yeah. Now it's a full priced game still in early access with this DLC, which sucks, but thats their price, should it have been in the game from the start with the alien things? Yeah absolutely. But you bought it in.. again, E A R L Y A C C E S S. if this was out on release, they could have sold the game for $50 and people would have complained about that because its early access, so they gave us what was ready for a lower price point. They have been updating the game weekly since release save for i think 2 weeks maybe? Almost 2 full years of weekly updates at this point including multiple maps, for a game that if you bought it on release you got all the other stuff for free. including this DLC if you bought the supporter pack. And your opinion on "some people cant afford $30 for this" then they should find a cheaper hobby (to keep up with). I cant afford to make super cars and racing my hobby even though i love them, so i dont, i have hobbies that are within my wallet range, including gaming, but im not going to be mad at car part manufacturers for making race cars cost more than i can afford. Even if you only got another 25 hours of game time because of this DLC (thats super low for a survival game), please tell me something else you can do in the world today for $1 an hour? Nothing? Crazy. So its actually pretty cheap huh? Cant afford $30? Dont buy early access games, very simple. Stick to AAA developer titles that you know exactly what you're getting for your money out of the box.

  11. Hey man, I'm just a guy on the internet, and I want to highlight my take with agreeing that this DLC was too expensive.

    However, we as players have received consistent weekly content updates every Thursday since the game released. There is so much extra content from launch.

    I honestly had never seen the initial trailer for the game till now and I am a little disappointed that we're missing some extraterrestrial stuff.

    I don't think it would be hard to fit into the pre-existing narrative of a half terraformed planet either.

    Like if I'm gonna fight what is clearly a bear atleast give it armored plates or different colored fur.

    But, I digress the game is great, like you said. The DLC or what I've been able to play of it so far has really got me wrapped. Again, idk if it's worth 30 bucks. But I'm currently not regretting it

  12. @13:20
    "this is not really what i wanted but i guess i just hold on it"
    Thats wrong behavior right there. If its not what u wanted refund it for christ! We finally got some rules about ea alpha and refunding e copies but ya too dumb to get what the reason is.

  13. Man just keep things short. Make shorter sentences than just repeating the same stuff 3 times but a little bit different. This video could have 10 minutes but you are making it too long. With speed 1.75 it's only good to watch. You are just wasting our time

  14. As an Icarus fan I'm whatever about it, but the good news is that the Devs are working on a FREE update for Olympus and Styx. As found on the discord feed, "Hypatia Update… This update will be free for all users, and bring the open-world operations system to all maps in the game at no cost. " So if you have the base game, the update is coming. Otherwise you are paying for new maps and I think they should be paid for their work. Maybe it feels like nickel and diming, so perhaps they could change their price model, but at the end of the day I probably won't be rushing to the new expansion.

  15. It's good that content creators finally speaks out about this BS. I bought EU4 back in the day and every time they added content it had a price tag and changed your game according to the new content even if you didn't buy it, so you were playing a game punishing you if the new content gave you buffs. So playing with the base game only was impossible because you could never do the achievements. I did pick up most dlcs for only 150 extra euros but almost paying 200 euros for a game is just madness. Yes you can get them for 70% or wait 10 years to get it all for 50 euros but if you bought a game then do you really want to sit on it for years just to be able to afford the required dlcs.

    My point is not that they shouldn't ask for money for a dlc, my point is that it really feels bad when they force you to buy it just because you want to play the game you thought you bought. Like ask 2000 for a game if you like but don't sell me something for 40 and then force me to pay more to play the game you promised me for 40. I would never pay 200 euros for a game but was forced to do it over 2 years time and then when I finally got em all It had added so much extra into the game that it became a job to play it so now its in my library only.

  16. Well, I would love to get the expansion for free. However, saying it is a rip-off is too much IMHO.
    Played the 1st part, and enjoyed it, especially the regular updates of content. Saying the trailer was a lie, well 95% of games off of the cinematics trailers.
    Imho this is the best survival game that is on the market for now.
    Bought the expansion, and although I am cheap on paying for video games, no regrets.

  17. DO NOT BUY THIS UPDATE! Icarus used to be such a great game…not only can I confirm everything in this video is of the same opinion as mine, I SPENT THE MONEY and bought it anyway…BUT NOW…everything in the game is >>> TEN TIMES MORE GRINDY!<<< They have made it so you have to spend like 10-20 HOURS in a mission now to yield a meager <200 exotics!!!!! (The cost to make the fabricator etc etc)…is absolutely ridiculous now! STAY FAR AWAY!!! Things that used to be made at the machining bench? NOW moved to the fabricator…and the NEW COST of making JUST THE FABRICATOR! OMFG! FIRE THAT GUY THAT DECIDED THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA!!!!!!! DO NOT BUY! Don't believe me? I have over 500+ hours into this game and what they have done will kill this game. Trust me. I used to RAVE about it in my review… it is NOW a 100% thumbs-DOWN….FIRE THAT GUY!!!!

  18. I enjoy the update, and don't see the $25 price tag to be a problem. After all, they came up with, basically, a whole other biome with the creatures and effects, along with all of the extra gear. The only problem I DO have a problem with is the fact that I am playing on an NVidia 3080Ti and I STILL get lags spikes and stuttering when running, and my FPS drops to 20. That's unacceptable. Even with my graphics turned down to "Medium" , I am still getting lag spikes, and my system should be able to handle anything on the market to date.

  19. Literally everyone who disagrees with you bought the big pack that included the dlc for free lol.. they dont care how shitty the model is becayse theyre fully invested already..


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