The Video Game Villain Tier List

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33 thoughts on “The Video Game Villain Tier List”

  1. Your right about Dutch being more evil than Micah because Dutch flat out fucking raised and took these people in when they were kids and knew what he was doing by manipulating them into believing he was like a messiah in a sense, that what they were doing was better than what colm was doing when in all reality obviously they are the same people, same ideals, just slightly different ways of going about it
    And in the end he walked away from Arthur he could’ve shot Micah right then and there because he knew Micah ratted but he didn’t do anything until years later when they went back and got the money but he just left it like you went through YEARS of hardship, blood, death, and betrayal just to get that money and then walk away from it essentially meaning all of it was for nothing

  2. I don’t even play video games but here I am, hangover lunching KFC at 5pm while I watch a tierlist about games villans Which 80% never heard of made by an mma youtuber

  3. Batmans main problem is that he's got major psychological issues, if he kills or gets powers he always goes too far. That's the only reason he can't kill.

    Vader should also go Legacy IMO and Joker should be A or S

  4. Davoth wasn't betrayed because he was being oppressive. He was betrayed because he wouldn't pamper and baby the Maykrs and Urdak. They were the first sapient race he made, and he lived in their world, which was the first universe he made after Jekkad (Hell), so they assumed they must be his favorite. He took their advice, interacted with them, but as God, he didn't necessarily care about then any more or less than his other creations, and this made them jealous. So when a flaw in their creation cropped up, and he refused to fix it in lieu of his other projects, they grew jealous and felt abandoned. So the Seraphim, VEGA, who was the primeval caretaker of Urdak, and the Khan Maykr of the time came together with other Primevals Davoth had subjugated and cast him into hell, destroying his body, stealing his soul, and locking it in Ingmar Sanctum, guarded by Maligog, the First Titan. They then turned on the other Primevals and sealed them away as well, ending with The Father/VEGA, who, AFAIK, went willingly.
    So Davoth isn't bad for the sake of it. From his perspective, he's not bad at all. He's a programmer who wants to fix an error in his code.


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