These 6 Lions Killed 40% of ALL Lions in Africa!!

These 6 Lions Killed 40% of ALL Lions in Africa!!

Lions have always been famously associated with ferocity, violence and sheer raw power. They are a symbol of the brutality that is inherent to life in the wild. However, while all these things are expected of them already, in 2006, a coalition of six lions took the words like violence, brutality and dominance, and raised the bar for all future generations of lions. These six lions committed such acts of savagery and put on such a display of power, that it exceeded the already high expectations of all who make a living from observing wildlife. Not even the most educated experts on lions could have ever predicted that a coalition of just 6 lions would one day control a territory spanning 170,000 acres!

In today’s video we look at mapogo lions,lioness,lions,lions kill lion,mapogo,brothers in blood – the lions of sabi sand,mapogo lions in hindi,leone,rise and fall of mapogo lions,is there any mapogo lions left,mapogo lions documentry in hindi,majingilane lions vs mapogo lions,the mapogo lions,lions of sabi sand,majingilane vs mapogo lions,the mapogo lions documentary,daughters of the mapogo lions,mopogo lions,lions fight,othawa male lions,the rise and fall of mapogo lions

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44 thoughts on “These 6 Lions Killed 40% of ALL Lions in Africa!!”

  1. An excellent documentary and thanks for sharing!. As an animal lover and in particularly the lions I'm extremely saddened this is happening that one lion is eating his brothers cubs??. This is particular unsafe for all animals.

  2. The rangers should have stepped in and relocated 3 of the lions due to the 6 brother's gene's being too heavily in this same area IMO. Having so many male lions killed in so short a time period is horrible by itself, but now the gene pool is impacted for generations to come. If lions weren't endangered already or in just certain locations in Africa, it would b different.

  3. Idk why but kinda feel sad to see them dying bruh😕

    I was like 13 when I first watched the full documentary at Television missed the half and was curious to know what happened next then waiting for it to Air again
    And finally watchrd it back then

    It's been around 3 years and a lot memories came back watching this video😌

    Ps: I remembered the name of 2-3 lions till now also like it's been 3 years but still…… That's how much attetntively I have watched it on Television back then 🙂

  4. This is terrifying. I didn't know lions could be so savage. Animals are usually violent just to show who's dominant or to protect their territory or survive. To tell the truth I'm sceptical. There's so much fake news out there. If it's true, it's nothing less than horrific. These lions are the Stalins, Hitlers, Francos of this world.

  5. I've seen this coalition of lions so many times and it's still surprising to me how bloody we're this realm, after seeing that i discovered that animals are individuals too like humans, each have their own mind

  6. Another fake and full of bullshit video 🤣🤣🤣 40% of lions killed by Mapogos? 🤣🤣 Are you high or something? 🤦 They all "gangsta" until Majins came after them and destroyed half of their pride killed their cubs in the East and mate their females also killed K.T and P.B and almost killed MR.T too if that scared bitch not running saving his life and leaving K.T to be eaten alive 🤣 but a bit later Selatis wiped out MR.T from map and conquered West of Sabi Sands putting end to that trash cowardly coalition of mapogos! And a bit later Majings went to conquer West too killing one of Selatis and put them to flee South scared for their lifes 🤣 So who's the legendary coalition here in Sabi Sands if not Majins who killed almost half of mapogos and one of Selatis too forcing them to flee South and so the west side of Sabi Sands get in Majins control too! And so for 8 years Majins were the true leaders and most powerful coalition in Sabi Sands history killing dozens of other lions who tried to invade their kingdom! By the way Scar Nose alone made 4 Selatis running scared when they invade eastern part of Sabi Sands! So stop talking shit and glorify that cowardly coalition of mapogos cause they were inferior even to Selatis not to mention to Majins who kicked their ass good and fucked their females too 🤣🤣💪

  7. I remember this.

    There's a Documentary called brothers in blood : Lions of Sabi sand (Google).

    I remember the ferociousness of Mr. T, the dude attacked the 4 lions who killed Kinky tail without HESITATION, only to have to back off as he was seriously outnumbered, came back to the pack and became the Alpha.

    An amazing story that'll always be legendary in Lion's history.

  8. This happens because of the lack of the environmental resources for lions, and this lack grows day by day because of humans which is the cancer of this planet. The lions are just trying to adapt themselves to the changing environment.


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