The Ultimate Training Plan Goku, Superman,

Goku, Vegeta, and Superman Prepare To Battle Frieza
Chi Chi hummed to herself contently as she plated the last dish, savoring the aroma of her delicious cooking. She wiped her hands on her apron and beamed with excitement as she heard a knock on the door. Gohan and his lovely family had finally arrived!

Goten was already at the table, sitting eagerly with a playful grin, ready to dig into the delicious meal that awaited him. Chi Chi smiled at her son with pride, knowing he was always the first one at the table.

“Can you bless the food, Goku?” Chi Chi asked, preparing for a hearty feast.

Goku closed his eyes, placing his hands together and began to pray when, startling everyone, there was another knock at the door.

Goku’s face lit up as he sensed an unusual power level, he was certain he recognized it. His excitement grew as he rushed to the door, muttering to the others “Stay seated!”

To their amazement, it was none other than the man of steel, Superman. “Hey, how about our rematch?” the superhero said with a smile.

“Sure, but we were just about to sit down for dinner. Do you want to join us?” Goku replied, delighted to share a meal with his friend.

As the two Titans sat down at the table, there came another knock on the door. This time, however, it was Krillin, looking frantic and nervous.

“Fr, Frieza is coming!” Krillin stuttered out, barely able to form coherent sentences. He relayed what he’d heard, that Bulma had received a deep space transmission from Frieza, and the nefarious villain was set to arrive on Earth in just three short weeks.

Goku’s face grew serious, but he remained calm. He knew the Z-fighters had to prepare for the worst. “Don’t worry, Krillin,” he said reassuringly. “We’ll be ready for him.”

Goku stood with Vegeta and the man of steel, watching as Frieza’s newest form decimated everything in its path. Even with the three of them together, they were no match for the tyrant’s newfound power. Goku knew they needed more help – it was clear that the only way to stand a chance against Frieza was to train even harder than ever before.

He remembered hearing about Bulma’s latest invention – a hyperbolic time chamber that was far more advanced than the one he had used before. Just the thought of it made him shudder. He knew that his only chance was to undergo an intense training regimen in the chamber, but could he really endure such a grueling experience?

Even as he pondered the question, his mind was made up. He couldn’t let his friends and family suffer under Frieza’s rule any longer. He would enter the time chamber, no matter the cost.

But Goku knew that he couldn’t do it alone. He needed someone to spar with, to help him push his limits even further. That was when he had an idea.

“Hey Superman,” Goku said, turning to face the man of steel. “Would you do me a favor and spar with me in Bulma’s time chamber?”

Superman looked at him evenly, his eyes flashing with a hint of amusement. “Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

Goku didn’t hesitate. “I have to be.”

Superman nodded in understanding. It was clear that Goku was determined to do whatever it took to save his world. “Very well. I’ll do it.” PNG Files From

Please watch: “Goku “Train Until It Hurts” Mastered in Band Lab”


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