This is NOT OK!

We joined Nachi Gordon at the ‎@MeaningfulPeople  Meaningful People Podcast to talk Israel’s war in Gaza.

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Rabbi Manis Friedman is a world-renowned author, counselor, lecturer and philosopher who uses ancient wisdom and modern wit to captivate audiences around the world. For bookings, please call Zalman at 800-656-5669

Produced by It’s Good To Know


33 thoughts on “This is NOT OK!”

  1. dec 2 2023 at Philippines Malawi a Christian mass gathering was bomb by Muslims terrorists..4died and many serious injured..we suffer this ideology for many decade..many innocent died many time the leader of my country want to powdered this place that terrorists become more ..some civilian join that barbaric..and un always interfere..human right but where is the human right of all victims of this ideology

  2. Good concise analysis of morality during a war, simple yet profound. I also appreciated your Esau and Ishmael perspective, fit almost perfectly. Where do the German Nazis fit in, I always thought that Germany was Edom which doesn't fit with with Esau just 'collecting hunting trophies', but actually looking to erase the Jewish nation, more like Ishmael.

  3. During the period from 1941 to 1945, from 415 to 440 thousand Muslim volunteers of the following categories served in the German armed forces (see Table 2):

    – Arabs and Muslim Indians – respectively 5 and 2 thousand;

    – Muslims – citizens of the Balkan states – about 115-125 thousand;

    – Muslims – citizens of the USSR – about 290-305 thousand people. [229]

    This is approximately equal to 22-23% of the total number of foreign volunteers and 2.5-2.6% of the total strength of the German armed forces for the period from 1939 to 1945. As for the percentage of Muslim and non-Muslim volunteers in each national category, then it was next. Among the Arab volunteers, they were 100%, among the Indians – about 70%, among the representatives of the Balkan peoples – about 42%, and among the volunteers from the citizens of the USSR – about 20%. With this number of volunteers, an average of 34–35 German infantry divisions or divisional-type formations could be completed (see Table 4).

    In reality, the following units and formations of the German armed forces, either entirely or together with German (or other foreign) personnel, were completed by Muslim volunteers.

    Arab volunteers (about 5 thousand people in total) were part of one Regimental-type Special Purpose Unit, as well as 5 battalions (either separate or as part of larger units).

    Indian Muslim volunteers (about 2 thousand people in total) were part of about 10 of the 15 companies of the 950th Indian Motorized Regiment.

    The Balkan Muslims were distributed as follows:

    Albanians (about 60-65 thousand people in total) were part of 4 rifle regiments, 4 "fascist" police battalions and 3 territorial police regiments. Subsequently, most of these units were disbanded, and their personnel went to staff the 21st Albanian division of the SS "Skanderbeg".

    Bosnian Muslims (about 55-60 thousand people in total) initially served either in the armed forces of the Independent State of Croatia, or were part of the local Croatian-Muslim militia units (regiment / brigade). Subsequently, all these units were disbanded, and their personnel went to staff two Bosnian divisions of the SS troops: the 13th "Handshar" and the 23rd "Kama". In addition, one battalion of Bosnian Muslims from 1941 to 1943 operated on the Eastern Front as part of the Croatian Legion.

    And finally, the most numerous category – Soviet Muslims – were equipped with the following units and formations:

    Volunteers from the republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan ("Turkestanis") (about 180 thousand people in total) were part of 26 reinforced field, reserve, labor and economic battalions; 111 marching, economic, sapper, railway and road construction companies; 303rd Infantry Regiment of the 162nd Turkic Infantry Division; and one battle group (regiment) of the Eastern Turkic SS formation.

    North Caucasian volunteers (about 28-30 thousand people in total) were part of 9 reinforced field battalions; one battalion of the Highlander Special Forces; 3 sapper, railway and road construction companies; 2 fortress regiments; 1 battle group of the Caucasian SS formation; and a separate Sonderkommando "Shamil", which consisted of three groups with a force up to a platoon.

    Azerbaijani volunteers (about 25-35 thousand people in total) were part of 15 reinforced field battalions; 1 battalion of the Special Forces "Highlander"; 21 marching, construction and economic companies; 314th Infantry Regiment of the 162nd Turkic Infantry Division; and 1 battle group of the Caucasian SS formation. [231]

    Volga-Tatar volunteers (about 40 thousand people in total) were part of 7 reinforced field battalions; 15 economic, sapper, railway and road construction companies; and 1 battle group of the Eastern Turkic SS formation.

    Crimean Tatar volunteers (about 15-20 thousand people in total) were part of 14 self-defense companies; 8 battalions of the Auxiliary Order Police; 1 mountain chasseur regiment (then brigades); 1 combat group of the Eastern Turkic SS formation; and also – as "voluntary assistants" – the 35th SS Police Grenadier Division.

  4. The Israelis should learn from the United States and England how to treat the civilian population of Gaza with humanity. Just as the Americans killed in Iraq war from 500.000-1000000 “innocent” supporters of Sadam Husein -the moslem nazi and just as the humane British exterminated the native population of Australia, New Zealand and Canada, America, India, and then occupied the foreign lands and built the British colonies there, so that their European descendants now live on these lands and the humane British exterminated the local population. Bisides that, during the world war 2,the prime minister of Britain Winston Churchill killed from 150-200 thousand innocent germans only in Dresden. So Israel should learn from the humane Americans and British how to deal fairly with the “innocent” population of Gaza.

  5. Israel's Gaza bombardment 'one of
    most intense civilian punishment
    campaigns in history
    Robert Pape, a political science
    professor at the University of Chicago,
    says with about 1 percent of the
    population killed in Gaza since the war
    began, the Israeli campaign is "in the
    top 25 percent of all bombing
    campaigns in history in terms of
    civilian damage". Of course you should feel guilty just like germans

  6. the germans essentially used this same philosophy of war against the jews during wwii and it's supposedly the worst thing ever perpetrated by the human race. the jews were treated not as civilians but as enemies of the state without their ever picking up a weapon.

  7. Rabbi, you are one of the morally logical people. I followed you. However, you are wrong in this specific occasion. Israel specifically target hospitals and with kids. Gaza is in blockade where they can leave? And why they need to leave their homes…. We all know all these killing is for MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX IN USA.

  8. Not everyone has this knowledge, of your specific side, reference, you ard quoting, of, your version, of what a cavilian is. You actually, quoted, a term used in war, as who is a prisoner, in war you serender, and perhaps you live, perhaps you ars taken prisoner,

  9. I seek you with all the spirit with in me. For when your judgements are wrought on earth, The inhabitants of the world learn righteousness. But when the scoundrel is spared, he learns not righteousness, in place of integrity, he does wrong— He ignores the majesty of the Lord

  10. Awesome very knowledgeable man full of wisdom. I cudnt understand the Hebrew language but know the Holy Bible so I could make out who is who in the narration. I PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM

  11. 5:06 Thank you Rabbi Manis for these words of wisdom.
    Now I know, that Hamas did not kill civilians, because those people did not properly surrender.
    …I could not be more disheartened by You and disgusted by your "logic". I looked towards you for words of wisdom form time to time… what a shame.
    btw. 5:45 yes, yes it exactly is! Especially when it is not a war, but a massacre of people you have been occupying for decades… And again, you just excused all of Hamas actions.

  12. Its crazy the two religion are basically the same, but how people are using these two religion to impose their atrocities and tyranny and the desire to do evil is as transparent as day light.

  13. ESU was forced to become a hunter because the individuals whom He trusted with His vineyard betray Him and stole the inheritance that Rightfully belonged to Him. So they Killed the Son and robbed Him of His inheritance. And have been misusing and abusing His inheritance. The husbandmen do Not have a rightful claim to ESU's inheritance. It always has and Always will be His and Only His. Period.


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