"They're DISGUSTING!" Kevin O'Sullivan Reacts To Bed Bug Infestation In Paris

Kevin O’Sullivan is joined by pest exterminator Robert Fryers to discuss the bed bug infestation taking over Paris and the potential for it to spread to the UK through tourism and the use of the Eurostar.

Robert brings in a few to show Kevin what they look like, who is horrified at the size of them, suggesting they are a lot bigger than he thought they would be.

Robert explains that they attach to peoples belongings when they travel so any travellers that went to Paris might be bringing some back in their belongings and that is how they spread.

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26 thoughts on “"They're DISGUSTING!" Kevin O'Sullivan Reacts To Bed Bug Infestation In Paris”

  1. The mayor of London is more interested in charging motorists, can’t stop an epidemic of knife crime and teen killings … what chance the slimy snake would care one jot for bed bugs!

  2. There’s a reason Australian border control is so strict, especially with hitchhiking bugs on food. Who knows what’s being let into the country.


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