They Are Feeling the Heat! White House Under Pressure | FlashPoint


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28 thoughts on “They Are Feeling the Heat! White House Under Pressure | FlashPoint”

  1. Wait YOU SONS OF GOD KNOW, THANK YOU JESSE, exactly the way that thing happened they know nothing about the SUPERNATURAL or WHO is making things happen like this MY JESUS! PREACH SONS OF THE MOST HIGH

  2. If Democrats are setting up Biden, did Rinos set up President Trump? I do too think God is uncovering things about Biden for frsming President Ttump and trying to criminalize a great Predident Trump. ❤️🇺🇸🙏🏼

  3. Lance, if Jesus, the Creator of all things, says He is creating it now and not from the beginning, why would He hide it, to show us now, how we can Create massive amounts of renewable green energy while one uses desalinating water from saltwater and a different kind, clean the very air, we breathe, to be extremely clean, while giving us the energy of 1/4 that of a small nuclear power plant making 600 megawatts of renewable green energy per hour, 24/7/365 days a year.
    The wind farm in Eastern, Washington makes about 54 megawatts on average, when the wind blows.
    We get 150 megawatts an hour all the time.
    The wind farm cost about &1.9 billion to build between 2009 and 2013.
    Today we can spend less than half that, even after Joe and get almost three times the energy,while building it on 2.5 acre of land, not 2,500 acres of land. We need to see this kind of much cheaper and more effective energy, as these new designs cleans the air moved through them, which helps us fight against COVID 19, as they say the smoke from wildfires has helped to infect people, when sick people breathe in good air, the smoke particles gets infected and those breathing in this air, can become infected. So, we don’t just see extremely cheaper renewable green energy but as a side benefit can help end these viruses sooner. While we save tens of Trillions of taxpayer dollars, not building lessor energies, that only make expensive energy!

  4. Lance, would you ask Jesse if Jesus showed us how to both create massive amounts of really cheap renewable green energy while one, creates much needed freshwater, while actually lowering rising sea levels, or cleaning the air ran through them, as the generate 1/4 the energy of a small 600 megawatt nuclear power plant, helping to end the COVID 19 virus, by washing it out of the air used to make the 150 megawatts of renewable green energy, wouldn’t that be considered Awesome for God? Jesus is the Creator of all things! Read Isaiah 48:5-7 to see what the Creator said, as He is shewing us hidden things, using someone, who is not worthy to show it. Hey, if He can use a donkey, I guess, He might use me?

  5. If we get to see, seawater desalination plants and giant air scrubbers that can give us extremely cheaper, renewable green energy, that costs less than 5% of the new green deal, while making hundreds times more energy, as they both give us cleaner air to breathe and freshwater to refill failing reservoirs and drying up rivers and lakes, while giving us energy, that power companies can sell it to their customers for half of what they paid for energy in 2021!

  6. $4.1 millions worth of cocaine. Confiscated by border agents in Mexico/ California border. How's that possible? When the borders are WIDE open. Talk about stupidity. And the Lord is not a politician.but a savior of souls.

  7. If you weren't afraid of the FBI you'd be going after the vice President to is she not in charge of the border did our illegitimate president put her in charge of the border so all the murders and rape and drugs that are coming across we're not going to talk about that we are free the FBI will come after us like they did to the Michigan people when they went against the governor of Michigan and you call yourselves real news people

  8. It is my opinion that Joe Biden was selling secrets to the Chinese that's why they're getting millions of dollars from China. Why else would China pay Hunter and Joe millions of dollars? Look into the private deal that Joe Biden was setting up to sell to China 500 million pounds of natural gas from Louisiana to China. This was found in an email.


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