This is THE LAST OF US | A Video Essay

This is THE LAST OF US | A Video Essay

HBO’s The Last Of Us has succeeded where many have failed in the world of video game adaptations for film and television. It managed to stay faithful to the source material while also deviating in meaningful ways that elevated the story. This video explores how Neil Druckmann and Craig Mazin were able to pull it off while other game adaptations couldn’t.


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》Introduction 00:00
》Faithfully Unfaithful 04:08
》Character Portrayals 12:49
》True Faith 21:19





The Last Of Us Original Soundtrack
By Gustavo Santaolalla

The Last Of Us: Part II Original Soundtrack
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1. I state that the creators of the Halo TV show did not play the games, so that they could make the show different. However, this is an error in the script. It had been awhile since I looked into it, and the sentiment I intended to reference [ ] [ ] got exaggerated and transformed in my head. I guess I sort of played my own little game of “Telephone” with…myself? So, to clarify, I retract my claim about the creator’s never playing the games so that they could make something different. That turned out to be more of an interpretation of the articles I’d read rather than verbatim quotes. I apologize. I do however stand by my criticisms of the quality of the show and integrity of the adaptation.

2. I show clips of “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” (2023), which could imply that I think it’s a bad game adaptation. This occurred to me whilst making my final edits before exporting. However, I do not mean to imply that about the movie. As many of you well know, the Mario games aren’t exactly bursting at the seams with narrative and rich lore. I think the film did okay overall in adapting the characters and the world of the games.

#thelastofus #tlou #hbothelastofus #thelastofushbo #thelastofusvideoessay #lastofus

DISCLAIMER: All music used with permission from their respective labels, talent agencies or individual attestants. The film(s) or game(s) displayed belong to their respective owners and are not claimed as a property or product of Tony Bye Media. This video distributes footage of said film(s) or game(s) in the manner of legality as described and written of as “Fair Use” for the purposes of criticism/parody/commentary as outlined in Section 504(c), Title 17 of the US FAIR USE Act.


7 thoughts on “This is THE LAST OF US | A Video Essay”

  1. Hey dude, great video, stumbled on you cause your content is well within my algorithm of long form video essays. If I can make one constructive criticism, you got a deep voice, it's good but I think you can EQ the audio a little more to get some more clarity. Again great video, you just earned yourself a subscriber!

  2. I admit, I was a little bit weary about the description (about it being unfaithful), because I believe the Last of Us' tv adaptation was a masterpiece.
    Some fans of the game were mad that there weren't more infected, more combat. But one of the reason why video games adaptation fail, in my opinion, is the fact that video games cannot be real. They don't make sense. What I mean by that is that it's not possible to have someone who's never touched a gun be a marksman with its first shot. It takes a gamer death after death after death before we can go through a chapter and understand the mechanics. In TV or movies, you cannot have your character die, obviously. It is also impossible to have someone walk into a room and kill 50 people with only 10 bullets like it is possible in video games. Video games are repetition of the same thing over and over and over again. It's hours upon hours of the same thing. You have to stealth through a parking lot and stealth through a town, and kill hoards upon hoards of enemies and you rarely run out of bullets because they either drop it or you can loot around. You cannot bring that to the screen, especially the looting part because everything would've been picked up years ago. So they try to fill the void with storytelling but what they add doesn't make sense with the original story so they need to go back and change the original story so it can match what happens later on, thus changing what we loved about the game in the first place.
    With the last of us, they stayed true to the story and filled the void from that story onward and not backwards like everyone else does. They stayed true to Last Of Us' most important question of "What would I do in this situation?" I have friends who never played the game(s) and are still trying to come to terms with that question after watching the TV show. You could feel the love with every single episode.
    Anyway, this rant is to say GREAT VIDEO, I really enjoyed watching it. Thank you for posting it

  3. Weeeeellll I never played Halo, then I watched the TV series, then I played Halo for the first time. Not going to lie the TV show story was better than Halo:CE. I couldn't bring myself to get past about 1/4 of Halo 2, I was just not invested enough in the story or the characters, and unfortunately I don't like FPS so I can't enjoy the gameplay while just tolerating the story bits.

    I dislike how people flash up Uncharted whenever mentioning bad video games. I would rate Uncharted as reasonably watchable, not awful. Having played and loved all the Uncharted games (excerpt the PSP one) there was lots to be disappointed about. But I was not one of those who hated the direction of going with a younger Nate start. And Nate starting out as a petty thief / barman in NYC is much more believable than him tripping around in South America trying to steal a unique artifact as the way he and Sully meet. Marky Mark as Sully though…that was a mistake. I'm not a Marky Mark hater, he's been great in stuff, just not Sully.

    As to the Last of Us loved the games loved the TV show. By the end of game two I was not at all conflicted about it. It was brilliant, no question. Did it make me feel things I didn't want to feel? Totally, but that was part of the brilliance.

  4. I’m sorry for being negative, but I just didn’t like it. They copied almost exactly some scenes of the game so the ones who played it would stay happy and satisfied, and then went for new things that didn’t really add that much, though they were enjoyable. Sadly, the best episodes are 1, 3 and 7, which had nothing to do with the story of Joel and Ellie… and that’s saying a lot. Aside from that, Pedro Pascal just doesn’t have the range for recreating this particular character, he was trying too hard and then not at all. Finally, I didn’t feel the horror or consequences, because there was no threat really. The horror lasted the first 2 episodes because they grounded it very well, connecting it with what we already lived in 2020, but that was it. It’s better to just play the game all over again and stay critical with these adaptations, so they can do even better. Pd: Arcane is the best series adaptation.

  5. That description of how growing up with certain religious belifes can and does affect certain possibilities in the mind as you experience media such as games and movies really hit home and was great. I was raised like that too and I agree 100% with what you said there. Beliving that demons and possession are a thing that can truely happen made horror movies and games like the quiji board terrifying to me. And always thinking and being told that the rapture/end of the world was right around the corner really helped bring out the lifetime anxiety that has been a big part of my life since the begining, Sorry, I guess this is pretty long winded. I just appreciated what you said. I don't hear a lot of people talk about that. Good video man! Thanks!


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