CAPCOM is HERE! 19 NEW March Games | GeForce Now News Update

March is already here and a new month always means new games, with a total of 19 joining the GeForce NOW library. Plus, the hunt is on with Capcom’s Monster Hunter Rise now available for all members to stream, as is major new content for Battlefield 2042 and Destiny 2.

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7 thoughts on “CAPCOM is HERE! 19 NEW March Games | GeForce Now News Update”

  1. Can't wait till the day when Nvidia actually gives me a reason to subscribe to The ultimate service, I wish they would switch gears and stop using the trickle down effect I hope when the Microsoft games come on board we don't get one every month Time to open the floodgates damn it 🍻.

  2. I wonder why GFN is letting the 8 Bandai Namco games rot on the bench? Opted in nearly a month ago. Could have added those until the MS games start dripping on.


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