They tried to BEND over these citizens but got OWNED instead!!

Folks this video is out of South Bend In, check out the OG channel


39 thoughts on “They tried to BEND over these citizens but got OWNED instead!!”

  1. They were owned and so shut down that they never returned. I hope they took a few of your pamphlets with them because they could clearly use more church and less roids. It's hilarious to watch these guys brainstorming for any reason to get aggressive and to push around their authority. I love it when you can see the look upon their faces when their tiny little brain realizes that they are highly outmatched on an intellectual level and that any aggressive move will mostly likely result in them becoming unemployed.

  2. Cop's are supposed to uphold the law and our rights. Cop's are NEVER to be used to police the feelings of mental illness.
    I don't believe in God but I believe in the freedom of religion. They have every right to make a presence and defend what's sacred to them and place their faith in what they feel is right, which these fruitcake's are publicly demonizing.

  3. I get the point of what your doing but it seems like you are making a living at just being a pain in the ass. Does it give you a thrill to show people that they are unimformed and dont know the law and you are very smart and know the law. What a boring life.

  4. That "COMMUNITY rainbow hijackers" is so AFRAID of being challenged or exposed…they can PISS ON EVERYTHING THEY WANT, but free speech near them OFFENDS THEM!!! IN PUBLIC GO FUG YOPURSELF…..

  5. SO WALK IN A CIRCLE… AND NT BE STATIONARY πŸ™‚ you see how dumb this gets… they are FULL OF VENOM PEOPLE!!! VIOLENT AND DISRESPECTUFL on the mere sight of ANYTHIUNG against what they WANT! PATHETIC GROUP OF PEOPLE

  6. On the same basis as that of an experiment, the evidence has been presented and the conclusion already drawn so that we don't all have to be social scientists to fully understand what happens when you put persons of limited intelligence in positions of authority, power and capacity that they would otherwise be unable to attain, hence why law enforcement is inundated if not infested, with a particular type of person and common mentality that is then supplemented and reinforced by law and immunity from accountability.

    This benefits most those occupying the true seats of power in providing them with an army of minions in order to protect their own vested interests and are proven successful strategies of the likes of Mussolini, Stalin, Amin, Papa Doc, Hitler to name but a few, along with the most recent example, Trump.

  7. If someone was at a church function on public property handing out pamphlets to make abortion legal these douche bags would have ya thrown out so fast your head would spin. Religion destroys unity, lets kill in the name of a fairytale

  8. Your articulation clearly outmatched all of the officers. If more people could think rationally in situations like this then I think we could bring cops back to a respected profession.


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