This is How Russia lost all it's tanks in Ukraine

Did you know that already in 2023, Russia may be without a single combat-ready tank?

I did some research and found out that the Russians have lost almost all their combat-ready tanks in Ukraine. And Russia’s industry is no longer able to produce modern tanks in the necessary quantities.

In this video I will show you how Russia has squandered its tank potential and what will happen to Russia when it is left without a single tank.

So, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia inherited about 22,000 tanks, but it later became known that these numbers were over exaggerated.

A more accurate estimate before the war with Ukraine, Russia had 13,600 tanks in its fleet, which is also a lot. No other country had as many tanks as Russia.
But it is interesting that 10,200 tanks remained in storage and only 3,400 tanks were in service in the Russian army. That is, only 3,400 tanks were ready for combat. Out of them only 1,200 tanks were new and upgraded. For example, Russia had several hundred T-90 tanks and several hundred T-80 tanks. They were equipped with all modern equipment and were able to fight the most difficult battles in fields and in the cities.

When Russia invaded Ukraine, Putin threw the best and most modern tanks at capturing Kiyv. And in the first month of the war alone, the Ukrainians destroyed 530 of Russia’s best tanks. With the help of Western Javelins and NLAW anti-tank systems, the Ukrainians destroyed entire columns of Russian tanks.

Furthermore, during the fighting, Russia continued to lose about 10 to 12 tanks a day. And by November 7th, Russia had already lost 2,770 tanks in Ukraine. That means, the Russians have only 630 combat-ready tanks left.
But this figure does not seem to be final either. During the counterattack Ukraine took away about 400 more tanks as trophies from Russia. Therefore, Russia was left with approximately 230 combat-ready tanks.
Judging by the rate of losses in Ukraine, it is safe to say that next year Russia risks being left without tanks at all if they do not make radical decisions in this direction.

To make up for the losses, Russia has launched a large-scale program to reactivate old, Soviet-era tanks.

Yes, we have not forgotten that the Russians have another 10,200 preserved tanks, but there are also a lot of problems with them.
All these tanks can be conditionally divided into three groups.

Recently it turned out that almost half of these tanks are not suitable for restoration at all and are nothing more than scrap metal. They were stored for decades in so-called “tank graveyards” without proper care.


25 thoughts on “This is How Russia lost all it's tanks in Ukraine”

  1. At the battle of stalinegrad, the Germans ran out of fuel for their tanks. so they dug holes to park the tanks, and covered them with straw. When they finally got fuel they went to start them, they discovered the mice had eaten out all the wiring. so everyone has probably taken a bite out of the russian tank fleet. 😆 🤣 😂

  2. Xi is saying to Putin don't worry we'll help you if Nato jumps in and as soon as Vladdy turns his back he'll feel a searing pain in his a$s as Xi and a yellow hoard of 10 million zips stick it in, remember communists have no friends just uneasy alliances.

  3. Gee, it sounds like poor Putin is in a corner. But doesn't he have the world's largest nuclear arsenal including the most tactical battlefield nuclear weapons? I'm glad you are sure he will not use any of those in desperation, I wish I had your faith in Mr. Putin.

  4. This is not about some answer to why russia lost all it's tank in Ukraine – so i give u bad carma . – U are just someone repeat and copy what we know and heard before. Bad carma to U

  5. "And by November 7th, Russia had already lost 2,770 tanks in Ukraine. That means, the Russians have only 630 combat-ready tanks left."

    Funny thing then how Russia currently operates over 2 thousand modern tanks in and near Ukraine. AND another several hundred each in the east and south of the country.

    Oh, did you miss that 80-90% of the photos of "destroyed Russian tanks" on oryx is actually Ukrainian? Poor you, being so incompetent. Can't even see the difference of vertical and horizontal cage armor. Tch tch tch…
    When PROPERLY looked at, less than 5% could be verified as actually RUSSIAN.

    "During the counterattack Ukraine took away about 400 more tanks as trophies from Russia."

    Mmm, how about *lolnope!*?

    There were 14 RUSSIAN tanks in the Kharkov region that Russia didn't bother to evacuate when they left the area.

    "When Russia invaded Ukraine, Putin threw the best and most modern tanks at capturing Kiyv. And in the first month of the war alone, the Ukrainians destroyed 530 of Russia's best tanks."


    NO "HE" DID NOT. Are you bloody stupid? Noone sends 30000 troops to try to capture a city of 3 MILLION, with over 50 thousand troops within 7 days of travel.
    The only thing that went into Kiev were several recon PLATOONs.
    The units that went to outside of Kiev didn't even HAVE 530 tanks FFS!!! HALF that many. And when they left, MOST of them returned by their own power.

    Complete and utter propaganda garbage.

  6. Russia has nuclear weapons, so they really have nothing to fear about invasion. They do have lots to fear from trying expansion, which is where they are. Even bigger is the fear of business isolation, which can ruin even their corruption-laced economy.

  7. Well, about China. Russia still has more nukes than China, and whilst using them in an offesive war is one thing, using them against a china invading russia is another entirely.

  8. A tank is just a modern-day version of Hitler’s furnaces/ovens. Back in the day, Hitler used to send people to furnaces to die. These day, Putin is sending people in tanks into enemy territory to die. A holocaust is a holocaust regardless of how you justify it or explain it to the public.

  9. Russia lost 1700 Tanks maybe 2000 by the end of this year, with 1000 active in Russia mostly in the Southern borders (they will stay there), they have already exploited the easy to restore T-72s in replacing in quantities the lost Tanks in Ukraine since they are reluctant to send T-80s (Ukrainian tech/unreliable gas turbine engine…), in the 7000 stored T-72s only 1500-2000 can be restored and most of them if not all are already in Ukraine and sustaining further casualties or abandoned and the rest is scrap at best (obsolescence, corruption/plunder, bad storage conditions), the T-80s with the unreliable energy hungry gas turbine engines,(complicating logistics and maintenance- relying on T-72 variants and diesel) now it is the only way, the 3000-4000 that have only 10-15 years of storage time unlike the obsolete T-72 and relatively simple to repair with diesel as a fuel.
    Maybe they can restore 2000 T-80s with +1000 remaining to be restored later as the last attrition replacement plan.
    The whole usable soviet stockpile of armor and ammo (All kinds of heavy weaponry) will be depleted in Ukraine next year.
    Most of Russian IFVs are destroyed and the whole stored stockpile of 2500-3000 Bmp-2 cannot replace the quantities lost unless taking hundreds of (BMD-2/4) from the air assault paratroopers without reserve left (not including old bmp-1 (some 7000) that is a coffin in wheels) and will be used to carry troops at best.
    The worst is that the industry cannot even reach prewar levels.
    The last wave of russian assault is the reservists with reactivated T-80s (T-80Us mostly) and bmp-2 (IFVs) and MT-LP (APCs) and most of SP-ARTILLERY, with No buffer except active duty in Russia proper and some few hundred Tanks (T-72/T-80s) sent to factories for upgrade to (T-72B3M/T-80BVM) to form the post war Tanks of the active service along with production T-90Ms (slow).
    That will see light after the war, some 2000 Tanks maximum (out of combat), and what ever Tanks return will be incorporated into the active duty until reaching the 2700-3000, and the rest to the reserve force.
    Russia will lose another 2000 Tanks in the War, and 4000 will remain between active duty and reserve (half will be T-90/72 and the other half T-80BVM/U).
    +4000 destroyed 4000 remaining and +5000 scrap metal to be destroyed and salvaged for metals.

  10. The post war fleet (not counting museums and Syrian attrition T-62Ms), After all the efforts, Russia will have lost 4000 Tanks (T-90/80/72), 5000 will be deemed as scrap and un-repairable (mostly T-72s), 4000 remaining (some 2200 T-80U/BV to BVM, 1800 T-90A/M& T-72B/B3M).
    After the upgrades during and post war, it will be 3000 active service Tanks (including Marines & paratroopers) 1200 T-72B3M + 600 T-90M + 1200 T-80 BVM.
    1000 T-80U in reserve/operational storage.
    1800 (T-90M/72B3M) in western/southern district, 1200 T-80BVM in Central and mostly eastern district.
    And 1000 T-80U reserve storage across the country.
    Waiting for T-14 in the next decades to put the T-72/80s in reserve/storage.

  11. I dont see china invade siberia. But they will , 'take over' the many central asian republics whos names we cannot memorize. Those countries are rich in resources, desparately needed for chinees manufactering.


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