This Satellite Just Took A Photograph Of A Huge Miles Long Object That Crashed In Antarctica

This satellite just took a photograph of a huge miles long object that crashed in Antarctica. Today, we take a look at this huge object that was found in Antarctica.

Antarctica, the Earth’s southernmost continent, has long been a source of fascination and intrigue due to its remote location, extreme conditions, and the mysteries that lie beneath its icy surface.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in reports of unidentified objects spotted above Antarctica.

These sightings have fuelled speculation about advanced activity, secret military bases, and hidden ancient civilizations.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


27 thoughts on “This Satellite Just Took A Photograph Of A Huge Miles Long Object That Crashed In Antarctica”

  1. Obviously there's a giant alien ship under that part of the ice and that's why all the magnetic anomaly happening there… and if someone was to dig something up, the military will just get to it and hide everything… but then how can any of it help the current situation with the war in Ukraine or anything else.

  2. The great reset may be nothing new under the sun. Could be the original 5 nations having great technology and skills. Speaking of, it takes 5 frequencies to heal. 5 nations. 5 senses. 5…
    Idk whatever nevermind

  3. I think aliens have been living there for hundreds and hundreds of years and in are oceans within 2 years they will Announce themselves to us It's either going to be bad or it's going to be good Hopefully we're not on the menu 👽👽🛸😋😵

  4. I know we tend to think these stories are just that….stories! But our earth may be in it’s infancy compared to other planets in our Universe. There can be others civilization started centuries before ours and are exploring other systems in their infancy….and Earth could be one of them. A chance that none of us now will see that day we find out who’s out there!

  5. I did a grab and zoomed in. Sadly it's a rock. I'm amazed it came in at such a steep angle. Too bad they can't recover it. It looks huge. It is strange because it slide in way too gently but it does look like a rock so it musty be a meteor.


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