This odd mindset shift cured my procrastination forever.

If procrastination is a problem for you, this is the video for you. While this video doesn’t give you any “tricks” (that will be coming up in a part II video), it aims to give you something even more valuable – an entire new perspective that helps curb procrastination at the root. And in doing so, shift how you think about everything – your self, your life, and what you are truly capable of.

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I have spent most of my life studying and thinking about how to retain what I learn. I have an undergraduate degree from Harvard University, a medical degree from the Yale School of Medicine and finished residency at a Harvard-affiliated hospital. I am now a board-certified doctor practicing in the US. This entire channel is dedicated to the art and science of learning, productivity and success. Stick with me and I promise you too will achieve your goals.

IF YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ME, watch these videos on
– How I got into Harvard (I had to debate AOC in school) =

– What I did after Harvard =

How to create unstoppable habits

– The most simple, efficient and intuitive productivity system ever.

– How to plan and structure your life to achieve literally anything.

– How to unlock 100% of your brain and focus on anything.

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00:00 Intro
00:34 You Die Every Day
2:18 The Sheep Herder
3:00 Tragedy of the Commons
04:37 The Sacred Deal
05:41 The Sacred Community
06:35 Never Disrespect the Tribe
07:30 Self-Altruism
08:17 You Are Stupid Rule

Sound Fx Attribution
theplax – Single Camera Click With Flash (CC BY 4.0 DEED Attribution 4.0 International);

Music Attribution
1) Grey (Dramatic Mysterious Music) by Tyops (CC4.0 creative commons license);
2) Dark mysterious strings by Tyops by Tyops (CC4.0 creative commons license);
3) emotionalviola by DeVern (This work is licensed under the Attribution 3.0 License);
4) I misplaced the credits for the last song. If you are the original creator, please let me know so I can credit you properly.


37 thoughts on “This odd mindset shift cured my procrastination forever.”

  1. Yep, just do what you can for your future self, that course you want to take, that self help book, read all that information that helps you understand the basics around a subject before you delve deeper into details, sometimes understanding a concept is all you need to know what you need to actually spend time in the details.

  2. I implemented this way of thinking for the past three months after watching a Dr.K’s video(Healthy Gamer GG). And I can confirm that it works. Short term pleasures don’t determine my actions any longer.

  3. I honestly don't like that idea, as good as it is
    I dislike it because I want to be myself, I am not self improving for someone else, but for my own fun (even if that someone else is future me. Because I am future me)

  4. I think hell is not to procrastinate and still not become the person 'you could have been' i.e. 'your best self sucks'. This is a mayor motivation behind procrastination

  5. That's interesting. I don't have a stable sense of self (bpd) and I've always described my life as one of those old ViewMaster toys where one moment you're looking at a beach scene and the next moment you're somehow in a forest with no continuity between them. However, my procrastination isn't so much about kicking the can down the road for me to deal with later. It's that the person I am now doesn't want to do the thing and I won't be here tomorrow to deal with it. Some other future-me (not the same me as today) will have to deal with it.

  6. Thank you for your mindset shift. I am a parent, and even though [video: 7:20 min] how heart breaking it would be to be that parent, I could not stop laughing for 5 minutes on how you nailed this simple truth. Thank you for the caution sign, and the laugh! Cheers

  7. I’m just about to watch this video, & I have a good feeling about it . for some reason, I’m moved to offer the following: what does procrastinating indicate about me? . could it be that I’m not being honest with myself about my desires in life? . could it be that I’m blocking myself from rising to the level that I know in every fibre of my being that I‘m made for? . I say this because there’s a distinct feeling when I’m procrastinating, something like, ‘this isn’t at all the life I want to be living’, & ‘I can feel how afraid I am, and how desperate I am to confront that fear’

  8. I really like what you had to say about today being the only day any of us get to "really" experience. Though, I do have to disagree with the idea that future you is not more special than current you.


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