The Weaponisation of UAP – Strange Suffolk – Rendlesham Forest UFO

In December 1980 the USAF had a strange encounter with multiple UAP. The Rendlesham Forest Incident has been called ‘Britain’s Roswell’. Not only was it the best recorded UK UFO encounter, service personal were injured by exposure to the highly strange. In this film, James Worrow science researcher, John Burroughs (ret) USAF Rendlesham witness and Simon Holland Science researcher and filmmaker, discuss a secret report into Suffolk, plasma, UFOs and the weaponisation of UAP by astrophysicist Andrew Pike.

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Simon, James and John.

link to ‘Pulsed high power microwave study’

link to SRI paper ‘Effects of non ionising radiation on humans’.

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37 thoughts on “The Weaponisation of UAP – Strange Suffolk – Rendlesham Forest UFO”

  1. The Defense Department is running a corrupt Arms Sales Business… The Pentagon has failed 6 Audits in a row, the Intelligence Community suppresses Oversight with Secret Unacknowledged Special Access Programs they won't give Clearances to Congress for… And, they transfer all the Research and Technology to their Military Contractors to thwart the FOIA and Civilization from advancement in Humanitarian ways!!! (Hiding it behind Proprietary Firewalls) IT"S A SECRET WAR MACHINE!!!
    This Shadow Government uses Secrecy to Promote Cold War, constant Conflicts to market Weaponized Technologies and Profits they Misappropriate to fund Illegal Programs that Congress is LIED to about!!! ;-( TRANSPARENCY PLEASE!!!

  2. I had experience back in 1989 while driving my car on the a329 duel carriage way when one sphere of energy after another , approx 16 inches in diameter, appeared on the front of my car , rolling up the bonnet onto the windscreen the left side so not to obstruct my view and each went onto the car roof , they made a grinding buzzing noise and were all the colours of the rainbow with predominantly white surface effects.
    This was in a period I was investigating the west Wycombe crop circles and had seen a silver sphere over my house.
    They were only a few inches away from me I had no electrical interference or reduction in performance of my Renault 5 doing about 50 mph at the time.
    These objects were not harmful to me I have seen ufo and uap phenomena all my life up until last November the date of my last sighting.

  3. simon i have seen 2 ufo"s 23 years apart,both were cylindrical craft,the 1st one was over reading uni beechwood lane.2nd was in the yr 2000 above the sandhurst army facility,they can travel faster than anyone can imagine,but my question to you and fellow fans is does anyone know about the grey room recurring dream,its a nightmare of all nightmare"s,i"m now over 50 and have never been the same since my encounter,i"m happy to go public with this because surely i cant be the only one ?

  4. cellular signaling… the ability to turn genes off and on…alter perception and behavior as well… optogenetics…. dna is a fractal antenna that can send and recieve signals and our brains have crystals like crystal radios as well . I had an experience that made me doubt my sanity but I know Im not crazy so I set out to find evidence that would explain what happened and those are things I've found to explain my experience..Many thought it was drugs and I knew it wasn't but sure wish it had been because that would have explained what happened.. 🙃

  5. ​​@ProfSimonHolland i recently figured out we don't live in a 3+1 system of space and time. Infinite Zero Dimensional existence can stack into any size one dimensional existence and infinite one dimensional existence can stack in any size two-dimensional existence and infinite two dimensional existence can stack in any size three dimensional existence so following this logical progression infinite three-dimensional existence can stack into any size four dimensional existence. This means if we are in a 3+1 system we should expect to see the realitive state of the universe as evenly distributed and spherical… we dont observe this. We observe it as compressed and flat as it should and MUST BE if we are not in a 3+1 system… this proves 4th spacial dimension exists and thus infinite Multiverse is not the case!

  6. I wonder why the CJ Close encounter case which also involves military personnel and which had similar symbols on both craft, and which also had binary information given to those involved, and also happened in an off base situation, and also involved radiation, is so taboo within the researcher network. It never gets mentioned, and never gets taken up, even when posted in front of those that should be interested. Must be something going on in those secret back room chats and emails to explain this. It's gotten so strange, that I've had to include alien influence on the minds of those involved, to along list of other possibilities. I think even Preston Dennett has not looked into it possibly. Anyone would think It's the case being left for the presidential podium announcement, and this may be closer to truth, than is comfortable for many…

  7. The plot sickens.
    There is certainly 'something' here in our reality, it's been here for a very long time.
    I've (I wasn't alone) encountered an intelligent entity multiple times. Don't ask me what it was, because I don't know and any speculation on my part would be merely pointless fantasy.
    There was communication and more, but only for me personally.
    "We've been here longer than you have, you're the visitors."

  8. The fact that the MOD did not deny Andrew Pike was employed by them to look into anomalies surrounding Rendelsham forest and Woodbridge army base (filled to the brim with nuclear weapons at the time), likely means he was paid by them. When a government organisation states they can “neither confirm nor deny” something, it usually means they want to confirm whatever you are enquiring about, but are not allowed to, otherwise simply denying any involvement would have been the simple answer if it were the true answer. The MOD likely does not want to be seen to lie either due to official UAP disclosure now gradually occurring as a process, worldwide, because in hindsight in the future the MOD likely want to be seen in a good light – written up in history books, or the Akashic records or whatever records our space time historically by humans of the future – once full disclosure has occurred.

  9. Great discussion and very useful considered insights this is appreciated considering all the noise surrounding the case.

    It would be great if you differentiate that not all of us in the Ufo community think the way you’ve often asserted. There are some pretty high calibre individuals doing some sound robust research work -example : Richard Dolan – as he is a historian, he is meticulous in his lengthy study.

  10. Michael Persinger's experiments used EM fields being emitted directly to the temporal lobe…so unless the witnesses to the alleged activity had a strong EM field directed at their temporal lobes …which none of them described any of the effects related to that…then I call BS on that link…grasping at straws to try and make the story relevant.

  11. The comments regarding Ball lightning and Microwaves is utter is yet to discover what causes it and how it is created…nevermind knowing that "it can absorb microwave radiation.."
    Where do these guys get their information? They obviously just imagine it and then try to pull the wool on those that don't actually test the veracity of their statements and claims!

  12. If any government has alien tech, they will not acknowledge it or let anyone know that it exists. Any knowledge that they gain from it could be THE thing that leaves their military and/or economy ahead of all others for decades or centuries. Dont hold your breath on any announcements.

  13. I think theres 2 very interesting explanations for UAP tech, that seem to answer all my questions. 1: Delores Cannons interview of what "aliens" actually are….and 2: The Infographics shows video exposing the US crash retrieval program.

  14. @21:30 – the 'Philadelphia Experiment' was testing degaussing of the ship's hull for torpedo defense. Nothing less, nothing more. Talking about it in any other context devalues all the real mysteries. Because I KNOW the phenom is real. It just is. During deployment i saw something in our ship's CIC on all sensors that I cant explain to this day. It shatters ur view of reality. It's almost driven me crazy because it's real. But the phili experiment….no, was just a test of a prototype degaussing system.


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