The WW2 Attack that Was Too Destructive for America to Use

The American forces had conquered the island of Okinawa at a tremendous cost. Germany had surrendered, but the fight was not over yet in the Pacific. The Army, Navy, and Marines still had a job to do: the invasion of mainland Japan.

Rumors were quickly spreading. Some said the Japanese were training over 30 million civilians for a fight to their last breath. Others speculated the Imperial Navy was preparing more than 100,000 troops for suicide attacks aboard aircraft, ships, boats, submarines, and even underwater frogmen operations.

However, the Marines and Army soldiers felt most puzzled about the fact that the military had already made over 500,000 Purple Heart medals for the wounded in combat and tens of thousands of crosses and stars of David for those who would not return.

Unfortunately, these last rumors would prove to be true. The US military was preparing for Operation Downfall, the largest in military history: the occupation of Japan at any cost.

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29 thoughts on “The WW2 Attack that Was Too Destructive for America to Use”

  1. Imagine you and all your closest friends and family saying enough is enough and declaring a declaration of independence against the world's most powerful government to ever exist, and doing so with only 40% support….. that's exactly why I can say this right now and even consider it officially. We're gonna do it, we're just taking the scenic route there while recruiting courage.

  2. not only the atomic bomb drops in japan led the operation olympic to cancel, but also the heroic victories of the red army in manchuria , were the japan forces were smashed in just 11 days .

  3. I can categorically state that Japan was not expecting what the US brought to end the war. Some say we shouldn't have dropped nukes but i disagree, It was necessary. Even now China and Russia want to F^×$ around and will find out too.

  4. Without the bombs all of Japan would have become rubble, look at the European cities back then. It's horrible those bombs killed so many woman and children with some lasting effects, but the fact is they saved way more lives on both sides.

  5. The narrative of this part of WW2 has slowly been changing these last few years. Seems the world is forgetting the true story of Japans brutality. The United States is becoming the tyrant for using the “bomb". This is a slippery slope we find ourselves on. God bless the U.S.A.

  6. Fanatical hatred for the American, British, Dutch, was because of Euro-colonialism. Or so they say. The Imperial Japanese were very much caught up in the spirit of colonialism, grabbing mostly asian countries and slaughtering millions of civilians, Chinese, Koreans, Phillipinos… The dropping of 2 nukes pale in comparison to the slaughter before that.

  7. Japan as an island 🏝️ would not have had to be invaded ….. that’s the lie that was swallowed by many . With her cities smashed and surrounded by the allied navies , why would you invade ?!?

  8. Shame when they used them on D-day not one hit the beach, was this by accident, or by design, to stop troops jumping in the holes made by them, They hit the sea in front of the beach and the holes caused many men to drowned, thinking they where stepping into 2 feet of water, and finding 8 foot potholes. Bad planning or deliberate staying back..mmmmm

  9. My wife's uncle was a 4th Marine and was killed in February 28, 1945 at the end of the battle of Iwo Jima and my great uncle was also a 4th Marine both from Louisiana but my uncle came home. My other great uncle was Admiral George McFadden O'Rear and was the commander of the naval task force while Captain of the USS Arkansas battleship at the Battle of Iwo Jima.

  10. My grandmother served as a nurse in the Imperial Japanese Army. Her family witnessed Hiroshima. Yet she was never angry about the Bombs or their surrender. She just said, "It was war."

  11. My Father WWII U.S. Army was getting prepared for the Invasion of Japan, had no illusions of surviving the invasion, knowing how the Japanese fought at the time. My father stated this; if it wasn't for the A-Bomb, he wouldn't be here today. It was them or us. For all that Served & Serving today, Thank you! 🍀

  12. Now I ofter thought that if first nuclear bomb had been drop on to the side of Mount Fuji, "say this is what we can do" would this have saved the city's from been bomb given just what Mount Fuji is Japin and it people

  13. The United States military commissioned so many Purple Heart medals for the invasion of Japan that they were still using them in Operation Desert Storm. They didn't order any new ones until the 21st Century.

  14. We are still using up that stockpile of Purple Heart medals 80 years later. The nuclear strikes saved millions more lives than they took in both military personnel, but also civilian lives.

  15. There was no Military need to invade the Japanese main islands.
    The Japanese Navy and Air Force were already rendered combat ineffective.
    The Japanese Army in China was surrounded and contained.
    Japan had to import most of their food and all of their oil and mineral resources.
    All the Allies had to do was impose a total blockade of the islands and starve them out.
    If the Japanese wanted to die a, "dishonorable" death by starvation rather than in battle, let them… (Emperor Hirohito would not have sat by and watched his entire country starve to death).
    Plus, the Russians were VERY eager to get some payback for the Russo/Japanese War of 1904. The Russians used the same tactic of throwing walls of meat at the Enemy as the Japanese did…
    ALSO, The U.S. had two neat new atomic devices that needed to be field tested.
    Truman and the Joint Chiefs KNEW this, and they never actually intended to invade the main island. Operation Downfall was just an excuse to justify using atomic weapons on a Civilian Population… 😉

  16. When people say they have an issue with the nuclear bombs being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they should remember this. They should also remember that the death toll for the Japanese civilians alone would be many times higher if we hadn't dropped those bombs and invaded as planned. Between the U.S. forces from the south and the Soviets from the North, I doubt there would be many ethnic Japanese left by the time Japan was finally conquered.

  17. As sad as it is if we didn’t drop those bombs there would have been at least 20 million people died. American and Japanese soldiers and civilians. The people of Japan would have fought till the end for their empire


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