THE THREE-BODY PROBLEM (Trisolaran Invasion, Lore + Entire Book Series) EXPLAINED

Hey guys, what’s happening? Niyat here with film comics explained, and today we’re diving into “The Three-Body Problem”, written by the renowned Chinese science fiction writer Liu Cixin, marking the first novel of the “Remembrance of Earth’s Past” trilogy.

Although the series features three books, The Three-Body Problem, The Dark Forest and Death’s End, which we will be covering in this video, it’s frequently referred to collectively as “The Three-Body Problem” or simply “Three-Body.”

The story encompasses a mindblowing history of Earth’s encounters with an extraterrestrial civilization originating from a system governed by three suns that orbit each other—mirroring the complex celestial dynamics known as the three-body problem in orbital mechanics.

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49 thoughts on “THE THREE-BODY PROBLEM (Trisolaran Invasion, Lore + Entire Book Series) EXPLAINED”

  1. I love this series, but the dark forest hypnosis is stupid.

    It'd be as simple as "Hey dude, we noticed your communications, you might not wanna broadcast everything because space is dangerous, theres this thing where other species are terrified that another will destroy them, so they preemptively strike them. I think that's stupid, so heres our more advanced tech than yours, lets be friends and protect eachother and maybe recruit some more species." Like, all it would take is a bunch of species versus one dark forest species to end this stupid game. The chain of suspicion is ridiculous as well

  2. The main problem I have with the trisolarans listener who warned her not to send another message is that it shows there is possibility to keep secrets in trisolaran society if you keep yourself isolated from others of your kind. So in short there can be lies in their society it just needs to be remote communication. So them judging humans because they can lie when the concept should not be foreign to them as its possible if you don't physically meet. Its just shows how they lie to themselves that their society is somehow more perfect than ours when in reality everything is still the same just different methods to achieve it. This also creates the problem that the listener could never meet one of its kind again as if it met one it would cause them to know everything it knew of the communication.

  3. The TV show is terrible. It’s heavy use if DEI is suffocating. The choice of the Wall Facers makes zero sense. Some low level soldier is picked over the top generals in the world. The USA has been fighting since its inception and operates the largest military force the world has ever seen with capabilities that exceed the rest is the world combined. Yet they pick some nobody. The physicist is a drug addict loser that hasn’t achieved anything substantial and is a train wreck of a person. It’s like the group from the show Friends is picked to save the world. All of their lives are absolute shit shows.

    AND, finding a solution to the 3 body problem would do nothing to help the aliens in the their planet. That entire plot point is such a successful ruse that it even fooled the writers of the show 😂.

    The show writing is trash, the acting is trash(er) and the wokeism makes it impossible to watch; if the first two reasons weren’t enough to make it unwatchable.

    I just started the books. I hope they are better than the show.

  4. Should've offered the trisolarans Mars
    It's already probably more hospitable then their home system and if it needs terraforming I'm sure they could easily do it with the help of Earths + Solar Systems resources.

    In return they share some tech with us and we get a hopefully friendly neighbor.

  5. Really smart sci-fi UNTIL…
    Trisolarans: "We do not understand deception. Why does the Big Bad Wolf dress like grandmother? Why doesn't he just eat Little Red Riding Hood?? We would like to speak with him…"

    (two minutes later)

    Also the Trisolarans, dressed like a hot chick with a samurai sword: "You are bugs."

    Humanity: "So you don't understand deception… but you understand catfishing??"

    Trisolarans: "Why do you fish for cats??"

    Humanity: 🤦

  6. One thing i never understand… if you have the tech to build super computers and space travel, and such a driving force (fear of extinction)… how does the tought of creating a extraplanetary habitat not ocur to them? Have it mobile and just keep it in a stable orbit…

  7. If humans had a large space fleet, then by implication they could have done scientific research on the fleet ships themselves, bypassing the Sophon block.

    Similarly, if the Trisolarans had the resources to create a computer the size of a world, then by implication they could have created artificial habitats with solar sails at a further distance from their 3 stars, bypassing the 3 body problem without having to invade anyone.

    There are lots of cool ideas in the series, but like a lot of sci-fi, you have to not think too much about it.

    But for fun, some ways Earth could have fought the Trisolarans without prior information of their true abilities:

    – send fleets of ram scoops towards the invading fleet, sucking up the space hydrogen as they go, thereby depriving the invading fleet of their needed fuel. No new physics needed, its entirely an engineering problem.

    – research biological computers on space craft, eventually manufacturing such on space craft as well. These could then slowly replace conventional computers on Earth, with biological AIs that the sophons cannot apparently read.

    – develop robotics to automatically mass manufacture particle accelerators elsewhere in the solar system. The Trisolarans admitted they used all of their resources to build just 2 pairs of sophons after all.

  8. The cruel irony is that those who wanted to live in their colonies and remain in the solar system needed a black domain, and the only way to create one was by using the FTL method of curvature propulsion to warp space time, thus slowing down the speed of light locally. The answer to both desires laid in curvature propulsion, but humanity was so scared of what it didn’t understand it doomed the entirety of the solar system

  9. Wildly detailed breakdown of this!! …. also – does anyone ever talk about the dehydration/rehydration idea being related to tardigrades (because those adorable creatures can survive in a dehydrated state – within reason – and then rehydrate swimmingly…..)

  10. This is a great series! The scene in which Evans poorly explained, to the aliens, the aspects of a fictional story (Little Red Riding Hood) and made the aliens fear human lies, and perceive humans as a non-trustworthy species, shows how dangerous it would be to have a one (or few) individuals speaking with an alien race on behalf of humanity as a total. These aspects of the series, that make us think, is one of the main things that catch my interest. Evans did not take seriously his role and the fact that he was representing his entire species. He was informal, insensitive, lazy, delusional, morally and intellectually unprepared. Note: I am very curious about the young human assassin (can't remember her name). How are her actions coordinated with the aliens (to erase videos, etc) and how is she so strong and resilient? There seems to be much more to be uncovered (still watching). Exciting!

  11. This video was a bit confusing tbh because you keep mixing both the show and the books together I you keep referencing stuff that happen in the books and then stuff that was different in the show without saying which is which, talking about things that happened in the show but not the books and visa versa the books and the Netflix adaptation are two very different things with different plot lines it almost warrants two different videos

  12. The whole launch a brain into space so that it can be a spy makes zero sense. Even the method of delivery is nonsense explode nukes near the vessel? The entire ship if it’s not blown up or hit by debris becomes radioactive

  13. It’s amazing…there made to look like some god equivalent race to be in the whole story a sadly pathetic low form of a race …a stepping stone to the human race if you will….cause humans are in there element when we are threatened it’s like our species super power

  14. I enjoyed the Netflix episodes for what they presented, I'd not had any exposure to the story/books beforehand. Starting the Tencent show, and once done will read the books which I bought on Kindle ages ago because they were cheap amd sounded good but have not read.

  15. Guess I’ll read the books, always been a sci fi fan since Junior high (middle school to you whippersnappers) and cinematic efforts usually fall dismayingly short of the original source material, witness the original Starship Troopers movie, where’s the power suits?? Oh, forgot, we got to see butts n boobs

  16. 2 things I don't like in the show:
    1. You can't use quantum entangled particles to send Information faster than light
    2. Assigning human like war features to all aliens out there is too anthropocentric

  17. I still don't understand how those sophoms can do all they do and yet not destroy the entire freaking human species?! They can manipulate media, electronics, appear on the sky travel at near light speed?! Come on! That freaking proton could destroy all humans in a second.


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