This Far-Right Group Is Taking Your Rights

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#Politics #Commentary #Drama


38 thoughts on “This Far-Right Group Is Taking Your Rights”

  1. Here in Ohio, there's an amendment on the ballot to protect abortion rights. The No campaign has signs that say on one side "Protect Children" (predictably), but the other side reads "Protect Parents Rights". Now, we've heard that last one quite a bit, but this time it's even more sinister than usual. Issue 1 is about abortion. Nothing more, nothing less. Trans people (the usual topic of "parents rights") aren't on the ballot. What "parent's right" would be relevant here, other than the right to force your 15 year old daughter to drop out of school and become a single mom?

  2. The global society has for too long kept it socially acceptable to be a forcebirther. Remember when Canada honoured a nazi, and people rightfully went like "hey wait a minute, that guy is a nazi, what the HELL are you doing???". Imagine if forcebirthers were kept to the same standard.

  3. The ADF may have well included a phrase like,"We will eventually get more queer children to kill themselves…and God will be very happy." in that inspirational voice…one of the places where I diverge from my liberal Christian peers is that religion has no room for marginalized people unless they submit to christofascism and honestly they're fooling themselves about the true purpose of religion. Stop the authoritarian ghouls who run the ADF!

  4. Y'know it's pretty fitting when the ADF video says "Freedom cannot survive in a culture that has abandoned truth and rejected reality" while zooming to a church pulpit. That's actually the most based thing in the video tbh.

  5. My rule of thumb is any political action group with "Freedom", "Liberty" or "Independence" in their name is subject for scrutiny and suspicion, because totalitarians have been know to use misnomers to fool the credulous.

  6. Jesus helps me control my evil thoughts. Proverbs and Psalms. There's a hole inside of me that i tried to fill with drugs and women. I was never satisfied. Jesus is filling that hole and im kicking addictions butt.

  7. Their name also shows how insane the conservative's idea of "freedom" is.
    to a conservative freedom is not just them being able to do as they please but their way of life being "free" from being challenged be it by outlawing other ways of life, banning those deemed as "undesirables" or being "free" to turn the so called "undesirables" into an underclass they're "free" to abuse, brutalize, opress, exploit and kill.
    In other words, they want to return tot he dark ages.

    NGL, the more they show their true colors the more I think they should leave advanced civilization and move to uninhabited land so they can larp as medievals alone where they'll only harm eachother.

  8. I'm sick and tired of stuff like this, I'm tired of worrying about the rights of me and others being taken away.
    I'm just a sixteen year old, I shouldn't be worried about loosing my life just because of who I love, I know there's always atleast a bit of hope, someone who will fight back but I can't help but fear that I will continue to watch my rights as a human being slip from beneath me.

  9. The book "the Family" and the netflix series the "family" is about weaponizing christianity to attain absolute power and wealth over the masses. These zealots are very cruel and dangerous. They will use violence to force everyone to comply, to obey, and to conform to their ways of thinking and doing. They are Christian nationalists and want a theocratic dictatorship. 😡😡😡

  10. The freedom to take away others' freedoms. The freedom to be a total shitbag to people for their identity for purely avoidable unnecessary reasons. The freedom to refuse to grow a brain cell or give a shit about anyone other than yourself

  11. Not just that. Conservatives want to ban PRENATAL TESTING.
    That's right, they don't want mothers to know that the fetus they carry didn't fully formed or has deformities that are not compatible with life or even that that fetus will die inside them which would lead to sepsis and life of the mother.
    They want women and infants to die! It has nothing to do with religion. They are insane and evil.
    They aren't just destroying abortion rights, they are destroying the quality of care for mothers and infants. They want raped 10 year olds carrying these babies to term. They want women to carry to term even if it results in their death.
    These people are evil.


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