Visiting Minecraft's Oldest Maps

Minecraft has had hundreds of maps since its creation in 2009. Some of these maps such as the temple of notch, herobrines mansion and more have become extremley famous in the Minecaft and gaming culture as a whole. But instead of revisting and playing those, instead lets look at the oldest minecraft maps out there and understand and experience what makes them so unqiue.


Intro ā€“ 0:00

2009 Maps ā€“ 0:27

2010 Maps ā€“ 3:45

What Makes These Old Maps Special? ā€“ 8:39

C418-Living Mice

#minecraft #minecraftmaps #nostalgia #2009 #2010 #minecraftmods #minecrafthistory


43 thoughts on “Visiting Minecraft's Oldest Maps”

  1. Glasshall4's source has been found! It was a farm posted on 4chan on April 2nd 2010 by a user named Reaver_X! Credit to @MC4f for finding it!

    And Nuked was released on June 5th 2010 by blaster!

    If you want nuked or any other map in this video join the omniarchive discord:
    and @Dahomey for whatever map you want!

  2. im 24 years old and i started playing minecraft when i was 12 or so and to this day i will always
    appreciate this simplistic style of building, because it takes me back to a simpler time were
    everything was new and you would explore the world with your friends

  3. Anyone know of asdf craft?? I need to find a way to download the map. For nogastlic reasons, and it had littlery the best fucking parkour created untionally through years of building near spawn. Scroll down to see my description of it. It was so so so unique. I believe im lookiny for asdf crafts main hub server, 2012-2015.

    I will talk briefly about the spawn cause it was also unique. There main hub server It was like a 16 chunk floating cube within a bedrock void, with 8 rails ways, for North, East, South, West. Each direction had 1 going railway going out for a shit ton of blocks and then 1 railway coming back.

    The most important thing about the server was the builds that occurred near spawn. The server had been running for a VERY long time. They had a plot systen and everything. But the places near spawn had giant skyscraper cities mabye that went out like 700 blocks out. Half of the stuff was protected half of it wasnt. So it was this beufitul mess of people just building atop each other, people making little bases in the greifed parts of tall sky scrapers. But it also dindt It look that bad. It looked like a ruined city, with magic skybases. It would go down to bed rock, and up to the skylimit. The place had signs everywhere too, people proudly proclaiming this was once their home.

    But this wasnt even the best part about it. It was minecrafters parkour dream. Everything was climbable and assscible, hundreds of routes to unique little spots that had its own unique history and owner. It was amazing feeling, looking up to random spots in the sky, and then being able to get there in some roundbout way. Traveling to one skyscrapper, and then have to descend on a specific side to only go up another route, to then go through a sky island. Falling wouldnt be a problem either, sometims it would reveal a even cooler path.

  4. Honestly itā€™s a little surreal for me to see this, as it slowly dawned on me that indev was the update that I and a cousin started playing when we were only 12/13ish. That i have been playing for nearly 14 years at this point off and on, and the sheer amount of development and change this game has gone through since then. Hell I remember when some of these maps were dropped on the mc forums, namely the enterprise, and later the early ctw/super-hostile maps where staples of my childhood.

    As a side note, it was amusing to have the commentary over the building style to be described as archaic or strange, when a lot of those elements are still present in my own building styles to this day.

  5. Man I remember making (in 2009) an upside down castle and each floor was dedicated to an item so you had diamond, cake, gold, wool, and etc. The pyramid ended up being 30 floors tall and took me about 9 months to build. That being said rip minecraft 360 and the hardrive that had that pyramid.

  6. great video! I didn't get to play that early, earliest I did play was around april-may 2011. I got to be the admin of a small classic server with a lot of dedicated builders, and the server ran on some custom software that allowed multiple worlds, and building with commands. I still have a lot of map backups that I took with WoM (.mine files), but I don't know how to open them. I'd be very interested to know! (and even moreso host a server with all that functionality) but whenever I look up how to do it, it seems like that knowledge has been lost to time šŸ™

  7. Jesus, it's crazy how time flies.

    I still have my old, very first maps from when I first got a hold of Minecraft back in September of 2010, and I remember playing on the demo version on the website a bit earlier. That was all after the stuff you posted, but the game back then still very much had this sort of feel; the point where ancient Minecraft ends is my mind is around when they got rid of the neon green grass, smoothed out the lighting, and introduced hunger, biomes, etc.

    Gave me a lot of Nostalgia seeing this kinda stuff again, great work on the video.

  8. Does anyone remember an adventure map was called ā€œsearch for the golden Apple/woolā€ I canā€™t remember the name but it was the first Minecraft video that got me hooked on the game. I canā€™t find any videos on it anymore.

  9. What i don't like about newer building style in minecraft of today. That they look too busy, a blessings and a curse. I think minecraft need an update focus on improving your ability to build in survival mode as also increasing inventory size.

  10. 3:00 It's pretty evident you weren't playing the game back then so I'll just go ahead and explain.

    Back in the classic era, we had server plugins, and there were three major gamemodes besides normal creative:
    TNT Wars, a gamemode about blowing your enemies up with TNT. That is where King of the Hill and CTF come in.

    Then there was Zombie Survival, an infection gamemode where you have to run from infected players and attempt to survive for a set amount of time as a human, or infect everyone as a zombie.

    Last, there was Lava Survival, a gamemode where you had a set amount of time to build a strong base before lava would flood the map and begin tearing away at it. The goal was simply to survive the allotted time.

    These three gamemodes hold a special place in my heart, and I admittedly miss them dearly, as they have no modern equivalent, save for booting up ClassicalSharp, a modern custom Minecraft classic client.

  11. I remember playing minecraft in a web browser at one point. My memory is fuzzy on it. I also played around 2010 my junior year of highschool. The first server I can think of was some anarchy server. I remember Nodus being a thing for a cheat client. I remember beta being a huge thing. I don't know when I started playing Minebuilders year ago. There was a mod named Sverdar or something like that that was pretty cool. Server owner was a guy named Bob that I thought was odd.

  12. 1:39 I fucking had that book in grade 4 and there was a picture of bo1 on that one map where you have to like walk up into I think itā€™s like a destroyed building or something I forget but the dude is holding the FAL and I had a friend who would say daily that that was his screenshot šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


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