These US Air Force Engines are So Powerful They Can Stop a 420 Tons Aircraft

Welcome back to the FLUCTUS channel! In this feature, we explore the meticulous process of maintaining the capabilities and functionality of the jet engines of the C-5 Galaxy, the largest cargo plane in the US Military.

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42 thoughts on “These US Air Force Engines are So Powerful They Can Stop a 420 Tons Aircraft”

  1. Commercial aircraft can reverse under their own power as well, they just don't like to do it, because it leads to engine damage. Maybe that's why they are always replacing engines on this cargo plane 😂

  2. Well i drove to travis AFB making deliveries for about 15 years i was always amazed how bad they treated the drivers that came on the base not all but most i will just say i wish i had it on video for people to see😯 lol shocking!

  3. They used to do night maneuvers and training with those big beasts when I was growing up in the 80s they flew probably 800 to 1000 feet above ground at night would scare the crap out of us 😀


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