This Home Renovation Show Ruined People's Houses

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Trading Spaces was a show on TLC where a set of neighbors would renovate a room in each other’s homes with the help of a professional designer. It was based on a BBC show called Changing Rooms, and there were a lot of… questionable design choices made throughout the years. Most of them pointed back to one single source. Let’s talk about it.






0:00 Trading Spaces
5:55 Sponsor
7:19 The Worst Designer Ever
12:53 TLC Didn’t Care


44 thoughts on “This Home Renovation Show Ruined People's Houses”

  1. There was one where they made a black and white tile effect on the floor using…black contact paper squares. Contact paper. Another where they took a guy's Matchbook car collection and embedded thrm in a resin countertop. Ruined the cars completely.

  2. I use to love that show but, I would always say if I were to be on it, I did not want Hildy anywhere near my house, or any room in it. Never saw her do anything the least bit attractive. Were they for real that she was a decorator?

  3. 1:06 – "…So 'Trading Spaces' featured some of the most distasteful and potentially home-ruining renovations on TV…"
    Have you not heard of "Love It Or Go Way Over Budget Because Hilary Always Picks The Load Bearing Walls To Tear Down So Half The Original Plans Get Scrapped List It?"
    6:06 – I wasn't disgusted by what I found, more like surprised. I'm currently employed at Cornell University, and the son I didn't know I had runs a youth empowerment program in Pennsylvania. (I'm proud of you, son!) Oh, and I'm typing this from the Great Beyond, as sadly I passed on Jan. 24, 2024 at the age of 58.

    Gluing hay to a wall? Obviously Hildy knows nothing about hay, when it's dry it burns very easily. If it gets humid in the house, it WILL hold moisture and get moldy.

  4. The thing is, only on a reality show can an interior designer be this “edgy” and still make money.

    In “real life”, a “designer” like this would have absolutely no clients, no portfolio in which to sell their services, no positive customer reviews.

    A successful interior designer MUST listen to the client, understand their lifestyle, how they their space, and take their “foot down” rules as ABSOLUTE, SET IN STONE LAW.

  5. "this straw is absolutely disgusting" "I am SO glad you knew it was straw 😍 because that's what we did, we fuckin' glued a whole barns worth of straw to your wall"
    "do NOT fuck with our fireplace" " 💅 heyyyyyyyyyy bestie, we fixed your boomer ah fireplace 💅 you're welcooooooome ✨ "

  6. Some of her designs seemed to match somewhat with what other people wanted. The one with all the flowers glued up could've been alright for someone, but she deliberately chose to do exactly what they said they hated, like wtf?

  7. I used to watch the show trading places all the time. But when they botched that woman's house with a brown room and destroyed her fireplace I never watched it again. I was crying along with her probably even as much or more than the homeowner. I really felt her pain. It was a disgusting show and I would never watch it again.

  8. Great video. You could have included the whore’s palace by Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen on Changing Rooms. It became a huge thing in Britain, with another tv station (BBC competition) helping the home owner to fix the mess.

  9. Any time Hildy was involved I would cringe. There were a couple of designers who were actually good, but for the most part, it was horrid. And some of the neighbors would even try to stop some of the changes.

  10. I’ll never forget the one where the designer covered dining room walls with like felt and the poor homeowner just kept saying she had dogs, how was she supposed to keep it clean… it was so awful. I believe it was Hildi who was the WORST designer.

  11. some of these seriously should have come with some serious criminal charges, fines and economic responsibility to fix the damage they did, the pots of course cant be restored so instead they should have been held economically liable for teh damages and then some.
    its clear that Paige woman is a sadist, she clearly got a kick out of presenting rooms and homes to people they would clearly hate, and taht designer wanabee woman clearly had issues upstairs with how she came up with those absurd designs.
    they seriously shoudl have been sued and forced to cover fgull renovation to fix the shit they did to these people

  12. I knew you had a twin.. no fr tho at first it was like.. ok this is kind of weird.. then you laughed at your own joke and I was like, “oh that was kind of cringe.” Then I was like, “well technically he’s not laughing at his own jokes.. he’s laughing with himself.” Then when the ad read hit I was like.. “oh dang best ads ever.”

  13. Im glad Scott came back. Its been so long since we've seen him. You know Scott. You should make a podcast with Scott. It would be so fun. And also you guys look so similar. Are you guys like twins 😂😂😂

  14. Oh, those decorators did whatever they wanted. Colors people hated. Covered fireplace function controls. Really made impractical decor. In 1 case, a neighbor said that he was calculating the cost to fix what they'd done per decorator.

  15. I lived in England when that teapot episode aired. I was thinking it was a bad risk when they hung up those shelves, but knew for sure that the weight of those books would finish it off very badly…I felt so sorry for her!


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