The Woke Mind Virus is Killing The Walt Disney Company

From Indiana Jones, Star Wars & even identity politics…is it too late for Disney? Let’s talk.

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42 thoughts on “The Woke Mind Virus is Killing The Walt Disney Company”

  1. Thank you for watching, let me know what you think as always. Disney is so in the dumps right now it’s going to take a Christmas miracle to save them. Or y’know make actual good content, but what do I know.

    Instagram: endymionn
    Twitter: EndymionYT

  2. It's crazy to believe that they were nothing like this ten-fifteen years ago. They're most definitely in the dark ages all over again, but even the movies after Walt's passing before and after the renaissance era are treasured by plenty of people.

  3. You would think after seeing their stock price plummet to now be half the cost as in 2021… isn't that a wakeup call? Like, maybe you're not doing well if half your value has dustified like a Thanos snap.

  4. It's all part of the plan.
    The major Hollywood elite are just doing to the Entertainment Industry what Marxist elite have been doing to nations and cultures for 100 years now.
    If the biggest companies in Hollywood crash the industry…do you really think they will be bankrupted?
    What happened to the Big 4 Banks when the crashed the entire Global Economy? Did they default? Did they shutter?
    No. Of course not, they were given Trillions of dollars in Counterfeit cash (quantitative easing) to then buy up all the industry assets they destroyed. Now those Big 4 Banks control 95% of the global assets, up from the 75% pre-crash.
    That will play out again, shortly, but I digress.

    Smarten up people, if you're still of the opinion that this Controlled Demolition has to do with a a "woke mind virus" you're lying to yourselves out of desperation.

    That's just the excuse. They obviously aren't going to say "We are deliberately harming the culture and the industry in a bid to Social Engineer the public while ensuring a crash and wealth transfer and to be left as the only players in an increasingly binary world"
    "We are trying to put POCs into film" is just the excuse for the nitwits.

    It's no different than the excuse the Banks used to crash the economy: "We want to see POC's own homes"

    THINK people. Look to history. Study these banks. Study these Marxists.

    Disney losing IS THE WHOLE POINT.
    They want us to talk about them losing.
    What we should be talking about is WHY they are losing.

  5. I don't agree in whole with the reason the Moana actress won't play her in the movie.
    I saw this as a polite way to say "Disney live actions remakes suck, and I will let Moana remake ruin someone else carrier".
    Great video by the way, keep up the good work 😀

  6. Yup I can’t remember last time I watched a Disney film and I own most of all the original cartoon movies. I’m good You already ruined Star Wars for me But I blame Lucas for that Sell out

  7. The only reason I still have and watch Disney+ is because of their throwback series from the 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s. Along with the good MCU films, Toy Story 1-3, and live action movies from the 90s as well as The Renaissance Era films. But these new Disney+ MCU shows and lackluster series that look real cookie cutter are the main reasons why Disney is so low in stocks and bonds right now. As well as Kathleen Kennedy and others who work for the different brands The House of Mouse owns saying a bunch of out of pocket commentary where they think it’s fine to bash the fanbase for these properties. So yeah I am glad to see The House of Mouse suffer a tremendous downfall for using the concept of quantity over quality. I hope Sony, Warner Brothers, Paramount Pictures, MGM, and Universal Studios take notes. Because studios such as A24 is learning and taking notes from Disney on what not to do.

  8. I always believe that if Walt Disney back to life and saw what happened to his company so he will wishing that he didn't revive back to life.

  9. Not to start a fight cause I really don’t actually care but in regards to the first 4 or so stories you talked about…. how does Disney being ‘woke’ have anything to do with the stories themselves? Indy 5 isn’t being slammed because it’s woke, it’s being slammed because it’s bad, apparently, I haven’t seen it obviously. That dumb hotel being shut down isn’t about bad politics, it’s about a really stupid business plan. As for Marvel killing a random character, who cares and Disney removing bad shows is again, not them being ‘woke’…. if anything they are purging the parts of their service that are the ‘wokest’… God Willow was so bad…. I’m still shocked how how bad that show was, Warwick deserved better. Anyway I’m not defending a billion dollar corporation and many of their shows and ideas for shows have made me, a slightly left of center moderate, go yikes so I don’t disagree that their pandering isn’t harming them, just that the first several stories didn’t seem to have anything to do with the video title….

  10. Me and My Mom loved The Mysterious Bendedict sociaty on Disney+, It was funny and didn't have woke ideology, we never finished the show so It's sad that we won't be able to watch that show anymore.

  11. Let's be clear..Disney's problem isn't the "Wokeness". Disney's problem is shoving the "Wokeness" in our faces and down our throats, instead of doing it slowly and responsibly.

  12. Ironically i don't even think wokeness is to blame for killing anything. It's good to have representation. The issue comes when thats ALL YOU DO and start demonizing everything else.

    Also… there's a difference between representation and pandering… seriously… stop making being gay or trans or black or a woman the characters ENTIRE PERSONALITY

  13. There’s a word which describes people who constantly complain about things being “woke”. And it’s the same word the South Park creators use to describe inconsiderate douche bags and Harley Riders.


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