Alaska Airlines flight bound for California makes emergency landing in Oregon

An Alaska Airlines flight headed to Southern California made an emergency landing in Portland, Oregon on Friday after a window and chunk of its fuselage blew out in mid-air. Jocelyn Moran reports.

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38 thoughts on “Alaska Airlines flight bound for California makes emergency landing in Oregon”

  1. Airliners are going to have to start handing out complimentary parachutes along with their headphones at the start of every flight. Yikes. Being that it's such a young aircraft, I don't see this being anyone else's but Boeing's fault. Not to mention, hopefully not a design issue and I hope they force a maintenance check with all of their MAX 9s.

  2. Thanks American made in America and everybody laughs at Chinese products and everyone talks about nuclear war and North Korea thinking of nuclear the American coastal areas New York and Texas and Florida and California and the American military couldn't stop a slow moving Chinese weather balloon in time

  3. You Democrats ❗️in January 1979 with a secret meeting (Guadalupe Conference) by betraying your friend (taking out the Shah of Iran), resurrected the sleeping dragon (Islamic awakening or global terrorism) in the world and the Middle East And forever, the people of the world and the Middle East must pay for this with their lives (Who is the main cause of the September 11 incident and the massacre of the people of Gaza and Israel and thousands of religious assassinations?)

  4. This is ridiculous how this β€œfake news” doesn’t mention that it’s a Boeing 737 Max 9!! They don’t even mention it’s Boeing!

    Public has to know! Where’s your journalist integrity to serve the public?!

  5. 737 max is manufacturing and design defective aircraft only suitable for short time flight. suitable for less than 3 hours flight not for extreme weather…suitable for tropical climate…

  6. Aaaa retired General Dynamics director, previously worked in San Diego, probably more than 85 yrs old now, is exploiting illegally US monitoring satellite to harass normal US civilians, inside USA & all over the world for his own entertainment & amusement.

    These remote sensors of the monitoring satellites are capable of interpreting the words you're thinking in your mind, may be, by air vibration or by scanning the brainwaves from your brain.

    The Israeli IDF are using similar satellite technologies to spy on the Hamas leadership hiding deep inside the Gaza Tunnels. IDF once released footage of these videos in much degraded resolution.

    This retired General Dynamics director could have been the mastermind behind the plane crash killing the Secretary of Commerce Ronald Brown of the Clinton Administration, in the plane crash in 1996 in Croatia.

    The United States as we learned and studied in American high school does not exist anymore; it has been destroyed.

    United States have been dead. American citizens don't have human rights.

  7. A β€œhole”. Are they just stupid. It’s the door. What are they hiding. Was the kid sitting there responsible for playing with the door. Also, why was a kid sitting there in that restricted seat reserved for capable adults if that was the case.

  8. Metal fatigue is a serious concern in aviation. Thousands of cycles of pressurizing the cabin area then depressurizing as it descends. So stretching and shrinking over and over leads to micro fractures that are easily missed. However, the design in modern passenger planes worked during this incident.

  9. Damn not even a week into 2024 and already 2 major incidents. The other was two planes on the runway colliding. One burst into flames killing the pilot and a few crew members. The other passenger plane all escaped.

    Last time I am sitting in a window seat as f** this though!! This also brings into question older planes where this kind of failure may become more common. Airline industry needs to get it's act together before we have another major tragedy or several of them. πŸ™

  10. I read a story that said a window blew out and took some of the fuselage with it. This story says "A piece, appears to have broken off.".
    For all you great investigative reporters out there, It was not a window, and although it is a "piece", it is called a "door".
    "Door". Say it with me now children, "Doooooooor".
    Aren't we better than this?

  11. When you work for a union in maintenance or manufacturing (that I know), you don't have to worry about being fired for doing a poor job nearly as much as if you worked in non-union. Poor performance is actually protected under the unions I know of. Get rid of unions. With employees accepting personal responsibility, the quality of work goes up, accident incidences go down.

  12. Well at least Boeing are doing well with company diversity hires. Who cares if part if the fuselage rips off in mid-flight. As long as there are an equal amount of white/black/brown skinned staff with just the right balance of men and woman. Who needs competency? Keep up the great work Boeing! Equity, diversity and inclusion are the only things that matter. ' )


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