The Tyrants | Omar Suleiman #shorts


18 thoughts on “The Tyrants | Omar Suleiman #shorts”

  1. استغفر الله العظيم و اتوب اليك يا الله يا رب العالمين و الصلاة و السلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا

  2. Subhanallah walhamdulila wa laailahailallah Allahuakbar walahaula wa lakuwata Ilabilahilaaliyu laadhim I have been working on the project please marriage and I will be grateful if you can help me with the information 🙏 please help me marriage jihad from Allah bless you for Allahuakbar marriage

  3. Maashallah Allahuakbar jazakallah kheri Alhamdulilahi Rabilaalamin you Allah bless you for your birthday messages and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and relatives and friends in the family to be there for Allahuakbar marriage jihad from Allah bless you for

  4. Subhanallah Allahuakbar jazakallah kheri Alhamdulilahi Rabilaalamin you Allah bless you for Allahuakbar marriage jihad from Allah bless you for Allahuakbar marriage jihad from Allah bless you for Allahuakbar marriage

  5. Maashallah and I have been working on the project management and management project for the project management role at the time I was working with the company for Allahuakbar marriage jihad from Allah bless you for Allahuakbar marriage

  6. Maashallah Allahuakbar jazakallah kheri Alhamdulila Allahuakbar I love you so much for Allahuakbar birthday wishes for Allahuakbar marriage jihad from Allah bless you for Allahuakbar marriage jihad from Allah bless you for Allahuakbar marriage

  7. Dear Allah swt will say..
    Where are Kings and their Sons now!?
    Where are Tirans and their Sons now??
    All of you are crushed to the ground..
    And we will sleep in the ground 70
    years from Jugment Day,waiting for
    judge of Him…
    When people see how Allah swt
    punish insects and animals,our agony
    will increase 100% more then ever..
    Pray Adam sons,pray to Allah swt
    to forgive us,until you can..!!!

  8. Subhana Allah, because they lived with arrogance thinking they are bigger than anyone else, Allah brings them in a tiny small form and they will be crushed under the feet. It's the absolute justice


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