The weirdest Chicken Egg ever, helping a Swan and setting up the Sanctuary

Wow we reached 3 million subscribers! Here’s three of the best members-only videos featuring a weird egg, some birds you may know already and a man running down the street with a swan under his arm 🙂

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44 thoughts on “The weirdest Chicken Egg ever, helping a Swan and setting up the Sanctuary”

  1. I've seriously been counting down, forcing my family members and friends to subscribe to get you to 3M! Congrats friend!

    I've been subscribed for only 5 years. I'll always support you 🙂

  2. The white "emu" is actually a Ria chick, a Male one, the gray one that escaped is a female ria chick, emu's are much darker and have a pointier beak, their feathers also grow higher onto their necks! But they are easily confused aswel with ostritches ;D

  3. It was so funny how he picked up the swan and just ran. I was subscribed to your channel since the video about a hen raising a duck, your content is really sweet and wholesome, thank you so much for saving and helping out all these animals!

  4. I am so happy that there are people like you in the world. I have a question, hope you see this. I saw today a family of Egyptian geeze with a few very young babys. Do you think they survive the winter ( close to Amsterdam ) with their parents ,or should I do something ?


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