How To Beat THE BEAST In "Beast"

If you were hunted by a lion who won’t be stopped until it gets its prey, what would you do?

Thank you for watching Beast explained and review of how to beat.

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44 thoughts on “How To Beat THE BEAST In "Beast"”

  1. they cuold have killed te lion before it fell of the cliff because when i pusht it¨s head thru the window the cuold have yoused the knife te stad of cut it repeadadly sorry for my bad english im from the nederlends

  2. I empathize with the lion, I'm glad Nate and the girls are alive, but it's not the lion's fault he went crazy. If I had to blame someone, I'd blame the poachers, not that I liked poachers to begin with.

  3. finally a horror movie with an animal villian again the last good one we got was jaws but i also really enjoy the ending its like the saying you cant fight fire with fire but in this case it worked

  4. The ranger is responsible for one untrained adult and two children. Any decision besides getting in the car and fucking leaving is horrible. The moment they found the destroyed village they needed to get out of there and call for backup.

  5. Actually he's not wrong about the value part although regular lines aren't valuable dark mean lions are I'm not even lying I know what you're going to say isn't it common for dark main Lions to be in the wild well no not exactly thanks to poaching it's basically almost kind of rare to see one and you got to remember that later and my friend found a lion mattress on eBay and guess what there was two of them one of them was a regular lion and the other one was a dark main Lion now here's the thing it cost $1,000 for the first one the regular lion but however for the other one it was worth $3,000 the dark lion which means that dark means are more rare and more valuable than regular lions but however no ordinary man has the balls to even kill one and believe me here's a fact if you ever see a dark green lion don't try to fight back they're more aggressive and more likely to kill you

  6. Guys I haven’t seen cinema summary in a while, I started watching this channel instead. It’s very similar. Can someone tell me where cinema summary went, did he delete his channel or something 😢

  7. The “if you fuck with nature it will fuck you right back” had me rolling on the floor and laughing like a dying dolphin idk why but it’s just too funny 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  8. The Flash the lion gave in the pride when the guy was trying to help the female was one of the realist indicators to back off that is so real that is the real sign a lion will give you before. Aggression and if they know you and they lash out at you it may just be quick in temporary but it lashing out could put you in a hospital. And what a person should know if something like that were to happen it's not as if the lion dislikes you. And honestly it would be apologetic to you the next time it sees you. If the lion loves you.


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