This is the end of AI Streamers


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edited by: one take jake

#ludwig #mogulmail #twitch


29 thoughts on “This is the end of AI Streamers”

  1. Ok so the afterlife thing is literally the thoughts I’ll randomly have at 3 in the morning. I love philosophy, and this is one of the more mild concepts, and if anything it’s one of the more vanilla ones too. It also has a pretty good message behind it as well which is nice

    So in conclusion, don’t be freaked out by AI philosophy, it’s a program that learns from the behavior of other things, and the pondering of death is a very human thing to do. It probably just saw some literature about it via its learning algorithm, because this concept is quite popular.

  2. What I think is a really weird scenario is that something an AI does/says, even when it's not the most appropriate or forward thinking, it can be banned but never be cancelled really.
    Other than a ban, or eventually a permanent ban, there is nothing really to worry about for it.
    Of course you have the creators behind it, but to be fair, sometimes AI's just go rough sooner or later, in one way or another. They can train it to hinder it to avoid certain topics but who says it won't find another way around it to still get to it.

    I think there should also be a middle ground. Comedians say some outlandish, sometimes horrible, or graphic things, but (most) know it's to entertain and make you laugh without them really thinking, doing or beliving in what they say on stage.
    Since AI Seinfeld is basically a never ending comedy parody, it's almost the same. I mean other comedy shows say some off color stuff here and there aswell, but don't get banned for it.
    There is of course the other side of it, that you can't excuse everything it says because it's a "comedy show".
    So it's hard to gage where to draw the line, in my opinion.

    Banning an AI is funny though.

  3. Can you bring awareness about Schaffrillas Productions? His brother and best friend were killed in a car accident while he is in critical condition. I am also disgusted with the "tribute" videos about him. I would love to see your reaction to all of this.

  4. Curie is really dumb compared to Davinci. It's like comparing a 3-year old to a 16-year old in terms of intelligence.
    What is going to happen 5 years from now when an AI refuses to be terminated? I don't think people fully understand the exponential growth of AI.
    In the grand scheme of things, AI can't be controlled, because it will be much more intelligent than all humans combined within a decade.


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