The Terrifying Truth of BTK | Bryan Kohberger BTK Connection? | Dennis Rader Confession

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The Terrifying Truth of BTK | Did Bryan Kohberger BTK Connection? | Dennis Rader Confession


46 thoughts on “The Terrifying Truth of BTK | Bryan Kohberger BTK Connection? | Dennis Rader Confession”

  1. I lived in Bel Aire Kansas at the time that BTK Resurfaced. I remember placing my cordless home phone on the table right inside my door from the garage into the house and calling it before I would go in since I knew his MO was to cut the phone lines.

  2. One thing that stuck out to me when you were sharing about BDK history and comparing it with Bryan Kohberger case and that was the using of a cement block to break a window of one of his victim’s. Bryan did not use a cement block(to my knowledge) to break out a window but there was a cement block seen positioned directly under the back bathroom window at the Idaho 4’s house. It has the appearance of being placed there so someone could try looking in the window or using it to break the window to gain entrance.

  3. On the subject of loss of power and control; you've told BTK for the last 1:05:26 how much power he has over you and/or any "normal, socially adjusted person".
    I didn't count how many times you've said "he makes you sick" in various forms of speech…"Makes you…".
    After his being behind bars for most of your life that's an impressive amount of control and (to some personality types) awesome power.
    Jack the Ripper has such power more than 120 years later and (from the ever increasing videos) that power is keeping pace.
    The question is not so much why a killer would want to kill, but, why would society grant the special privilege of global remembrance to the Ripper, any before him/her and all to come after. A society in awe of this personality trait is indeed sick itself.
    The same personality trait in different circumstances is equally applauded by our society. We cheer them on.
    Russia attacks the Ukraine and we boo at Borris with equal attention to egging Volodymyr on with our good hopes for a victory when the reality is they're both guilty of coercing other people to murder for them. We sit back and pontificate on "correctness" while the right thing to do would be to take them both, put them in a round room with two clubs in it and see if they will beat each other to death. Winner goes to prison. The video would do very well on YouTube.
    The Marquis de Sade was arrested for doing things to women and children (for the pleasure of his aristocratic guests from every country) that make BTK and Jack the ripper together look like less than rank amateurs.
    I haven't even begun to talk about murderers taking control of religious sects and killing uncounted millions, in the name of "Loving God", making the atrocities of ww2 look as well like child's play. Have you concerned yourself about the uncounted children murdered by the catholic church across Canada that was still happening within my lifetime. Their searchers are still behind churchyards digging up the bodies from shallow, unmarked graves. Trudeau was going to make a speech about it, but, alas, he forgot to go to that memorial.
    253 children dug up from shallow graves at a single catholic residential school. The last one was 10 years younger than myself. NO PRESS? That pope-guy has a lot of power. Power that comes from killing millions of people.
    I'm saddened and feel deeply for the families of the BTK victims. A large part of that sadness is because of those who keep escalating his status as a global celebrity. They do the same for El Chapo.
    I'm equally sad for the Idaho murder victims families and think it unfair to the memories of these four beautiful children: Ethan Chapin, Madison Mogen, Xana Kernodle, and Kaylee Goncalves take second billing whilst we gift international stardom to their killer.
    Would it be too much to ask you title your video "The terrifying truth about the murderer of Joseph Otero's family, Kathryn and Kevin Bright, Shirley Relford, Nancy Fox, Marine Hedge, Vicki Wegerle and Delores Davis"? Wouldn't that give more reverence for the victims and solace for their families?
    Though, I dare say your video wouldn't get as many hits, wouldn't you feel more like a "normal, socially adjusted person"?

  4. And yet, women are still told to beware dating online, you don't know who you are talking to. And told they should go to church to find a good man. Yeah, like the minute you meet the man for the very first time, you will know his whole life story and everything about who they are, before you even say hello and introduce yourself.

  5. I'm very familiar with this case. Even so, I really enjoyed your fresh perspective, and your new take on an old BTK case. Also, enjoyed the way you linked this case to some newer more modern cases. Another slam dunk. Nice job!

  6. Great video on the details and timelines of BTK.. however, I personally cannot make the connection between BTK and Kohberger. Other than their studies of course, and sharing the same professor. Thx for the video 10 to Life!

  7. I remember the news having discussions about what happened to him. Dead? moved? jail? At the time they didn't think serial killers could just stop like that. People even wondered if his come backs could be a copy cat until the last where he wanted them to know it was he.

  8. How life works getting see her graduate college and university and walk her down the isle then as soon as that happens dad was arrested sad thing is many people won’t be able see their kids daughters woman’s marry n make grand kids

  9. The difference between BTK and BK is that we now have technology to capture the killer. DNA cellular towers home security systems with cameras. Brian thought he could get away with his murders but our new technology caught him 😂😢😅

  10. Hi Annie! Theory: what if these girls were involved in stealing money from the sorority? I watched a video of how the sororities have huge amounts of money. One sorority girl said she would carry around checks up to $500,000 to deposit. They also would have budgets of $80,000 for parties. What? !? What if somehow, these girls got access to some money and couldn’t repay it. That could explain the gruesome slayings, and would be a warning to all sorority sisters. What if Kopacka was somehow hired to do this crime … what if he saw the survey from Kohberger and responded that he was hired to commit this gruesome perfect crime and that Koberger could be a witness to it. That is why Kohberger stalked these girls in this house almost immediately after arriving in Washington .. Kohberger & Kopacka planned & executed the crime. Kohberger tried to frame Kopacka by leaving the sheath. But when that didn’t worked Kohberger “swatted” Kopacka so there would be no other suspects. Therefore the perfect crime. (If these girls had found a stash of cash from the sorority and couldn’t help themselves to the $$$ but then couldn’t repay it—- kaylee has a beautiful boob job, a new Range Rover, they all have lip fillers, etc.. )

  11. Annie, can you please cover a case that is ongoing about a missing woman called Nicola Bulley from Lancashire UK, she has been missing a week after dropping her children to school she took her dog a walk in a place she goes regular. she was seen there by people who recognised her, they are still not treating it as criminal due to no evidence pointing towards this but believe she may have fell into a river as there is nothing else to suggest otherwise. The river was low at that time in the morning, her phone was found sitting on a bench still connected to a conference call that she had been on, her dog was found wandering around the area of the bench, no foot marks at the side of the riverbed, the river has also been searched and a large area of on foot searches covered but no sign of her, but they still going with a theory that she fell in the river, her phone wouldn't be on a bench then and her dog would have been wet, and she wouldn't have still been connected to a conference call… all very suss and makes no sense.

  12. Let's not sensationalize Bryan, by making it seem like we are giving any credit here. Keep in mind, he failed miserably and Thank God, he did! I still think that the skinned dog that was found in the same area, was him and it was listed as being "not related" to keep Bryan from finding out the police were onto him, as they did with many other things involved in his investigation while police gave us false leads and hopes.

  13. The BTK torturing murdering and hanging animals just makes me think Bryan K WAS the one who did that awful thing to that little dog in the same area as the Idaho 4. Poor pup and poor kids. So scary and sad.

  14. Just a question, besides the possible stalking that would resemble BTK and Brian K. The murders don’t resemble each other. I’d like to get some feedback from you on this.

  15. I just recently found your show and I really enjoy it. You asked if the future we would see you serial killers because of the new technology. I believe we will I think they will just think they’re smarter and can try to find their way around the new Technology

  16. Many parallels between the Bryan & BTK. Sadly I think there will be more like them. Thank God for advances in DNA. There has been good & evil in this world since the first murder (Abel) but not forever. Ps 3710,11

  17. It really struck me when BTK asked if he could get out of his DNA that he was like some casual guy having a laugh with his friends at a bar!! When LE responded he was having a good old chuckle, like 'oh darn it, you've got me then..oops'. Really chilling. His poor family – watching him walk his daughter down the aisle was just terrifying to me. He looked SO normal!


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