The Untold Story of Saix's Scar & Subject X | KH4 Theory

“As your flesh bears the sigil, so your name shall be known as that of a recusant.”
I’ve always liked that line. Maybe it has some relevance here… maybe not. If not, there are some alternatives to consider…
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22 thoughts on “The Untold Story of Saix's Scar & Subject X | KH4 Theory”

  1. My future dream scene of Isa and Luxu:

    He asks Luxu to take him to Subject X and Luxu is like, "Is she that important to you?" and he bows and begs and then Luxu is just like, "In that case, the answer is no!"

    It'll never happen, but it's just too ironic how he treated Sora for trying to save a girl he cares for, and yet look at him risking it all for the same reason, arguably in an even more extreme way.. smh

  2. Dude I've heard the idea he'll do it.. But I honestly can't imagine them animating him doing it to himself lmao. If this wasn't a Disney game then maybe but yeah I'm with you on them probably having to show it some other way. Maybe it was a mark from darkness like what happened to Eraqus. That's a good way of showing it I think and fits with what you're saying

  3. It's totally option 3. Idk what spell Skuld (or whoever) cast on him but it's working for sure because he's enchanted af lol

    Also if the star wars video is going to be anything like your arcane one then I can't wait!

  4. If you want another idea, check out the anime movie, “Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal” if you want a potential route how the X might have been formed.
    (I’m not using the original name of the movie for certain…reasons)

  5. 8:14 nooo don't feed into it!! 😭 Ah whatever it's way too late anyway lol. Tbh there's been way worse ones so I can live with it 😁 If I'm not mistaken I'm sure Nomura said at one point he didn't even know why he had the scar or didn't have any answer for it so I guess he's put some more thought into it lately huh 😅 And what's going on with the Nameless Star/Strelitzia/Stella preview at the end.. Is that meant to mean separate theories for each of them or all one video? 🤔

  6. It seems almost like the X is a curse that Kingdoms Hearts through Fate puts on its pieces through God's agents. The Master of Masters , for example, gave Luxu his name. Also, the X wearer's either are, or are intended to become Inversions of themselves. See Player versus Xehanort, Elrena versus Larxene. It is the mark of a Dark Piece.
    Maybe now they will be on a Different Side of the Board.

  7. Hm, how very interesting.

    Personally, i would like to see a game that focuses on Lea’s and Isa’s continued search of Subject X with the help of Roxas and Xion and maybe also Namine and the Twilight Trio, 
    ‘Cause what else are they supposed to do after getting informed by Donald and Goofy and while Riku is doing his own thing with bringing Sora back? 
    Just chill and wait things out? Nah, that would be a colossal wasted opportunity in my opinion, so they might as well just pass the time with resuming their search for Subject X with the help of their new group of friends,
    I actually has a fun little idea about how they could go about it within the game too, by following a trail of certain specific Secret Reports from KH3, ‘cause wouldn’t that be a funny and interesting idea? Having the characters actually interact with the Reports that seems to have always been sprinkled throughout the games?

  8. I am sure you are right. The story will explain it as Isa marking himself to remember their purpose.
    Remember! Lea/Axel gives himself tattoos under his eyes of teardrops. To be ironic that he won't ever shed a tear. As Nobodies don't have hearts.

    I can see it going like…Isangives himself the mark shortly before losing his heart. Axel gives himself something along with Saix, as a bond of friendship. They slowly drift apart…and you know the rest.

  9. So recently i got news confirming that missing link will be a 4 generation gap which we can place at about 100 yrs between union cross and dark road. So I firmly believe the old man watching young xehanort is brain. Or brains son carrying out his father's request. And that the two brains we see at the end of union cross. One is data brain on his own mission to hide the box and missing link brain. Making a way to the future which would explain why he calls himself a virus his data version could literally table flip everything and would explain why luxu didn't know where to look and perhaps missing link will explain how luxu got the box's location by the end

  10. I like the first possibility the most. It makes sense and makes Isa's relationship with the Xehanorts more…something. That said I am really also alright with it being an accident or caused during a fight right before he become a Nobody the first time. I really don't think Isa did it to himself. At lest not before he become a Nobody.

    This video really makes me want a game showing the time between BBS, and KH1 a lot more just so much things happen.
    Lauriam and Elrena likely witness Maleficent bringing heartless to the Enchanted Dominion, and Dwarf Woodlands. I wouldn't even be surprised if Castle of Dreams was also shown.
    Either Ienzo, or Kairi likely witness Luxu taking over Braig. Most likely Ienzo because he seems to know something is fishy about Braig.
    Seeing Lea and Isa's story about meeting Subject X, becoming friends, then losing her. In fact the whole Subject X storyline could be shared.
    All the students of Ansem the Wise becoming Nobodies.
    Kairi and what happened to her Grandma. Then her landing in Destiny Islands.
    Who uses the five Arks in Radiant Garden which causes it to become Hollow Bastion.
    Maleficent taking over Hollow Bastion.

    There is just way to much in that time period for it all to be given to us in flashbacks. I really want a full game. Even if the gameplay is all stealth gameplay at first before the characters start getting real weapons over time. 
    That said they would only give us this game if they are ready to show us who Subject X is. Which they might not be ready to show until DR or ML because I do think she is most likely from one of those games. Mostly because I think the Four Friends and a Key is a single event that we haven't seen yet. And because I think there is at lest one more Ark traveling group maybe more. And it is going to destroy another world. Most likely the world that was around before the Land of Departure got such a odd name. Though I wouldn't really be surprised if Ark travel happens more then once in those two games.

    I do struggle to guess who would be the playable character in such a game.
    Isa and Lea both have a rather big story. And it would be fairly easy to make them playable. Even in a mostly stealth game there needs to be movement options that make it fun to play.
    Ienzo has a lot of hints that he knows to much. And I could see is book of illusions being useable even at a very young age. Which might make for fun gameplay.
    Aeleus and Dilan might be fun to play as, if only because they are warriors. However they plus Even don't really have any foreshadowing of knowing a lot of what was happening in this time period. Braig/Luxu might be fun to play as but at the same time I don't think we will actually play as him.
    Kairi is 50 50. At such a young age I doubt she would be fun to play as. And although she likely does find out things that are interesting I could honestly see her being cutscene only.

    Then we have the maybe characters from outside of Radiant Garden, who have story that would be worth knowing.
    Elrena is the first that comes to mind. She very clearly knows more then she is telling and since she most likely forgot everything then she had to have learned it since coming into the present. She would also be very fun to play as with her Lightening movement.
    Lauriam is a maybe. I don't really get the feeling that he learned anything important before the Org found him. Yet at the same time he is a lot more of a main side character then Elrena is.
    Demyx and Luxord are also possible but at the same time I have no idea what they would be doing. Getting an idea of where they where before the Org found them would be fun. But until we have a clearer idea of where they are from and where their story is going I struggle to think of them as playable characters.
    Lastly Baby Sora and Riku. It's not needed mostly for the same reasons that Kairi wouldn't make sense. But I really want to see the meteor shower that beings Kairi from their point of view. I think it would be a lot of fun, maybe scary since the meteors need to land somewhat close to the islands in order for the islanders to find Kairi's pod but fun.

  11. Him branding himself to remind himself is most likely what happened. But if it's true, it's most likely will only be said, not shown.

    Something similar to the explanation of Axel's tear "tattoo"

  12. Ive always thought saiax berserk ability was connected to the moon. Cant remember why but the master is interested in the moon too, maybe saiax really is subject x

  13. I think the fanbase is way off with Skuld being Subject X. I understand Skuld's name means Future and so she should logically show up in the future. However Skuld is lacking a medium and someone with memories of her in the future. Meanwhile, thanks to Ephemer and Brain, Skuld has potential time spawn points earlier on. Plus…Xehanort's Mom does look A LOT like Skuld, another good thematic meaning for her name right there. In my opinion, Strelitzia is Subject X. Of the Key cast, she's the furthest in the future and what a convenient place to be, Quadratum. I suspect the Lifeboat could not send her to Quadratum in her condition. She needed to reform her body first, before she could disappear (This is something Master Xehanort notes specifically). Only after that is complete, could she get to Quadratum. So, stranded in Radiant Garden as her body reformed, with no memories… she was experimented on and speaks with Lea and Isa. As the experiments progress she disappears, thanks to Braig. Given who Braig really is and the goal for the True Dandelion, sending her to the real battlefield, Quadratum is a simple task. So poof, she's gone and leaves heartache in her wake. Skuld doesn't have such a convenient escape route.

  14. NexGen: It could be either of these 3 theories. The best one is….

    Me: Mouth gaps open in anticipiation for which well done theory I liked best.

    NexGen: None of these 3. Sub X did it.


  15. I like to think that Saix gave himself the scar. Saix is someone who takes friendship seriously, and all he had was Axel and Skuld (Subject X). In Skuld's case: it was a way to make Saix remember her and what his goal is. In Axel's case: The "X" is what connected him to Roxas and Xion, and Saix was jealous. With this hurt he felt of being abandoned by Axel, the jealousy of him having friends, and the rage fueling it, he could have scared his face that way. Or maybe it was a cool of the 2.


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