There's always a price to pay [Callisto Protocol – Ending]

Callisto Protocol comes to a suitably bombastic end. Looks like DLC is on the horizon and possibly a sequel? We’ll see. Hope you enjoyed!

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23 thoughts on “There's always a price to pay [Callisto Protocol – Ending]”

  1. This game really failed… visually it’s stunning, it’s pretty. But the story and gameplay itself is weak. They put more time and energy into appearance and half assed the story and mechanics.
    I’m starting to see why they refused to let anybody leave a review until AFTER it was released. They knew it wasn’t that good and they didn’t want anyone to know it until after they got their money for t

  2. Its like the people who designed the gameplay had never played a game in their life. I can't believe they saw the gunplay/boss fights and were like "yeah that's perfect!". its 5/10 at best, its okay-ish but it should've been more .

  3. When I tell you this last boss made me rage the game…. I wanted to watch and see how you did. Even if that meant me not going back to the game. I mean I literally had no ammo running around trying to find something. This boss is ridiculous 🙄

  4. I hate when new game IP's immediately sequal/dlc bait. make an ending where it can be "over" or there can possibly more if done well. The first deadspace did that really well and I feel this game suffers heavily from wanting to make a whole new franchise

  5. I’ve enjoyed watching you play this game. Me and my brother played this game and only used the pistol and riot shotgun. The other guns to us were worthless in our eyes, we fully upgraded the baton and grp even if it was a crappy version of it’s DS counterpart. Also in my opinion this game was not worth 70$, Possible 50 or 40. The game didn’t have a NG+, it required you to play the audio logs in the menu thing and I refused to listen, there were too many crawling sections. The amount of times you get separated in this game is absolutely ridiculous, like how did the bride break under Jacob but not Dani. Also those suits have to add a good amount of weight.

    It may have been made by the same people behind dead space but good god did they put way to much dead space in it

    Place goes to hell Check
    A character who has no right to be this adept at surviving a shit show, over trained guards and violent inmates who are possibly very good at killing Check
    Zombies but not zombies Check
    Alien Species that was behind the creation of problem Check
    (There are probably more similarities that I can’t think of at the moment)

    All in all, is it a great game hell no! But it is a good game, the sequel could be better polished and hopefully have more locations and possibly exploration of the planet. I really doubt only one settlement being on Callisto. This game hopefully brings a revitalization to the Triple A horror scene.

  6. That hallway remark at the end "Elon Musk bullshit" made me think Musk would 100% be like the Warden here. Pretentious, talking about stuff he's clueless on as if an authority, with a bunch of yes-men propping him up.

  7. 1:30:50 – this is the part where it starts to fall down for me. Jacob puts WAY too much fault on his own head here. He couldn't have stopped it, at best he could've delayed it. There were no authorities to go to (the Kaliopolis Mundi group or whatever they are have sufficient influence over them), he couldn't exactly back out of the contract at the time (they'd just throw him in the prison anyway), and jettisoning the cargo would've just resulted in someone else making the delivery. In any case, he and Max end up dead, and the plans of the Mundi go forward with a slight delay. It's OK to feel guilty about it, he did have some part to play, but his fault is far, far, FAR less than the Warden, Mahler, and the Mundi. And by helping Dani get out he's basically more than done his part for trying to make sure that this doesn't happen again.
    If they hadn't basically put in that teaser for the DLC at the ending, I'd have been really pissed off at the whole "I belong here" thing he does.

  8. i can say that i wasn't loved this game as much as i thought it was but just wanna say that i'm watching these series just because of you john
    thanks for your amazing and great content,, you were always be my phenomenal youtuber <3

  9. The creature design is not very creative. I find it lame. Make it more crazy creepy crawly! Like small bug hoards and tentacle crab human monsters and so on. Males with sharkmouths walking on fins in football gear. And so on. Not like the ones in game who look very lame.


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