They're seriously talking about separating into 2 countries

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— Radical Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene suggests separating the US into two countries, and Fox News propagandist Sean Hannity is taking it seriously

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Broadcast on February 22, 2023

#davidpakmanshow #nationaldivorce #civilwar


48 thoughts on “They're seriously talking about separating into 2 countries”

  1. An unwell, insecure, shame filled, and fearful narcissist. Deflect, project, and blame shift, deflect, project and blame shift. Then gaslight, gaslight, and gaslighting. This is a very unwell and dis regulated individual.

  2. Let's boil this argument down. To one simple thought. Which side, the left or right, is advocating for murder based on competing political ideologies. I'm not seeing the Democrats say that civil war is the answer to bad policy. I see debate, I see disagreement, but I don't see violence. However on the other side, the side of the Republicans, I hear a lot of violent rhetoric. Up to and including murder of individual politicians, and war. It's not about what is better for america in general, it's about actual fascism gaining ground over a group of people and spilling over into public discourse. And it makes America look like a third world dump.

  3. Someone needs to set this up as a television series or at least a youtube channel and talk about the practicalities. How do you determine what a red state is and what is a blue state? Would each state have to hold a referendum? What do you do with the military bases, the national debt, the currency, the federal agencies? Which one gets to be the real USA? How do you deal with foreign treaties? What if no other nations want to trust the red states?
    Although perhaps if one started with referendums, the US could make the red states that want to separate but stay in a sort of union into the "Semi-Autonomous Numpty States." Provide transportation and assistance for everyone who wants to escape them. Let them ghettoize themselves.

  4. A century or so ago, well-off families in the UK used to pay the losers and scoundrels of the family an allowance to go off to the colonies and keep their scandalous behaviour far from home. They were called "remittance men." Sounds like MTG wants to be the president of the Remittance States of America.

  5. I would love to see a split. Why cant we be independent states? I am tired of red states not paying their fair share. When a union does not work why stay together? A civil war would be worse and it does appear one is on its way.

  6. This is something right wingers never understood about the Civil War. Secession would not have been the end. Texas and the SW would have seceded. New England possibly; the upper Mississippi possibly. California yes.

  7. If it becomes a "red country" with their own president/dictator, it's not implausible, in fact, more likely, they'll have an unhinged leader. Who's the say they won't decided to attack the "blue state country"? That's MAD for sure, but see they want money from the government (remember they want little to no government). Will you refuse to accept help for them "Satan worshiping pedophiles"? Oh no, it's fine when it's money you want… but it's not going anywhere to help you own people. But fine, go deregulate everything- that really worked out for East Palestine. Take away all rights. No healthcare (repeal and never replace) Ban, or eventually, burn books. Tear down all schools. Ramp up more pollution. As long as you get to keep your assault rifles for mass shootings, right?
    Red Country? No, 3rd world country.
    Both sides need each other, although blue could outlast red in that situation. At least for a little while longer.

  8. Maybe if the citizens of these states have to rely completely on the people they vote in they would actually research these people before electing them.
    Maybe they would see first hand just how much the officials under the trumpism party care about them.
    I wonder how long it would take before they realized that they were living under an autocracy.

  9. Pakman always makes the silliest arguments. 49 US states have a per capita GDP higher than Canada, and all US states have a per capita GDP greater than the UK.
    The poorest state is still richer than most first world countries.

  10. I propose a divorce between the world and the MAGA crew. Let’s just show them how isolated their worldview is. While a minority of estranged Americans who are living in the nineteenth century harbouring old grudges may support the MAGA crew, the world guffaws.

  11. No they are not. United States of Hillbillies? Red states are the poorest and would get much worse with evolution denial, downgrading university draw for students, students applying to non hillbilly countries would not be accepted…etc. Up in Canada, the three prairie provinces (red state equivalents) have been saying the same thing for years and years. Won’t happen. However, this is a Putin hack,disinformation by FSB trying to initiate the collapse of America. If the US did this, the USSR would have got its revenge.

  12. G'day David,
    You know thinking about it 🤔Seperating the Country by giving the Crazy Republicans like DT, MTG, Meatball Ron + all their supporters their own country in say Texas so they can have their Oil + Guns & then they can build their Impenerterable Wall around their Area to keep out the Forieners sound like an Awesome Idea. but unknowingly for MTG it would be for the reverse of how she thinks because this would leave all the Sensible & Caring Americans to not have to subsidise the Crazies but be a part of the rest of the World with Education, Medical, Science & Trade.

  13. This is without doubt the stupidest idea ever promoted by someone in the congress. Does she realise that there is no such thing as a 100% red state. There are people scattered across the US with widely differing views. Neighbours have differing views. Her own state is NOT a red state. It's just ridiculous. Even discussing it is stupid.

  14. Economic argument is spot-on. Blue states overwhelmingly have service economies, reliant mostly on sectors like business/professional services and information technology. Red states are largely stuck in industry (traditional manufacturing) and agriculture. By UN classifications they'd be a "developing country". This is why political messaging focused on "protecting" manufacturing jobs sells so well over there, and why Democrats have latched onto these ideas as a way of winning over Trump voters (although to be fair, prior to the Trump era it was mostly Democrats pushing protectionism).

    The costs are much higher than they appear on surface once you factor in the costs to consumers and service sectors imposed by industry protections and subsidies. It is basically a blue state economy with massive subsidies and welfare spending for red states, but the question becomes: what are they doing with this money? A lot of these states are stingy spenders and generally make cuts to welfare whenever they can.

  15. Faux news and all those MAGA cultists (Trump included) are trying to dodge what’s coming by STARTING ANOTHER CIVAL WAR 😂😂😂 SHEESH!!!! It’s really not funny it’s serious, dangerous, and actually pretty scary that this insane crap is being pushed to the public like it’s something that’s reasonable… We look dumber than ever these days, it’s hard for me to even comprehend how we got to this bizarre place so quickly. Idk what’s even going on anymore but it is clear that we are being torn apart from the inside! What’s really at the source of all of this??? Has another world power been somehow successfully destabilizing our government or is this all really homegrown???

  16. Watching from afar.MTG is crazy and a danger to democracy and is embarrassing and humiliating a proud nation.The powers that be and honest and decent Republican voters must make sure that she never gets anywhere near a position of authority ever again.

  17. ok, lets shove them all in texas and arizona, and blue states can be all the others…. and sit back and watch. shes like a 15 year old, she absolutely cannot comprehend why states cannot be separated lol she doesnt think anything through. [shes not aware of the brexit mess apparently.]


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