Things That Were Normal In Schools 70 Years Ago

If getting pummeled in a dodgeball game during phys ed is your worst high school memory, just be thankful you weren’t having to spend the period prepping for World War III. The world has changed a lot in the last 70 years, and — thankfully — so has school.

#Schools #Changed #History

Organized Prayer and Bible Reading | 0:00
Legal racial segregation | 1:31
One-room schools | 3:03
Corporal Punishment | 4:12
Duck-and-cover drills | 5:21
Strict dress codes | 6:51
Priests and nuns | 7:49
C students admitted to college | 9:08
Paying your way through college | 10:24
Thought police | 11:43
No special ed | 13:05
Separate study tracks | 14:31

Voiceover By: Tim Bensch

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24 thoughts on “Things That Were Normal In Schools 70 Years Ago”

  1. There are still many who are bused to different schools. We don’t have neighbors schools like we should. Schools are still not equal. If they were than people wouldn’t want their kids to go to another bc more $ is poured into it. I do not mean charter schools or schools that have different programs like Science, technology or the arts.

  2. One other thing that you did not mention: many schools in the 1950's required students to write with their right hands only. If one was caught writing with the left hand, the usual punishment was a slap with a piece of leather on the left hand, although repeated use of the left hand resulted in suspensions. This lingered into the 1970's when parents started questioning the legality of this and a few lawsuits were filed.

  3. I think we SHOULD have uniforms or a smaller amount of clothes you can wear to school. I would not like this if I was a teen but I went to a Catholic School my first couple yrs of elementary school. But as a parent it would save money spent on my kids clothing.

  4. I think that college has been over pushed, college isn't necessary… make kids think that college debt equals better wages? Really it doesn't matter and lots of degrees arent needed for a job… lots of useless debts and degrees!!! And now its finally coming to life that college isnt its meant to be

  5. yeah in Catholic school you had to wear a button down shirt tie and sports coat my dad attended Sacred Heart K-8 Catholic school in east Boston mass from Sept 1964 to June 1973 his class actually sang the 3 dog night son Joy To The World at their end of year assembly in 6th grade

  6. Something crazy that was ok was that my great great grandpa (this wouldve been during the 1930s early 40s) was the town bicycle to the point where he had my great grandmother and a girl she went to school with (at least one) less then 6 months apart and when they went to school gave them both the same exact dress for school and told them to wear it on the same day

    There was worse but thelat delves into pedophilia fires and more

  7. Public schools, small town, CA, 70s. Even so, they walked kids down the street on Thursday afternoons for Bible study. They called it "Thursday Adventure." We were raised by an atheist by our single father, but he didn't use the opt-out, bc he didn't want us to feel left out. I was more weirded out by it, bc it was fairly fundamentalist. And we were swatted.

  8. What chu meannnnn there was separate study tracks >.< ? I wanted this for all my late academic years and they had this method and got rid of it? As high as college is now,, and as much as I could have used knowledge about life insurance, car, repairs, and housing without life teaching me unexpectedly!? A bit livid by that one tbh.


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