The WICKED GODS "EKWENSU" curses the whole VILLAGERS turning all of them to ZOMBIES

The WICKED GODS “EKWENSU” curses the whole VILLAGERS turning all of them to ZOMBIES

While visiting his grandparents in a remote Nigerian village, 10-year old James wakes up to find the entire village mysteriously deserted. Venturing into the nearby woods to investigate blood-curdling screams, he encounters a possessed old woman levitating in mid-air. Soon James finds himself surrounded by monstrous giant hyenas with blood-red eyes. Just as they are about to attack, a mysterious tribal warrior named Umeji emerges from the jungle and rescues him.

Umeji explains that an evil god named Ekwensu has unleashed a deadly plague, causing the villagers to massacre each other in madness. He takes James to a cave where the bloody remains of Umeji’s tribe members lie dead. To James’ horror, some of them resurrect as hungry zombies. While battling the undead horde, Umeji gets brutally killed.

The possessed old woman from the woods then appears, floating high up in the cave and chanting an evil incantation. She magically lifts James up in the air and attempts to kill him with fiery magic bolts. But Umeji’s young tribal wife Amina manages to shoot down the floating witch, saving James’ life. With the witch dead, the zombies instantly collapse. But the cave starts violently collapsing all around them. James and Amina narrowly manage to escape before the cave is completely destroyed.

With an evil plague unleashed and hungry beasts roaming the cursed forest, will James be able to find his missing grandparents and the remaining villagers?

#horror #supernatural #zombies #possession #witchcraft #magic #monster #scary #terror #nigeria #tribal #rituals #darkfantasy #creepy #bloody #action #scifi


Horror story, zombie apocalypse, dark magic, African occult and witchcraft, tribal shamanism, monster hyenas, shapeshifting witch, demonic god, blood ritual, creepy zombies, scary monsters, bloody corpses, Nigeria folklore and legend


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