The Sun Sets – Episode 21 – Soviet Campaign – Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts

Comrades, today we bring you a tale of a great victory for the Soviet Union’s Pacific Fleet. Engaged by a formidable Japanese fleet containing a variety of battleships, battlecruisers, and other ships, our brave sailors emerged victorious in a devastating clash.

Despite the enemy’s impressive numbers, our superior naval strategy and weaponry proved too much for them to handle. At least one of the enemy ships suffered from a magazine flash fire, a testament to the power of our fleet. This victory is a triumph for the Soviet Union and a testament to the skill and bravery of our sailors. The enemies of the Soviet Union tremble at the sight of our fleet, knowing that they stand no chance against the might of our naval forces.

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Captain of the 1st Company: Treefrog
Veteran Sergeants: 1stplaceonion, LCG Canyon, Welshy
Sergeant: Jackie, Twitchyknees, Alerik Rahl
Veterans: Telemonian Dan, Sunless Sky Nova, Threadoflength, Darth Vendar.
Battle Siblings: Jacky Chan, nagebenfro, scurvekano, Cpt Graftin, Icd, Iroey, Zadrias.


18 thoughts on “The Sun Sets – Episode 21 – Soviet Campaign – Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts”

  1. Both you and Stealth make the same mistake of comparing post battle damage reports according to guns or the ships bearing said guns. "This gun is very good. Look how much damage it did!" It has much more to do with which ships were in position to do effective damage for the longest time.

  2. Massive Fleet Battle in the Sea of Japan

    Stunning news from Vladivostok. The Red Banner Pacific Fleet, while trying to engage the Recalcitrant Reactionary Imperialist United States of America’s task force operating in the Sea of Japan, was challenged by the entire operational fleet of the Empire of Japan. The Soviet Fleet led by the Battleships Gordy and Kuybyshov and Battlecruisers Dzerzhinsky and Ryan met the Japanese fleet led by the Battleships IJN Kako and IJN Soho and five Battlecruisers.

    With the loss of only the Destroyer Pogranichnik and 350 brave Soviet sailors, the Red Banner Pacific Fleet sank seventeen ships and an astonishing 16.000 enemy crewmen. Only three outdated protected cruisers escaped destruction.

    Earliest reports credit the crew and officers of the Dzerzhinsky with the most damage inflicted. Reports also claim that the Comrade Kapitan Letenent of the Pogranichnik was badly out of formation, having failed to in line with his division lead, and this was the primary cause of the loss of his ship when he maneuvered too close to the enemy. Only three crewmen of the Pogranichnik were recovered from the bitter winter waters of the Sea of Japan, along with twenty other Soviet sailors washed or blown overboard during the battle.

    Pravda, 16 January 1932

  3. Prostrate Japanese Plea for Peace

    After the destruction of their entire modern navy by the Red Banner Pacific Fleet, the Empire of Japan pleas for peace negotiations. Can any reparations be sufficient for the warmongering of this Recalcitrant Reactionary Imperialist Militaristic country?

    Pravda, 24 January 1932

  4. To: First Deputy Commander in Chief of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet, Admiralty House, Kremlin, Moscow
    From: Commander, Red Banner Pacific Fleet, Vladivostok
    31 January 1932

    Comrade Admiral,

    I have the honour to report the successful engagement of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet with the Imperial Japanese Navy in the Sea of Japan on the 4 of January 1932. Under the command of Admiral V.I. Zevenesky aboard the battleship Gorky, our forces allowed the Japanese fleet to attempt to close while maintaining distance and utilized our superior gunnery to systematically destroy the ships of the enemy. Fire was directed against the enemy battleships and then battlecruisers until the enemy turned and sought to retire. Fire was then directed against the lighter combatants to prevent them from outrunning our ships.

    One Soviet ship was lost, the Pogranichnik. This destroyer had led the Konstantin and Albatros out of formation, having failed to maintain position behind the Gromonosets, and approached too close to the enemy. The Pogranichnik was overwhelmed by enemy fire, at which point the Konstantin and Albatros returned to formation.

    After 77 minutes into the engagement, no enemy ships in sight and only smoke to follow, Comrade Admiral Zevensky, conscious of the fact that ships of the United States Navy were still in the area as well as Japanese submarines, and with many ships having already expended more than half their ordnance, ordered the fleet to stop pursuit and return to port. I wholly endorse this decision. Reports from our agents in Japan suggest that only three outdated Japanese protected cruisers returned to port.

    At a review of records from my staff a detailed timeline is provided in appendix A.

    Initial review of records indicate that the Dzerzhinsky, Battlecruiser of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet, did the most damage to the enemy. Detailed estimates of each ships’ contribution is provided in appendix B.

    I have the honour to be the Revolution’s humble servant,

    Admiral Ivan Ivanovich Kaenalskive

    Red Banner Pacific Fleet, Commanding

    Appendix A: Timeline of events reported of the Battle of the Sea Japan, 4 January 1932

    Adjusted Event

    0:00:00 First contact with enemy fleet

    0:09:28 Light Cruiser Yurabi reported sunk

    0:09:34 Destroyer Pogranichnik reports she is sinking

    0:10:00 Destroyer Pogranichnik, along with Konstantin and Albatros, badly out of formation and not following division lead Gromonosets

    0:11:17 Battleship Kanko reported sunk

    0:18:54 Lost sight of bulk of enemy fleet. All divisions ordered to turn port to close the range.

    0:25:20 Battleship Shoho listing, reported sunk

    0:27:24 Armoured Cruiser Tsubakuro reported sunk

    0:29:00 General signal to all Soviet ships, evade incoming torpedoes

    0:29:29 Destroyer Shinome reported sunk

    0:35:29 Battlecruiser Hiei reported sunk

    0:35:29 Battlecruiser Nisshin loses both aft main turrets, reported sunk

    0:36:20 Destroyer Amatsukaze reported sunk, hit by fire directed at the Akitsushima

    0:37:48 Light Cruiser Akitsushima reported sunk

    0:43:00 Battlecruiser Chitose crosses behind the Uji, shielding itself with the other ship

    0:43:20 Battlecruiser Uji reported sunk

    0:48:28 Battlecruiser Chitose reported sunk

    0:50:30 General signal to all Soviet Destroyers and Light Cruisers to retire from the engagement

    0:51:52 General signal to all Soviet ships to target light combatants because of torpedo threat

    0:52:47 Light Cruiser Niyoda reported sunk

    0:53:15 Light Cruiser Yoda reported sunk

    0:57:58 Light Cruiser Tenryû reported sunk

    1:03:29 Battlecruiser Yari, listing, reported sunk

    1:07:08 Light Cruiser Sendai reported sunk

    1:16:02 Light Cruiser Akashi reported sunk

    1:17:00 General signal to all Soviet Ships, break off engagement

    Appendix B: Report of Estimated Damage Inflicted on the Enemy by Soviet Ships of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet at the Battle of the Sea of Japan, 4 January 1932

    Class Ship Damage Estimates

    Battleship Gorky 15000

    Battleship Kuybyshov 15000

    Battlecruiser Dzerzhinsky 61000

    Battlecruiser Ryazan 35000

    Heavy Cruiser Kniaz Doumont 11000

    Heavy Cruiser Admiral Makarov 16000

    Heavy Cruiser Rurik 19000

    Heavy Cruiser Gleb 14000

    Light Cruiser Tallin 12000

    Light Cruiser Bogatyr 5900

    Light Cruiser Ural 7300

    Destroyer Konstantin 1200

    Destroyer Albatros 1200

    Destroyer Gromonosets 1100

    Destroyer Pogranichnik 187

  5. They really need to work on the tactical AI, It's all over the place. It never used to be so bad, seems to get worse every update. D:

    Maybe they are waiting until they work on fleet formations and stuff, I hope so lol.

  6. you may need to sail off and park your fleet right off the US West Coast or off New York/Norfolk to properly Provoke them out to engage you.
    at least until the Dev's put in the ability to actually target another Task Group directly.

  7. A State of War

    In the one hundred twenty-three months since November of 1921 the Soyez Soviet Socialist Republics have been in a state of war with one, two or all three of the Recalcitrant, Reactionary Imperialist Empire of Japan, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and United States of America for eight-two of them. That's only forty-one months of peace for the people of Mother Russia. Two-thirds of our last decade spent in a state of war.

    This is intolerable, and the only solution is to stop these piddling peace treaties and strangle these Capitalist Oppressor monstrosities with unrelenting commerce warfare. Sink every merchant hull they possess and blockade every harbor. Bring about Communist Revolutions in all these enemies of the Proletariat once and for all.

    End war now with Total War Now!

    Pravda, 28 January 1932

  8. Summary of Losses in the 4th Russo-Japanese Ware

    4th Russo-Japanese War Ships Lost Crew Tonnage Lost

    Month Theatre Country BB BC CA CL DD SS TR Lost Rec'd Warships Transports

    8/1/1930 Pacific Russia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 358 23 0 0

    1/1/1932 Pacific Japan 3 5 1 8 2 6 11 18256 0 357251 90970

    Staff Report, 31 January 1932
    Red Banner Pacific Fleet, Vladivostok

  9. Board of Inquiry demanded for Circumstances Leading to the Loss of the Pogranichnik

    The Pogranichnik, fabled Destroyer and Transport Killer of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet, was lost with all but three hands in the Glorious Battle of the Sea of Japan against the Recalcitrant, Reactionary, Imperialist, Militaristic Imperial Japanese Navy, the only Soviet vessel lost in the battle. Reports say that the Comrade Kapitan Letenant of the Pogranichnik had led the Konstantin and Albatros out of formation at the beginning of the engagement, when the Red Banner Pacific Fleet was changing course to meet the enemy. The Pogranichnik should have stayed in line astern of the Destroyer Division lead, the Gromonosets. However, the Pogranichnik lost formation and then broke towards the enemy, contrary to the intentions of the Fleet Admiral commanding.

    Questions are being raised about why the Kapitan Letenant of the Pogranichnik did not stay in line astern of the Gromonosets, why the Kapitans Letenant of the Konstantin and Albatros stayed in line astern of the Pogranichnik rather than staying with the Gromonosets, and why the Pogranichnik was positioning itself and its two division mates so close to the enemy’s capital ships.

    The record of the Pogranichnik has been exemplar, first seeing action in January of 1922, she led her division in sinking two Japanese destroyers. A month later she led her division in sinking four Japanese destroyers and five transports. In February of 1926 she led the attack that finally cornered and sank the Reactionary Imperialist United States Navy Light Cruiser USS Detroit. The Albatros had also sunk the Japanese destroyer Fumizuki and four transports in February 1922 and participated in the March 1922 attack.

    The Pogranichnik first served in combat in a two ship division with the Gromonosets during the sinking of the Japanese Battleship Satsuma. Their major contribution as a division was to assist in the sinking of thirteen transports. As the Gromonosets was division lead and they were conducting a stern chase of the transports, the Gromonosets was able to obtain more hits on the convoy than the Pogranichnik. Futher, in June of 1930 the Pogranichnik, under the command of the Kapitan Leitenant of the Gromonosets, in a four Destroyer Division, failed to chase down and destroy two American destroyers, the USS Luce and USS Toucey. Reports of tensions between both officers and enlisted sailors of the different ships of the division have surfaced, stemming from these incidents.

    While private opinions of both active and retired officers support the proper conduct of the Konstantin and Albatros in staying in line astern of the Pogranichnik, the conduct of both the Kapitans Letenant of the Pogranichnik and Gromonosets have been criticized.

    It remains to be seen if the Admiralty House will authorize a Board of Inquiry, of if the Admiral Commanding the Red Banner Pacific Fleet forms a board on his own authority.

    Pravda, 1 February 1932


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