The Untold Story: Dominican Republic's Complex Relationships Explored [A Deep Dive into History]

In this video, we’ll explore the complex relationships between the Dominican Republic and its neighboring countries. We’ll take a look at the history of the Dominican republic, its relations with its neighbors, and the role that these relationships have played in the development of the Dominican Republic.

This video is a deep dive into the history of the Dominican Republic and is perfect for those interested in learning more about the country’s unique history. If you’re interested in hearing the Dominican Republic’s untold story, then this video is for you!

We delve into the complex history of the Dominican Republic to uncover the root causes of the tension and animosity between different groups of Dominicans. From the brutal legacy of colonialism and slavery to the assassination of the Mirabal sister and Rafael Trujillo, we explore the deep-seated issues that have created a society where discrimination and prejudice are all too common. Whether you’re a Dominican yourself or simply interested in learning more about this fascinating country, this video is a must-watch. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be enlightened about the history of the Dominican Republic.


44 thoughts on “The Untold Story: Dominican Republic's Complex Relationships Explored [A Deep Dive into History]”

  1. Thank you for watching! Let us know in the comments if you found some interesting pieces of information in this video and would like to see videos about them, like the Mirabal sisters or the partnership of the USA and Fidel Castro to assassinate a country's leader. Also don't forget to like and subscribe!

  2. First of the title of the video doesn’t make any sense Dominicans love Dominican. Dominican don’t like some Haitians because of how different culturally we are. Because they had invited us many times, they don’t have much value for human life so killing a person comes easy to them and they can not even keep their country clean. Cleanleaness cost nothing look a cuba how clean they keep their country. So we have some reason to be wary of Haitians. Nothing to even do with racism but outside people want to see it that way so they can have something to talk about.

  3. This title should be for Haiti…😅 We dominicans are not perfect but, compared to other nations we get along fine….You don't get to be the number one tourist destination for nothing…..😮 The haitians killed more than 50% of the dominicans when they occupied the island in 1822.😮

  4. I was in the DR in 2007 to meet some girl I met online. Im from Africa working in Florida. Before I went I read up about Taino culture and the book " Feast of the Goat" to understand the effects of Trujillo's dictatorship which is there until today. I went to see the car he was assassinated in with bullet holes. It was the best vacation I've taken and fck what people say about skin color I'm black African and had a good time, everyone kissed my ass because money was coming out of my ears. The human family is one, we are diverse, Dominicans are black by stupid American estimates so get over it. All you need is a good job. We're the same tribe in the end

  5. I believe this video is biased you never mention when Dominican Republic was conquered by Haiti
    This is one of the reasons the Dominican do trust Haiti another thing that was not mention was when the United States had control of the Dominican

  6. Trujillo was the best…He was a Patriot, anti-comunist..and loved our country…Our currentcy was higher then the dollar….Trujillo payed our national debt…There was no crimes other then political ones……Now we have corruption, corruption, crimes , drugs etc….Please Trujillo come back…We need you…Blessings…

  7. Jesus Christ was there with the European when they arrived in Hispaniola, I said Jesus Christ can't be God son, to do this kind of evil in this planet, Jesus Christ can only be revelation 13 came to pass.

  8. Was there numerous times and u r so right, I was once asked why I was wearing African clothing and dreadlocks…I later found out through a discussion with several locals how being too black was not welcome. I must add however, that I met a few young people who had not bought the brainwashing…..and yes the Haitians were treated real bad.
    The colonized mind can be found worldwide amongst people of color, not sure we will ever break free of this traumatized experience

  9. Imbert barreras was never imprisoned by Trujillo, it was his military brother who was imprisoned for murder, I’m sure an abusive death. Inbert has always been accused of the death of the mirabal sisters who were indeed conspirators of overthrowing the government. Ignorance and lack of researching topics will lead anyone to false conclusions. Trujillo can be considered the greatest dominican patriot. All the politicians that followed him except Balaguer have just been worst in all aspects of life. Imbert was the only survivor along with another guy, very suspicious. Just another CIA asset snitch, given power and money, and he died in his bed from old age.

  10. And how did the Taino gain control of Hispaniola and other nearby areas? The likelihood is that they chased out whoever was there before them, so making them sound like innocent victims is not accurate. Victims, yes, but only of what they themselves did to the previous occupants. The "Fort Doctrine" has been in place as far back as human existence. "Its only your fort as long as you can defend it".

  11. 💫🛑Do not forget that the Dominicans were slaves of the Haitians for 22 long years from 1822 to 1844 thanks to Juan Pablo Duarte. Dominicans exist if they weren't like that They were equal to or worse than their neighbors Executioners

  12. Blackmailing report, the Dominican Rep got independence from the Haiti who invated the country for 22 years.
    Do better, stay away, keep your siblings on leash.
    Dominican Rep has citizenship rights by blood not by territory, Invaders stay away you will never be Dominican.
    Dominicans 🇩🇴 ❤ the best hosts, for tourists that come here on vacation, or retirement with approved documents. Not undocumented beggars allowed.

  13. You forgot to mention the 25 years of Haitian Domination over the Dominican people 1822 to 1844, Dominican have independence from Haiti in 1844, with out this information is imposible to oundestain the History…..

  14. Dominicans just want to be white and hate themselves for not being such. I know one of their leaders use to wear white powder to appear lighter skinned. I thinks it’s a neurosis to hate what you are.

  15. Dominicans suffer from identity crisis. They don't claim their blackness,don't know they are black,and even reject the Blackness of God & the universe. Instead they fight hate their black brothers while embracing the white Devils who get burned by God's sun as a warning to never embrace white skin.

  16. 2023 and science proved dark skin is the best skin in every environment & built the best civilizations & inventions.
    White skin is the worst skin, even burning under God's sun.

  17. Dr is doing things right, economy and socially everything is moving in the right direction. It is sad to see Haiti going in the wrong direction, Haitian needs to fight and stop the corruption of their country, so they can live happily and prosper, no other country will like home, especially DR different cultures, different languages,

    No matter where they go it won't be like home
    That's why you need to fix your home so you can live there happily and not have to migrate somewhere else

    There's no place like home, that's why the majority of Dominicans living abroad, when they can they travel back home, I know for myself I spend 6 months in Dr, nothing comes close to being on the island. Is where I grew up.
    I feel more at home when I'm in the DR and happy then I do in NYC
    Is for that reason why Dominicans on the island or the ones that live abroad.
    We have the best interest for DR, we send money to families, to invest buy real estate, cars, we help the local economy and one day when retirement comes we go back to live in DR

  18. Lmao Dominicans have always been dark ppl. Everything come from black. Race mixing occurred by conquerors which is what you have as Taino Dominicans it goes back wayyyy farther than them tho when they where BLACK

  19. I think history is way too complex, There was intermixing since day one. The aboriginal population was decimated, the few remaining hundreds mixed with newcomers, specially africans, the West became rich and mostly homogeneous, the east became poor, forgotten and more heterogeneous, but still by the 1700's it was named as "a land of negroes quite difficult to rule, can't follow a single order" said by a Spanish high officer. Still many slaves from the west escaped to the Spanish side, that created an issue among french-spanish relationships, always antagonistic. By the time the revolution started that also created an issue on the Spanish colony, as it's western less populated part was surrounded by the french colony, they didn't respect bourdaries and it spread into those lands, (eventually that part was invaded and kept by the haitians). The haitian army invaded the DR, mostly to secure its border so the french wouldn't retake them by land- they had already built a chain of fortresses all around their coastline, and take advantage of the amount of fields and land on the east to split amongst their military. Let's note there was not a mass migration into the DR at the time, reason why several African Americans and other islanders were brought instead. Some say we were enslaved, but i think personally laws were made to erase our heritage and integrate the population into haitian mainstream society which never happened – you didn't give slaves political and military opportunities at the time. But of course, none of that made effect, we had our identify forged already- and let's not forget, the land they took from us and the way they wiped out, the massacre of the white population in their territory and ours, all that history is still fresh on the minds of the people and that's never been forgotten. So based on all that, we must say, Dominicans tend to claim a taino, or mostly mixed heritage and its Hispanic culture, as rejection of Africaness and blackness as a way of saying we're not them, we don't act like them, basically. And that's how it's been for over 200yrs. And yet, we get along with everyone, it's just that sensitive issue that's pending

  20. P you keep you guys keep saying Taino people these were people of African descent they were people that were from a certain part of Africa just like the Ethiopians in the Somalians look different from the sub-Saharan Africans diagonal just means good people and Taino language. This is another thing that has been strategize through European and white men to separate us and divide Us by giving us different and and giving us a that would stop us as a people of color from allying with one another because we will fill divided and different and that needs to stop Diana people are afro people.

  21. This video obviously was made to look Dominican Republic l bad. Is hard to say that discrimination exists everywhere in the world and I am proud to say that Dominican Republic has very low statistics in RACIAL discrimination but obviously it is easy just to repeat what others say instead doing a professional investigation about a theme. The big majority of Dominicans are mixed race and there is a minority of white and black citizens. we have an immigration law that is clear and it does not matter the skin color if you are illegal you are deported ( as in every country in the world ). Haity invade Dominican Repulic and they governed DR for 22 years from 1822 to 1844 ( when getting our independence ) and it is one of the main subject in our history but this video does not even mention it because they want to show Dominican republic as discriminatory but The truth is that we are more than beautiful beaches, we are the most developing economic democratic country in the Caribbean and we have a lot to offer not just the beaches.


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