The way to the type III civilization: How far can humanity go?

Email: [email protected]

0:00 Future prediction
0:54 2023~2050
3:06 2050~2100
6:27 2200~
10:48 100,000 years in the future
13:49 1 million years in the future



22 thoughts on “The way to the type III civilization: How far can humanity go?”

  1. U paint quite a rosey picture of Humanity but realitie is if Humanity continues the way it does right now and doesn't change its ways I don't think we will last another 50 years at maximum

  2. The fact is not every human will be interested in technological progress, instead they would be fighting for wealth and power💪 Also, future humans will have more than 70 genders and would dress like anime girls👗

  3. They won't, humanity is evolving backwards and into total financial slavery.
    Socially even worse … tik tok and other apps are destroying the social fabrics of our society.
    The divide between men & woman are at the highest peak and not get me started on feminism and toxic masculinity.

  4. I know we live under nightmare the future impossible to get better you never capable to eliminate all the rat
    the future he will be pink I don't think so is a nightmare today he will be a nightmare tomorrow
    the day I will die I will let your nightmare just for you nightmare world

  5. I think you have a lot of faith in Elon Musk hahaha I mean if instead of bought Twitter for 40+ billion he would have invested THAT SAME 40+ billion in his own companies then he would probably be the Elon Musk of this video.

  6. Lmfao, this dude really regurgitating propaganda.

    Also, the moon landing? That never even fucking happened.

    I had higher expectations of this channel, than this sort of copy paste, propaganda bullshit.

    I thought this was a channel about logic, and thinkinng?

    Why is it just making shit up, with no basis, anymore?

    L video

  7. First describe about civilization, the meaning?
    Second, describe about kind of level ?
    You are a highest one.
    If you know who you are, where you from and where are you going to go, your own goal after life.

    As you believe there is a life, there is a death.
    If you life once, you will be dead once.
    It is easy to bring your dead back to life again


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