China Navy Missiles Hit US Warships in South China Sea

As China encirclement of Taiwan, US warship sails through South China Sea

China on Monday held joint flights of jets and voyages of naval frigates after a US warship sailed through the disputed South China Sea amid Beijing’s encirclement of Taiwan.


27 thoughts on “China Navy Missiles Hit US Warships in South China Sea”

  1. US armies should spend more time on black sea and baltic sea to help european allied Ukraine instead of doing all provoking acts with guts to fight….. really a coward

  2. You are not true military fans you are leading people disinformation and misinformation…sone smart people can't be fooled by stupid fools.

  3. its funny how people are calling this propaganda yet there is over 330k views on the video ! This video is very is very much of a prophetic nature. The name of the video tells us the things that are to come in the future. The US navy ships do not even have any air defense capable of intercepting supersonic Chinese missiles at any high any degree of accuracy to be able to say that they can defend themselves against them and shoot them down before they hit their target. Sure ships are a minuscule target in a huge ocean, but once the ship location is know by the missile divisions of the Chinese military or navy, its pretty much assured that the missile will hit its target and either damage the ship and put it out of action or outright sink it. Pro US people will tend to deny this but even the US military has admitted that they don't have any effective defense against these new missiles that Russia and China are currently building in significant quantities. So you can deny it all you want but when the military say it themselves and that they are alarmed about this new development, it says a lot and says all you need to know. US also has missiles but not as advanced as those of China or Russia. Not as much efforts were put into the development of better missiles. The US only tested its first supersonic/hypersonic missile not too long ago and it failed while China/Russia have long perfected the technology. So great is the impact of these missiles in the event of a war that they almost render aircraft carriers obsolete. What is the point of having them if you cant approach close enough to the target or country in question otherwise you fall in range of these missiles. Some people seem to be oblivious that these missiles exist, or that the Chinese or Russians even have the capability of building such missiles even tough the US military has acknowledged their existence. Once the coordinate are entered into the missile computer, it is more likely that the ship will be hit damaged/sunk then not its as simple as that even if the ships air defense does manage to intercept the odd missile here and there, a barrage of missiles easily defeats these lucky shots and the Chinese and Russians have lots of these missiles they have been amassing them for a while. But some will continue to be in denial, but when the war will happen, they will be the first to act all surprised. others in the fog of war will believe the propaganda, that our ships are not being sunk by enemy missiles, that those are just rumors or propaganda from the enemy despite direct photo or video evidence that will be time stamped and tractable to the location of the sinking of the ship. It is quite easy to see how things will play out. The US is over extended and is quite evidently entering the stage of decline which is the reason for the sudden pivot into Asia. Not because they care about the people of Taiwan. They would rather see the Island and its people destroyed, then to see the Island be back in control of mainland China like it had been for centuries prior to the Chinese civil war. Which shows you that the lesser of the 2 evil would be the Chinese taking the Island and the US not interfering vs interfering and causing a much greater war that will end up destroying the very thing you are supposedly helping. Your not helping if you are also causing the destruction. If you care so much about the Island remaining independent then give back the Islands of Hawaii to the people it belongs to. Hawaii was annexed by the US and made into a state when it was a sovereign kingdom. The US government deposed the monarchy and exiled its monarch. Talk about respecting sovereignty.

  4. I'm from Pakistan I 💓🇵🇰 long live 🇵🇰 United States of America people's republic of China both are our most friendly Nation's Pakistan has serious concerns tension between two states Pakistan hope both sides plz stop this tension we want peacefull world❤️🙏🇵🇰🌹

  5. It's arrogant in the extreme for China to send thousands of spy/fishing boats into whatever areas they want, totally ignoring boundaries and no fishing zones. OK for them but they blow a gasket when any country has the temerity to cross boundaries they have set, legally recognized or not. The 9-dash line in the SCS is a prime example of this. China claims all the waters of the SCS and if one follows the line it takes j. Virtually all of the Vietnamese costal shores and then swings back up just as close to the Philippine island chain. They overfly any claim of terratorial waters from any country at will but China has and will force down or shoot down any aircraft impinging upon Their terratory. The only reason they have not yet taken such drastic steps within the waters they claim as theirs is that their claim is not recognized by the world at large. They will make that mistake one day and it will surely cost them.

  6. So . . . actually ZERO "China Navy Missiles Hit US Navy Warships in South China Sea". . . .and none even fired.
    The little red princes just stick to the usual rustling of the paper dragon and blowing up fish.


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