They Laughed At Humanity, Until Our Secret Dreadnought Was Revealed | HFY Full Story

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Humans are Space Orcs
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HFY Stories, Short story for sleep, fantasy sleep story


18 thoughts on “They Laughed At Humanity, Until Our Secret Dreadnought Was Revealed | HFY Full Story”

  1. Except for the plot line, the reader, the writing; (one character fighting even though he'd already died twice, the fact that there was no editing done whatsoever, as seen by the multitude of spelling errors, for example both major characters having their names spelled four or five different ways – here I lost count, overall if it were handed in as a 6th grade project I'd give it an F-, as there unfortunately is no lower grade possible.
    This thing should be taught to anyone who is even in the slightest bit interested in writing anything more than maybe an excuse note for your child' absence in school, as a prime example of what NEVER to do if you want anyone to see what you wrote or even, Satan forgive, published.

  2. So, every time shit gets tough,they are programmed to ram the enemy ships? That pretty expensive, not to mention the loss of military personnel and their experience and skill sets. This author has no imagination. He stole the "Death Star" from Star Wars.

  3. Stealth dreadnought am i the only one who never thought i would hear those words together. I mean it would be horrifying one second the is no ship near by the next a hole azz dreadnought right up in your grill

  4. Some of the stories are decent, but the spelling and grammar are often atrocious which is reflected in the artificial reader's delivery. You should be ashamed that you don't bother to do even the minimum of proofreading.

  5. Cap'n Riker was never soft… ask Deanna Troi ! Why's it always Riker or Striker or Stryker or Hardman… Where are the Smiths? The Jones? The Taylors? The Wilsons? The Browns?

  6. I didn't want to listen to it again to see if I was confused or the writer.
    Did the raging alien war lord who was the impetus of the invasion, not get beheaded and then just moments later have to be ran through to die a second time?
    My first thought was that the writer totally rewrote the scene, but left both of them in.
    Then we could talk about the reading . Grossly mispronounced words. Past tense verbs ending in 'ed' with the 'ed' ending always becoming an additional syllable.
    'Ad nauseum'!


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