This Killed Rooster Teeth

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#mogulmail #ludwig


33 thoughts on “This Killed Rooster Teeth”

  1. I know I drifted away from Rooster Teeth because I grew up, at least it felt that way. Every time I’d check back in on their new shows or projects it just felt entirely too self referential and somewhat childish. Projects that seemed to want wider appeal were just littered with running jokes from some podcast or let’s play video. I don’t know if that killed them, but I think that would definitely inhibit growth of an audience and wouldn’t be enough to sustain all but the most loyal.

  2. Also to note Warner Brothers Discovery (Australia branch) is shutting down its NZ TV News division and all associated news programming. And this isn't like the US where there are many many news channels. There are 2 TV news channels in NZ. Now one, which is state owned. Seems like WB Discovery are spread very thin

  3. A lot of people in the comments are confusing RT with Let's Play and Achievement Hunter. They had fallen off hard in recent years. This day was coming the second they sold to FullScreen. Can''t begrudge them for it, Bernie and co cashed out at the perfect time, right as they saw that growth wouldn't be possible anymore. When RT was essentially just RVB and AH it was cheap, and had a cult following. RWBY was a death kiss from day one, expensive and brought them to a new audience they had to compete with far stronger companies for viewership.

  4. I feel bad for RT, but the amount of bad decisions they made just drove them to the ground. They did way to many things, changed too many things and basically decided to take on projects they were NOT ready for.
    It sucks, but there is a reason why people started leaving around 2015.

  5. This is the danger of scaling up. RT would have been fine if they stayed small, but the demands from their animation department (RWBY) forced them to try and enlarge, get sold out (multiple times) and eventually did the entire thing in. I always felt GEN:LOCK was an attempt to get another revenue source, and suspected RT was financially dying. Turns out, I was correct.

  6. Hey Ludwig, I was wondering what you think of Dropout (formerly collegehumor) considering your comments at 6:40. Slime et al had Zac Oyama on the yard recently, who does a lot of work with Dropout. I think of them as a prominent example for a youtube channel turning into a successful, seemingly stable, independent media company. While they're mainly known for D&D, like Critical Role, they have a surprising amount of non-D&D content on their site. While I'm not entirely sure how popular the shows themselves are, clips of their shows seem to be pretty popular on youtube and TikTok.

  7. Ludwig you have to keep making content. I want to go to your channel and see what's going on. Jk but just found you, for some reason I had the impression that you sucked? but thats obviously not the case. you are cool in bredmons opinion.

  8. I gave up on RT back in 2021. Just couldn't do it anymore. Felt bad considering how long I had been a fan. When I got a job at 15, one of the first things I did was start paying into their brand, cause I loved it and the people behind it. Then merge after merge after merge… pr issue after issue, people I loved quitting, or even layed off. Fucking sucked

  9. I love your idea at 7:33 . You definitely want something to last forver just look at akira toriyama and Dragonball Z. Nothing last forever yes, but concepts like Dragonball Z will last forever. It may not be consistent, but it can stand the test of time.

  10. Ngl it would be cool to see it come full circle to just Geoff, Gus, or Bernie making stuff on their own or together out of their own homes again. RIP RT y’all were my favorite growing up

  11. 7:01 I think that point is fairly valid, but there was a core of creators at RT that most people came to watch (Original AH Crew, Burnie, Gus, etc.) Once they left or started making less content and were replaced with new people viewership fell off significantly

  12. I started watching rooster teeth when i was 11 and they are what sparked my love for gaming. Ive seen their downfall coming for a while but its genuinely so sad to see them go they will always be a special part of my childhood

  13. For me, I was a huge fan of Achievement Hunter and Let's Play before Ryan got dismissed. After that I simply stopped watching as I felt the dynamic had been lost between the group as they had lost their defacto leader

  14. Rooster teeth started circling the drain somewhere between Burnie using owning multiple houses in his weird analogy for being poor, and Mica going on a massive rant how she hates being black because of how bad blacks are.

  15. I've been binging through Tales from the stinky dragon since august last year. Was just about to catch up to the present day, would be devastated if they couldnt continue their podcast any longer. Really funny and talented people.


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