The Ukrainian Air Force Destroyed 15 Russian S 300 Defensive Batteries in Bakhmut!


26 thoughts on “The Ukrainian Air Force Destroyed 15 Russian S 300 Defensive Batteries in Bakhmut!”

  1. "15 Russian S 300" destroyed. I was curious to hear about this incident, but instead there is a circuitous comment on the current general political and military situation relating to the war in Ukraine. The S 300 systems allegedly destroyed refer to the beginning of the war until now, the comment does not describe a current attack by Ukraine. Seems to be typical clickbait…

  2. Ukrainian army fight so it is impossible to follow with exitement how war can be.
    Russia is a desappointment, both for waring, of course, but more for they have to use its supermachine for fighting and not doit in any sivil way.
    Russia have threats and other contries soldiers, including it's nonerussian inhabitans forcing to fight AND never being the superpower w wee used they were.
    Ukraina has surpriced everyone for their working their difficult situaion better than anyones within our historic time.
    Cruelty has bin enough most of the time, still being against Israel.
    I guess real war against Isral, is the only similarity to ukrainians warfare, and I am impressed.
    cruelty and threats should never win over freedom and human rights.
    Ukraina was ones the contry they are today.
    Flatting down over and over by mongol hords, but never did give up.
    When mongols went back to China and Mongolia, ussia was given Ukraina, but did never care for it, so ukraina did not fight them.
    History based on reality is rare.
    But what really happened pop up when we do not think it will.
    As then, warriors send their family away to be safe.
    other send the most spoiled young boys they have, just to make sure the rest of the family can follow.
    Very intersting.

  3. The United States needs to provide them with Thermo baric artillery shells in a large amount and Thermo baric bombs along with cluster munitions this would significantly depleted Russian advancement

  4. I can't stand to see this soldier tripping and falling anymore. Who is he? Do you have a name? Family? A dog? We will never know who the unbalanced soldier is.

    Now if he released the pin of a grenade or fired a rifle… πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  5. I fear for the future of the Russian people for when Put fires Nucs the American submarines will remove Russia from the map and the world will have to suffer climate change of catastrophic proportions, God help us all!


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