The X-wing that Star Wars Forgot (hidden detail + fan lore)

The original Colin Cantwell x-wing design was a lot different than what we got onscreen. But what if the Cantwell version wasn’t just Star Wars concept art, but was actually Star Wars canon?

Brought to you by nearly 250 amazing supporters on Patreon!

Intro Animation: Ryan Fletcher

Original costumes: Diogo Vincenzi

Background music : Alcablast (Bastien Boiton)
Mastering : Studio Oleoproteus


29 thoughts on “The X-wing that Star Wars Forgot (hidden detail + fan lore)”

  1. A vengeful ghost star fighter… That sounds like an awesome story. Although I imagine the ship would need to be refueled or have some kind of light repairs at some point. What if at some point it comes to and or docks at a rebel port? The murmurs that would go on with a strange fighter docks, but no pilot comes out. Perhaps higher ups know about this thing and just fuel it, knowing its going to go after the empire.
    Just hearing what you had here, I'm sure you could write a whole book about this one fighter.

  2. With the look of this ship of how thin the wings are and how the engines are half circles…

    Rebel X-Wing + Dart = Resistance X-Wing

    Especially with the fifth engine in the center made me think of Poe's ship. If this fan lore was cannon, there is an excellent opportunity to connect the Dart to the Resistance X-Wing


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