The Walking Dead – Variant Zombies – The French Connection & Faster, Smarter, Deadlier!

The Walking Dead – Variant Zombies – The French Connection & Faster, Smarter, Deadlier!
Changes are coming to TWDU!
Link to “What the French Said”
Link to “What Jenner Said”

#thewalkingdead #rickgrimes #TWDfamily


28 thoughts on “The Walking Dead – Variant Zombies – The French Connection & Faster, Smarter, Deadlier!”

  1. the only reason we never saw any smart/running/climbing walker pass s1 is simple…darabond started it . He developed and executive produced Season 1 and part of Season 2.He was also the showrunner for the first season. so when he left who ever took over changed everything and we got slow /dumb walkers

  2. I liked the idea of a recently turned infected holding on to some kind of cognitive ability. Nothing major like seeing a weapon on the floor and picking it up but using a door knop not because it knows what that would do. But it's more like a instinct or there's a small amount of the person's memory left and the infection just acts on it. Like the original dawn of the dead a recently turned infected remembers where a hidden door is I think it makes them more of a threat that way.

  3. It's crazy that Aaron can mention 'rumors" of climbing walkers and being able to open doorknobs but absolutely no one can mention helicopters or Jadis going missing at the same time as Rick.

  4. I heard somewhere on a different discussion video that the walkers from season 1 are still canon and since they were infected early on, their memories stayed a bit longer but as the infection evolved their intelligence went but it looks like its coming back or it is in fact a new variant that retained that intelligence

  5. I'm baffled y that scene in france, they could've got two actor who speak french or heck two actors who are french but no, no no they got two american actor and made them speak french with the worst accent in tje world…

  6. I guess normal decomposition doesn’t take place in this universe because most zombies would be piles of goo on the ground within a few weeks to a month of death and now without warm blooded bodies they would freeze solid in extremely cold climates and the ones not frozen would be even slower than normal

  7. No problems with walkers that climb, use items, ect. Hell we saw all that and much more in Night Of the Living Dead, Dawn, Day, Land, ect. No problem with it being that way in the Walking Dead either. Just adds a little more danger to the world.

  8. 24 hours is still the king of Z. Other franchises have tried repeating the zombie bezerkers but so far nobody has matched the afrenaline chemistry of the 24 hours movie.

  9. I have a theory
    What the zombie outbreak is only in usa and other countries are fine and it's all a big experiment to study how people evolve. Like the helicopters come for surveillance inland and the lady who gave the future book to Maggie came to give a little boost to civilization. It maybe a big game for them to enjoy or experiment on how civilisation works or creating an army of soldiers who are strong which was decided by how good people survive in this situation or smtg.

  10. If the Zombie virus outbreak is correct it means it had a source a patient zero or a main area of infection where it started. As its stated that all humans are infected with the zombie virus and can turn even after natural death we have to assume that something exploded or was released into the atmosphere at least in Ohio and France which resulted in a outbreak. The exotic strains such as the Smart Zombie strain and the one in France I will call the rage strain likely were close to the epicenter of the release or from host that were bit and it spread out.

    The gas and the virus getting weaker further out it went. With at least strains further out having much less evidence of intelligence. or in France less evidence of being fast. This is why at the epicenter we would see zombies that are smart or fast but further out the more dominant weaker reg strain insured anyone that died ended up as a mindless drone that ran on pure instinct.

    This indicates two things. That the virus was either designed to enhance human endurance and intelligence or was designed as a bio-weapon that was designed to blanket a area have people become infected cause chaos and then military forces would move in and do cleanup.

    Which is why its suspicious in how Operation Cobalt literally followed this to a T meaning operation cobalt was likely modified on a earlier plan that was intended to use the zombies offensively.

    They just didn't anticipate the gas to spread out and not settle in a testing location. Meaning someone screwed up perfected the virus too well for it to be airborne.

    Good example is the Covid Virus. It spreads by air and touch. You need enough to get infected and the fastest way was by air. However it's infection rate was only determined by range. A person who was 12 feet away from a infected was likely safe as the virus spores were too spaced out and air and wind would disperse it to safe levels.

    In the case of the zombie strain it seemed its spores were just too strong and survived. Its likely the zombies themselves spread the spores as well. meaning that the initial outbreak people who died still died. However after enough zombies entered a area they spread the spore which would infect humans insuring that a outbreak would happen no matter what.

  11. i think they are just covering up their absolutely shitty writing since season 7 and wrap up the season to end the show…Darabont was right about everything now they are using his ideas about smart walkers bullshit they regret not making them smart since he was fired so AMC one last F U

  12. I think the whole “walkers climbing fences and turning doorknobs” thing doesn’t really retcon season 1, rather I feel like it’s trying to show us that while originally the living dead had some memory and lost it, now they’re somehow getting it back despite being old and decomposed


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