The Truth About Maryrose… – Shadows House Season 2 Episode 9 Reaction & Review

Last episode, the identity of Master Robe was finally revealed! But now we found out WHY Maryrose has actually been doing what she has been doing – and it’s shocking to say the least. Let’s discuss, analyze and theorize in this Shadows House Season 2 Episode 9 Reaction and Review!

This video’s discussion portion was edited by Adonis! You can follow them on Twitter!: !

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7 thoughts on “The Truth About Maryrose… – Shadows House Season 2 Episode 9 Reaction & Review”

  1. -Johns Deductions!!!!!!!!
    -The cast is finally caught up on what was said in the season 1 info dump!!!!
    -yeaaaahhhh… unification equals death…
    -yup! the entryway was a red herring both in and out of universe!!!
    -Maryrose & Rosemary my beloveds!!!!! 😭😭😭
    -PLOTWIST!!!!! Maryrose and Rosemary be Girlbossing, Gaslighting (sort of), and Gatekeeping!!!!!
    -I know she's attacking everyone, but god her and rosemary are so pretty!!!! they're so dramatic!!!
    -I love how even when attacking Kate and John, Maryrose is still giving them bits of advice.
    -THOMAS!!!! GOD I HATE HIM!!!!
    -THE BOX!!! THE BOX!!! THE BOX!!!
    -if I remember correctly the box was shown in the anime original episodes from season 1. so I guess anime only foreshadowing pay-off?
    -Yeah, all the children baring Kate and the other new debutants knew Edward and his crew, especially Maryrose/Barabara since they're the oldest of the children's wing.
    -yeaaaahhhhh… Edwards face (Ed?) is no more…
    -The person in the box isn't anyone we've been previously introduced to. Maryrose did tell Louise that she wouldn't know the last shadow to be invited so we wouldn't either.
    -ALSO GOD THE ANIME WENT HARD AT THE BOX SCENE!!!!! it was disturbing in the manga, but there are so many more details here jesussssss!!!!!!

    -also yes MaryroseXRosemary is a top tier ship, they both give off Suuuch saphic vibes aaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
    -gjkdjakgfjlagfljkakghi!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 "we support womens rights but we also support womens wrongs." 🤣🤣🤣 YEAH WE DO!!!!!!
    -her motivations here really put into perspective what Maryrose said to Louise about taking care of Lou. 😢
    -I don't think that was a lie per say. she puts some of her own soot into others to create scorches she can't just control others soot. she can also move light objects so she probably did that. Kate does draw the comparison of what she did to Emilico during the dance scene at the debut
    -As someone who didn't suspect Maryrose for a second I nearly cried when this was all revealed
    -I want to say the designed the entrance that way to catch and dispose of rebels. I'm not sure about the possibility of a former bridge though…
    -I don't think there are any phantoms that can fly. From what I've seen the Phantoms are a significantly more powerful version of scorches and they can't fly so that wouldn't be possible. and Maryrose can't make those soot birds either so flying out would be out of the question for them working alone.
    -also we don't really see how wide the cliff is so even if her phantoms could fly whose to say she could have made it across.
    – plus Maryrose's soot is weak on it's own so I don't think she could have made a bridge
    -To be fair whether the two could have made a better plan or not aside they were on a massive time crunch with Rosemary's life on the line I'm not sure if anyone could have handled that well
    -I think it was Kate who made the bridge not John
    -the adult who made the bird is named Eileen/Aileen!
    -ajkskfajbfhkakft-! I didn't even think of the implications of what Kate sneaking into the adult wing had on this scene omygod!!!!
    -Also!!! Edward transforming from Shadow to Face IN FRONT OF KATE AND EMILICO JESEUS THAT PARTS SO BAD!!!!! okay rant over, at least they could say they couldn't tell because of the lighting or something. 😓
    -Yeah, John also snuck into the adults wing last season, albeit he wasn't as smart about it
    -Though the ED seemed to imply BarbaraXMaryrose a bit (I think both are pretty good to be honest)
    -Yeah, I don't Think Rosemary or Maryrose were lying to the group about all of the heartfelt stuff, they just had to put it all aside to push forward
    -yeaaaahhhhh the group was a lot more shook in the manga
    -and when John was talking about how cool unification was Maryrose was really angry at that, was a bit disappointed by how calm they played her here

    Great video as always!!!!

  2. you have to pay atention to the power positions of children and adults shadows. that will be really important in a next season.
    Also, the box Kate found in the first season in 12 episode is the one edward opened.
    the corpse is a X shadow. it is not character we know or hear about. It' s a girl by the way.

    Good video.


  3. The first time they explored the house and saw the front "entrance" at night, was the time when maryrose was supposed to meet up with Emilyko, Shaun and Rum when they were grounded. That's the part everyone who read the manga was so salty about

  4. -Girlfriends who fight the system together stay together

    -From what we counted, Edward is 25 at most, more likely closer to 20. Dude's hair really do be throwing us off lmao

    -Mary's power opens so many doors for future shadows, and namely Patrick. Imagine if using other people's soot is a trait of low-tier soot volume shadows…. and if under those conditions Pat gets his hands on Barbara's soot storm….So many possibilities~

    -John continues to be amazing, as always. Such a good boy

    -Ah yes, the lessons, delivered with such elegance~ Never losing it, even for a moment, such grace~

    -Thomas, such a delight. Didn't expect his voice to be this high, imagined it lower. But it surprisingly works

    -"The first welcoming" in general for Edward, the process as a whole, not just this one instance. He had 2 pairs called in, one survived (off screen), the other failed. They never saw the failed result.

    -Ah yes, the box~ They made the dead chick so gross, much worse state than she was in the manga, damn, here she even looks like she started decomposing, ugh! Amazing visual, truly shows the horror of failed unification!

    -Omg my chart being used! dies It's not someone we know. Just some rando

  5. Shadows House generally does a good job of depicting morally nuanced characters. Few people are just inherently "bad people", and instead just exist within an evil, corrupting system with limited information and high degrees of authoritarian control. Even some characters you probably think of right now as being objectively wrong and immoral will turn out to have situations quite different to what's been shown so far.

    Thomas is not one of those people. You haven't quite seen the extent of it yet, but Thomas is one of, like, three characters in the series who really is just outright not a good person in any way.

    Rosemary and Maryrose have given up on escaping at this point – the only way out is through Grandfather's wing, which is impossible. As they said, what they're planning is supposed to be their "final act". Which does raise the question of what sort of result the current battle might have, either way – if Maryrose wins, Kate would be restrained and so probably not a suspect anyway as Maryrose does her thing, and if Kate wins, would she even be willing to hand Maryrose over to be tortured in exchange for the additional prestige of apprehending the culprit rather than just no longer being a suspect? And if not, what would her victory change? Perhaps she'd be able to talk them into figuring out some third option.

    Indeed, Maryrose and Edward were children together.

    I think a lot of anime-only fans in general had not quite grasped the severity of unification before now. Yeah, it's not a happy little mind-meld body-sharing thing, it's literally the human becoming so brainwashed into believing they're nothing more than their Shadow's face that they lose all of their will and humanity and willingly die to become their vessel.

    I don't think she can decide what her Phantom looks like – she just gets to give it orders. It's a pile of soot, not a bird – the soot bird was that Shadow's specific soot power. Kate made the soot bridge, not John, and she has very fine soot control, which Maryrose doesn't. Scaling the cliffs could be a solution, but I don't expect that rock-climbing was on the Shadow curriculum alongside dancing and flower-arranging.

    Yeah, this is one of the more significant problems that the anime-original arc introduced, along with Louise and Patrick being all "yeah, sure, let's sneak into the Forbidden Zone" before and then this season needing a whole episode to be convinced to ask around about soot powers, as well Shirley in general. Going toe-to-toe with Edward last season seemed like no big deal, but going forwards it's a pretty major point that adults seemingly being exponentially stronger than children, so much so that direct confrontation seems like suicide, is a Very Big Deal Indeed. Especially alongside the fact that becoming an adult to challenge them on even ground would be morally abhorrent.

  6. Conspiracies in the Shadows House is just keeps piling up. For the record, we have Grandfather's conspiracy against humans, Kate's conspiracy to bring the end of shadows house as a whole, Maryrose/Rosemary conspiracy to run away and (hopefully) instigate a rebellion, Star Bearers conspiracy to keep adults from knowing about the coffee incident, Edward's conspiracy to get him and two his underlings on the third floor. And that's still far from the end, trust me 😉


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