These SPACE PIRATES joined forces… | Mercenary Captains War: A SCI-FI SHORT STORY

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2 thoughts on “These SPACE PIRATES joined forces… | Mercenary Captains War: A SCI-FI SHORT STORY”

  1. The end was in sight, the empire was in ruin, the last bastion was under siege ,the emperor dead. The ark ships almost full were ordered to leave the planet under enemy fire, at least one would be able to escape the carnage. This was the situation report the Lord of Admiralty received deep in his underground bunker. Nelson the fool , Nelson the last lord of admirals, this is my legacy, is what the last leader of humanity thought. He was reaching for his gun and contemplating the exact moment of his death either by the enemy bringing down the bunker on his head or by his own hand. He was roused from his contemplation by an aide , bringing him a dataslate. He asked without looking at it what was it about. The reply was infuriating as he shouted „More ships? Is it not enough to glass the planet do they want to break it apart?„ The answer was confusing ”What do you mean they register as a neutral force?” Nelson was requested to answer a call from the leader of the neutral force , a force that by its mere presence stopped the orbital bombardment .
    „What do you mean by …parlay?”
    ”Ahoy matey! We be here t' help, th' captains have voted in favor o' comin' th' fight fer th' empire, whatever be left o' it anyway”


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