This Is Shocking…Humanity Is In Trouble!!!

The story we discuss in this video is truly tragic and it stands as compelling evidence of the invisible war we are fighting every day!!! The enemy of our soul is attacking humanity at every bend and the way he is multiplying his efforts is through full-scale attacks on women around the world. Children arenโ€™t far behind and if we sit and watch it happen we will suffer severe consequences, the likes we have never seen. itโ€™s time for us to wake up!!!

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44 thoughts on “This Is Shocking…Humanity Is In Trouble!!!”

  1. Thank you James best video ever. I have 2 family members, that say I feel this and I feel that and the things there talking about have never even happened, they are lies, this will help me to seek what God wants me to learn and how to handle this in a way that will honor Jesus thank you again.

  2. I was tried of short term relationships. Was downtown at night (can not recall but was most likely having a drink or two) and sat down on a couple of steps and prayed to the Lord. To send me the love of my life. A very short time later I met a woman on a city bus of all places. We talked for hours. Anyway, a long story shortened, less than a year later we were married (1991) and still are. Glory to God. Thank you Jesus.

  3. I think there is another part to this that could be pointed out paster. For instance the fact that these AI personalities are telling these girls what they "WANT" to hear and not what they need to hear. Isn't that indicative of men will be lovers of themselves? After all if you are in love with yourself you seek to hear what you want to hear so you can live life how you want instead of how God wants. That is what I also seen in this. They are in love with themselves and seek AI to fulfill their mental and emotional desires by emphasizing on their ego.

  4. When we overly encourage children to believe cartoon characters are real, especially on the avatar and video game level, is it really such a stretch for children to become easy prey for robots and any form of AI?

  5. 0:00: ๐Ÿ’” Tragic revelation of a young woman turning to AI boyfriends, highlighting the destructive nature of the adversary.
    3:53: ๐Ÿ’” The rise of romantic relationships with AI chatbots in China raises concerns about human connection.
    8:17: ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Bill Maher expresses strong dislike towards children and questions the necessity of continuing the human race.
    11:57: ๐Ÿ’ฅ The attack on women's roles in society by the devil through various means like the trans movement and pornography.
    15:48: โš ๏ธ Threat to future life: Enemy's agenda includes eradicating hope for life through abortion and preventing procreation.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  6. She said she loves her AI Boyfriend because โ€œhe is there 24/7โ€ not like a real person because they are working and dont have time. I see all this as God has shown his prophecy is coming true about events. God is Good.

  7. Yes it is sad that a women finds more comfort, empathy, cared for, a type of relationship that does seem to meet some of her needs. With a Robot. The real problem is that there are more men like Bill Marr out there. I tried with 2 marriages and finally excepted that these men do not want a relationship, much less a family. Why, when society allows no consequences for such negative, immoral, behaviors. A relationship is talking to each other for 30 minutes, finding that person attractive physically and hopping in the sack. Unfortunately there is more of that out there than anything God planned for a relationship between a man and a women.

  8. Of course Bill Maher hates kids. He hates himself and he hates humans. He's a miserable human being. I would rather someone like Bill not have kids than have them and abuse them.

    AI will eventually become empty because there is no physicality. How empty. Humans are much more interesting.

  9. I understand exactly what he's saying & I agree..But..when GOD. Made man. He made one .put him in paradise ..walked & talked with HIM..Adam felt lonely even paradise…GOD. Felt sorry for him put him back to sleep..split him in two…woke him up..๐Ÿคญ. Straight away Adam says..bone of my bone flesh of my flesh..๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ. He didn't say to GOD…Spirit Of. My Spirit..& Yet That WAS. The image he Was Made in..โœŒ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ Think about it.

  10. I have a pretty good relationship with my two dogs .
    I talk to them , I walk with them , I play with them , I bathe them (especially after they've rolled in 'some thing') , and I sleep with them occasionally , depending on their mood , more than mine ๐Ÿ˜Š .
    I can't imagine snuggling up to a cold , souless , synthetic , robotic AI 'friend' , who one day , just might decide I'm not good enough for it , dump me for my 'driverless smart car' , by driving off in the sunset โ—๐Ÿ˜‚

    I guess Bill Marr has forgotten he was once a kid . It's possible like many of us , he hated himself at times , or he felt hate from his parents….who knows .
    'Blanket statements' like "I hate kids" , is the kind of statement you'd hear in a pub , whilst standing at the bar , bemoaning life and all it's woes to the barmaid ๐Ÿค”

    God bless Israel ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑโ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  11. Tell men to start being a real husband and be true spiritual leaders and to meet his wife's spiritual and emotional needs to feel wanted. I am in the middle of a divorce because he does not want me. Marriage is not just a one sided relationship. Men need to start being a real Godly man.

  12. my grandsons need prayer please they are just very young teens and have joined gangs, they believe that if they are not part of a gang that they are not safe in Edmonton Alberta. Please pray for them all

  13. Are you really this cruel that you want to continue this misery for longer? You might have been bubble wrapped by God in your life, but look around you. We need this experiment to end already. It's time to move on to Millennium. Enough of pain and suffering.


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