This Peruvian Villager Just Reported That 7ft Entities Have Just Landed In A Small Village In Peru

This Peruvian villager just reported that 7ft entities have just landed in a small village in Peru. This Peruvian village just revealed that an entity landed in Peru.

For the past twenty four hours, Peru has been trending on social media, and this is because residents in Peru are allegedly encountering seven foot tall entities.

In a rural area called Alto Nanay, located in the northeastern part of Lima Peru, residents who’ve lived in the area for several decades, claim to be experiencing constant encounters with seven foot tall entities.

These mysterious beings are said to have armored bodies and distinct features such as large heads and yellow eyes.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


42 thoughts on “This Peruvian Villager Just Reported That 7ft Entities Have Just Landed In A Small Village In Peru”

  1. 🚨🚨🚨 By Tim Binnall🚨🚨🚨

    Peruvian authorities have identified the alleged aliens that have been terrorizing a village for the past month and revealed that the 'extraterrestrials' were actually a group of miners with a scheme straight out of the classic cartoon Scooby-Doo. The wild case, which made headlines earlier this week, began last month when the Ikitu indigenous people living in the district of Alto Nanay reported nightly visits from fantastic beings, believed to be aliens or supernatural entities, that seemingly possessed the power to levitate. Following an attack on a teenage girl by one of the eerie interlopers, Peruvian authorities descended on the scene to investigate and managed to quickly unmask the nefarious 'ETs.'

    In detailing the findings of their investigation, an official reportedly indicated that the 'visitors' were actually a group of individuals who were illegally mining for gold in the nearby jungle. Amazingly, lest one think that the accounts of levitating aliens were a case of mass hysteria or simply made up out of whole cloth, he explained that the gang actually used jet packs to make it appear as if the 'beings' were not bound by the laws of gravity. The purpose of the elaborate production was to convince the villagers that aliens or supernatural beings had overtaken the jungle so that they fearfully avoided the area while the illegal mining operation was underway.

  2. I don't see how anyone could identify any sort of humanoid shapes in what looks like green spider webs; even by mistake. Let me know when all these strange and weird videos actually take advantage of our wonderful modern image recording technology and deliver something other than blurry images; preying on people's pareidolia in order to generate viewers. Sorry, but in that case, it's just more grifting.

  3. This is bullshit n fake news they doing this for attention. Where are the videos and pictures it’s bullshit. The people that work with the government in military already say that the grays don’t kill people.. it’s bs . If aliens, kill human beings, they would’ve killed human beings a long time ago.

  4. This is the equivalent of grainy footage
    Night time..flash lights…and they dont keep the light on it constantly why?
    They spotted where it apparently was but took the light off i dont get it
    And its a whole group they must of has 20 or 30 flash lights
    This isnt very good footage i call bs like all the other ufo stuff thats come out this year

  5. This is humans fucking with other humans. Holograms, weapons testing and pure evil intent going on right here. This is a spiritual war and the evil will not stop until the masses wake up and understand that most everything you have learned is a lie.

  6. Since the Gov was forced to tell the public about the aliens now they wanna do a false flag allien attack 😅the US government is a bunch of weirdos . They have been sotting on these alien bodies for years im sure they can replicate an alien body or some sort so naw im not falling for this shit

  7. floating face peelers are the worst. They are attracted B.O. and lack of grooming in the pubic regions.
    Toe nail fungus is like intoxication to them. Peroxide in a squirt gun is your best defence

  8. Ty for covering this topic so well. Appreciate your sincerety not just a joke.
    Please ppl remember these folks live in a jungle, are poorer than our homeless ppl. So NO they won't hv high resolution phones.

  9. I think its genuine, this isnt america they have crappy smart phones & dont care about going viral from tik tok in these type of countries. Clearly something weird enough is going on that their all freaking out trying to get video of it for proof & they even asked the military & police to come out & investagate. No one is dumb enough to waste the militarys time for a hoax.

  10. It was illegal miners…. they didn't want the locals messing up their master plans. So like the pos people they are, they dressed up like this. Guess it worked until they got busted.

  11. Wow, I believe now that it is normal , aliens coming into, and out of reality is a scary thing, whats even worse , is there saying these aliens are doing expirments on our bodies, now that’s something else .

  12. they are what in the ufo comunity calls the praying mantis humanoids in iquitu the call them pelacaras translating to face peelers since tribal people has been missing and then found dead with skin removed from parts of their body speacially the face and the tribes say that these humanoids are the blame…i know cause im latina and i speak spanish and ive watched their news cast about it

  13. Prepare for the great deception. They are not aliens rather the fallen ones. The Bible warned us. Jesus/God went to Hell and conquered it for us. Follow him and resist what’s to come

  14. This description is similar to the Vegas sighting in May 2023. But they described them as 8-10 feet tall. I’m starting to believe these sightings are real. I’m also starting to believe that some of the things being seen out there are biblical.

  15. Villagers are saying they are face rippers or something like that, human mutilation their taking the face skin and meat of the people, body's are now turning up without a face and part of the skin around the skulls and their shit scare I know I would be, also the police and the military (navy) have now be brought in. Nothing friendly about these aliens. shoot to kill is what I say. We are NOT someone's science project. I don't wont to end up like the cow mutilations thankyou .After one such 'attack', a 15-year-old girl had to be taken to hospital. According to the community leader, Jairo Reátegui Dávila, the teenager narrowly escaped but 'as a result of the struggle they cut part of her neck.' members of the community are conducting night patrols to protect women, children and the more vulnerable villagers, and have called on the authorities to send in the military which are already there. Locals described the 'extraterrestrials' as having large heads and yellowish eyes, and said the mysterious figures are immune to their hunting weapons.

    They claim they have attacked them every night for nearly a month since July 11.

    Latina Noticias, a Peruvian news outlet, quoted Dávila as saying he had come face-to-face with one of the so-called aliens.

    We have met almost face to face. His face is hardly visible. I have seen his whole body floating at a height of one meter,' he said, suggesting the being was hovering.

    The group have now requested a military presence from the authorities, however it reportedly takes a 10-hour river trip to reach the community from Iquitos City. Some are saying they look like the Grays.Some villagers described the aliens as being like 'pelacaras', strange beings from folklore that feast on human faces, fat and organs.


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