This Letter from the Chairman is Crazy…

The Letter:

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25 thoughts on “This Letter from the Chairman is Crazy…”

  1. I find it hard to even play the game anymore. It just got so repetitive. I remember fighting through bugs to play but now I just barely wanna play it and most bugs seem to be fixed. The game is flooded with trillions of Auec. I myself have more money in game than I know what to do with. No reason to even play anymore. Am I the only one?

  2. "2 years away". When SaltEMike said that, I froze and had a double take.. I had a rush of excitement, hope, doubt, disbelief and scepticism.. I would love for CIG to prove Mike right.. here's hoping.

  3. Funny enough there is a Kickstarter stretch goal at 5 million. "The RSI webcast will feature a monthly Town Hall Q&A with Chris Roberts".
    I really hate it when companies do not adhere to the stretch goals. Especially since it is nothing impossible to do. It is not our fault that they are so far behind to deliver their product.

  4. Guess that explains the shift in tone/development style over the past few months. I really feel like they're abandoning what attracted so many players, their money, and–most importantly–the things that have captured out attention thru all the bugs, broken deadlines, and missing features. Sure, Pyro is coming soon I guess but I just can't get excited any more based on the state of the game, coming changes, and hearing the devs talk about what they want to do next.

  5. One major simple fact. As long as wipes will happen, this "game" will NEVER be an every day game. The whole meat in a game is to progress your character, wealth, etc. There's just ZERO reason to play constantly for the last 12 years. Log in, play some missions, do some pvp, maybe get your bankroll up after a wipe…and then the fun is gone and you wait until the next wipe to see any new features..rinse and repeat. You just have to come to the realization that we are unpaid beta testers. In fact many of us have invested 5-10grand to be a tester. And that's ok. If this "game" becomes all we dreamed it would be….it's money sell spent. Lets hope it happens. I'm still a believer. I just hope I'm not dead before it happens.

  6. When I can buy the RELEASED game for the same price as any MMO…I might start being interested…and then I will wait a year to see what actually happens. No way in hell I will pre-order this game.

  7. NO Dates Given so ..which is Good..but Business as Usual. Also who didn't see them Moving half the company OFF of SQ 42 would speed up Dev of The PU? WHO didn't understand this? Its Good News Yes but..DUH?

  8. What I didn't like about the F8C golden tickets is I was looking forward to something that could only be earned though playing. Let's hope they do add a mission chain that gives something that can't be bought. And everything is always two years away, always…

  9. In two years it will be two years away from being two years from the announcement for a final two year deployment that ends with a two year sales cycle to finally hit that two years to complete!

  10. Star Citizen: 12 years in development AAAAAAA game with 500m+ development budget that changes the game director every 4 years

    If Rich manages to steer this ship to a commercial release as they say he will – that would only happen by cuts, cuts and more cuts. I suspect that also what happened on sq42. And we already see that in SC with things like salvage where even before they cut the claw they've already cut pretty much everything we knew about it.

    Star Citizen will release, maybe even in 2 years – but it won't be anything anyone ever expected

  11. I mean im very sceptical lately, but the amount of stuff already aimed for 3.23 and all the preview tests happenign right now, is making it feel like ALOT is happening right now.
    Im carefully optimistic.


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