This Cop's Reaction to The Bible at Pride Festival Will Leave You Speechless

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38 thoughts on “This Cop's Reaction to The Bible at Pride Festival Will Leave You Speechless”

  1. Just watched this on YouTube for the first time today. Aside from that, it is good to show this on YouTube. God bless that man for preaching this"evil" that is going on. If I were that man, I, too, would be doing the same thing, maybe getting a lawyer to sue the entire city and the PD for everything dollar and cent until they have nothing but the clothes on their backs and they sleep with the evil and the filth that they got every night in the entire month of June. LOVE IS LOVE? BS, total BS👺! To the media or government or those people who are a part of the LGBTQ community want to fight for equal rights like everyone else, including me, anyone else who hates God, if they want want a war or blood or "raspberry jam", fire🔥, fury or a violent bloodbath, or vengeance, go one, keep banging their head on the wall, keep hitting themselves, maybe it'll knock some sense into them or let God sort them out. The only pride 🏳️‍🌈 that I'm celebrating is Straight Pride "1 man, 1 woman" that's it 🤵‍♂️👰‍♂️👍🙂💒🙏!

  2. It is disorderly when these people show up at an LGBT event and spread hate and tell them that they are evil for being themselves the way God made them to be that’s just wrong! And should not be tolerated period! Spread love not hate! Show support not discrimination! Follow the golden rule and treat people the way you would like to be treated! Thank you!🤓

  3. First it was we should allow them to live their own lives to now it's we should adopt and promote perversion. Now it's to the point if you disagree with them pushing their perversion on our streets, you get arrested? Wow The Roman empire fell from immorality and if things don't get turned around looks like America is heading down that same path of destruction

  4. These are just the signs of the times, the prophecies in daniel and revelation, of David and king Nebeckunezzer are showing themselves. We all, me included, need to take a step back and be humbled. We need to pray for help and guidance, He will provide for the faithful in the end of time until He homes to claim us, his bride.

  5. If anyone has read any of the Bible they'd see Jesus was also arrested for speaking the 'truth'! Ppl don't realize they'll have to stand before God to give an account for allowing this evil to be perpetuated and accepted!Shameful to see parents with young children witnessing this abomination.Lord have mercy! Valid point why this one sidedness? Why can't Gods message have a voice? Why is he silenced and others can parade half naked considered ok?

  6. I swear this is boiling me up. To all the saints filled with the Holy Spirit. Our time will come, Yeshua will judge righteously. And if these people do not Repent(turn away from their sins) Yeshua will have the last say. The enemy has these people so blinded that they will be in Hell with them. They do not follow His commandments. They are confused!!! The author of confusion is SATAN. Not this corny Satan as you think. I’m talking about Satan!!

  7. Well said brother…I just wonder y didn't this man have a army with him or even his friend stood up finished the passage for him @ least..fear struck the cop knowing the word triumphs these lost souls & his..God will have his judgement days soon

  8. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe in the last days God will turn people over to a reprobate mind, we are so far gone. We can’t even tell the difference between right and wrong. This, of course is taking place before Jesus comes back!

  9. The cop is spiritually deranged. Wow! Is this the Soviet Union? Years ago, I wondered how persecution of Christians could ever come to the United States. Well, it’s here! The Lord is separating the wheat from the chaff! Get ready, brothers and sisters. Stand fast in the faith!

  10. Wow, that cop jerked him violently when he said God the second time in handcuffs, he literally tortured a man for being a Christian quoting scripture. We truly do live in end times and for the chief to say that he was disorderly he is a lying piece of trash so if he was yelling out gay propaganda, would that still be disorderly?

  11. Reminds me of the verse where it says the lost sinners do not want to come to the might lest there deeds be exposed. Sinners like that cop don't want to hear any of the bible read. They can't stand the light of the gospel. He had a right to be there and he wasn't being disorderly. Shame on tht cop…

  12. I have never and will never get involved with any "pride" events. That said, most people are very uneducated about agenda events of any kind – gay, abortion, gun rights, etc. They are only trying to fit in with people who accept them as human. Hecklers don't have a place or a right to be disruptive. If the dude wanted to have an actual conversation and gain or possibly give understanding, then thats what he should have done. No one likes to be preached at. An actual Christian would not have come in judgement. Judgement belongs only to God. Yet there is that guy calling these people evil and accusing them of "being evil". And maybe some are, but most are just ignorant. He was definitely the problem in this situation.

  13. I can't believe that everyone thinks this is about freedom of speech. It's not, its about the world hating Jesus !
    He said it they hate me they will hate you, and its happening now here in the good ole U.S.A.
    They cannot stand to hear anything about God! It hurts them like their indulgence in sin bothers us that have been freed from its clutches in Christ Jesus.
    Get your selves ready the anti Christ is not far from being revealed.

  14. It is a violation of his freedom of speech, had I known this was going on, as a Templar it is my duty to speak the truth of the word and faith in Christ. Keep a copy of the constitution and always ask specific questions of the officer. Remember this is an agenda and this has been planned for decades or longer. Tyranny does exist, our government is using officers to promote zero tolerance of the Christian faith against perversion.


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