The UFO & Alien Disclosure Timeline [PART 1]

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In the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties, we find a unique development capturing the general public conscience: UFOs. Recent military videos showing what appear to be legitimate unidentified flying objects have entered mainstream media. Many people are skeptical about the recent coverage of UFOs and UAPs in the media. Others are probably just along for the ride, seeing where it takes us, while some may not care or hold conflicting opinions about life in general.

Regardless of how we personally feel, there exist unexplainable things in life beyond our realm of understanding. Exploring these mysteries can be intriguing, and the implications are staggering. Many believe that hidden knowledge about UFOs, advanced technology, and nonhuman intelligence is gradually being revealed to the public. This video delves into this disclosure process, featuring credible figures coming forward with evidential intelligence, highly documented public UFO encounters, the public percetion shifts, and the initiatives made to bring light to the subject.

Of course this really doesn’t even scratch the surface with how far the rabbit hole goes. Remember, this is all for entertainment purposes only, and it’s essential to draw your own conclusions about the validity of the material, as with any content you consume. The truth is out there, and some people know it. In a world full of mysteries, we must carefully discern what’s real and what’s not to gain a deeper understanding of our reality.


00:00 Intro
00:05 October 30, 1938: The War of the Worlds Broadcast
02:27 February 24, 1942: The Battle of Los Angeles
05:23 June 24, 1947: Kenneth Arnold Sighting & Flying Saucer Craze
07:35 July 1947: Roswell UFO Incident
11:05 1950 – 1956: “The Flying Saucers are Real” & The Creation of NICAP
13:42 1951: Gordon Cooper’s UFO Encounter
15:55 1952 – 1969: Project Blue Book
19:17 July 14, 1952: The Nash-Fortenberry UFO Incident
21:20 July 1952: The Washington D.C. UFO Incident
23:54 December 8, 1954: Richard E. Byrd Comes Forward
25:24 April 24, 1964: Socorro UFO Incident
27:02 March 1966: Gerald R. Ford Pushes for UFO Investigation
28:40 April 6, 1966: Westall UFO Incident
31:28 1960s Onward: UFO Nuke Interference
35:16 May 31, 1969: The creation of MUFON
37:33 July 20, 1969: The Moon Landing
39:55 November 5, 1975: Travis Walton UFO Incident
42:02 September 19, 1976: Tehran UFO Incident
43:59 Late 1970s: Paul Bennewitz Cover Up
47:06 December 26, 1980: Rendlesham Forest Incident
49:23 1984: The Creation of SETI
50:55 1987: John Lear Comes Forward
54:20 May 15, 1989: Bob Lazar Comes Forward
57:24 1989 – 1990: Belgian UFO Wave
59:07 1990: Dr. Steven Greer Comes Forward

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#UnexplainedMysteries #alien #truth


UFO Disclosure,
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,
Extraterrestrial Intelligence,
UAP Encounters,
Alien Technology,
Public Perception Shift,
Credible UFO Sightings,
Government UFO Reports,
Conspiracy Theories,
Advanced Technology,
Nonhuman Intelligence,
Hidden Knowledge,
Paranormal Phenomena,
Evidential UFO Cases,
UFO Cover-Up,
Disclosure Initiatives,
Unexplained Phenomena,
Government Secrets,
UFO Witnesses,
Anomalies in the Sky,
Reality and Mysteries,
Truth about UFOs,
Exposing the Unknown,
Investigating UAPs,
Unraveling the Mystery,
Phenomenon Exploration,
Cosmic Enigmas,
Unveiling Truths,
Beyond Our Reality,
The Unseen World,
Hidden Agendas,
Unmasking Secrets,
Exploring Possibilities,
Strange Sightings,
Unearthly Phenomena,
Search for Answers,
Uncharted Territories,
Otherworldly Encounters,
The Unexplainable


30 thoughts on “The UFO & Alien Disclosure Timeline [PART 1]”

  1. The photo in the 1942 newspaper for the battle of los angeles was doctored by newspaper editors before release

    the photo of marcel holding material from roswell was a recreation photo using tinfoil because the original material had been confiscated

    Bob lazar, american businessman and conspiracy theorist, Wikipedia

  2. The thing about "disclosure" is that they are asking all the wrong questions. They are villifying the presence and there has never been any evidence of weaponry used on humans. We're the ones shooting at them and if Battle over LA, Ca. Is any indication, we are miserably unable to "defend," not that it needs to be a concern. We must look like tribes who have had zero contact with outsiders. But if this handhold on the subject shines a light to the validity then its a start.

  3. Unfortunately, this video goes along with it's point of how media can use disinformation to shape the public view. Here they do it by saying America entered WWII just after Japan bombed perl harbor, but actually we entered it previous to this, it was our naval blockade of Japan that prompted this response from the Japanese.

  4. I've always felt like the argument that the War of the Worlds broadcast and the ensuing panic caused the secrecy and coverups to prevent mass hysteria was flimsy at best. It's a false equivalent. Hearing a radio announcement that alien life has been discovered and aliens were attacking.

    It may seem like people were overly gullible but this was 1938. We have damn near a whole town in Kentucky swore to God they all seen a leprechaun. I doubt any of that had much to do with any decisions Is all I'm saying

  5. I've wondered about the timeline to all of this and I'm glad someone did such a good job consolidating the data. However, nukes being developed and used are considered the origin, not WotW. The whole space program was developed to deliver ICBM's. It was then we either started seeing what we imagined or they started paying attention to us.

  6. There are alot of red flags with bob lazars story but, there are some things that I can't really understand. #1, Court hearing. When bob was in the court hearing, the judge even mentions how absolutely impossible it was to find out anything about him, hinting that it could be possible that his history was being erased. #2, Edward Teller, on 2 occasions when teller was being interviewed, he was asked about bob lazar. Both his responses seem weird to me. "I Will sit silently" and "We're not going to talk about it" why would he just simply state that he gave him a job? #3 FBI raid, if what bob said is true, and there were really 15-20 agents there, that seems pretty unusual. 20 agents looking for receipts from a customer that might have bought toxic materials. #4 The Flying Saucer test flights, why would he just bring his close friends all out to the dessert randomly. Some people say he artificially made it, I don't buy that. Obviously these are just my opinions and I could be completely overthinking it.

  7. Good chronic, but you're missing the Italy UFO incident in the 30s, the sightings around the testings of the a-bomb (Trinity) and WW2 (foo fighters). David Grusch brought the Italy incedent back into the limelight trinity recently in front of the senators. I really hope this time we will get real disclosure, it's kind of depressing seeing in your timeline that its not the first attempt, every decade one try, and nothing happends. But its clear to me that parts of the US IMC/IS are hiding something in connection to the UFO/UAP phenomena, and its going on for 60(?) years under the assistance of the % eyes. Oh, and you forgot to mention Phillip J. Corso. I mean, you mentioned Byrd (his dairy is fake AF) and Lear, but not Corso? He is at least more important then Byrd and his story is in line with what Bob Lazar was telling. The only question is, will we ever get the real story or just a watered down version in maybe 10-20 years, if ever?


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