The Suicide Squad 'Graphics' Debate – Luke Reacts

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Luke Stephens is a Content-Creator and Streamer that co-streams on YouTube and Twitch. This channel has Live Stream clips and highlights in addition to the streams themselves. Check out Luke’s main channel & other content by going to: !!

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25 thoughts on “The Suicide Squad 'Graphics' Debate – Luke Reacts”

  1. The problem is the rendering and lighting, not the character/environment models and animations which are top tier.
    In 3D, lighting is EVERYTHING. You can have a crappy model and textures with amazing lighting and it will still look appealing.

  2. The graphics themselves are pretty much the same – It’s a different game engine, combined with the style, and also the crappy lighting system, leaves it very washed out and the contrast looks very gross.

  3. The Arkham games cities were mazes of buildings and structures that you could lose yourself into, climb, crawl, explore.
    Suicide Squad's city is a series of ground and roof platforms, big and small, so it can be used as mini-arenas for zombified shooting ai.

  4. Luke I expected you to be more knowledgeable about this stuff, suicide squad doesn't have baked in lighting like how arkham knight has, it has a day night cycle which makes it visually less appealing, that niktek video is proven to be disingenous by the viewers. Rocksteady ain't no rockstar making day night light cycles look as good as rdr 2. Same reason why ac unity looks so much better than modern ac games.

  5. That this sort of blatantly reductive and disingenuous video is being taken seriously is telling. But you guys are so horny to be on the bandwagon that you disregard any context around why things are done the way they are.
    I remember when some people were moaning about Elden Ring looking dated, but for some reason that game got an army of defenders for its subpar visuals.

  6. The video you're referencing at 3:34 is a bit misleading, and the content creator proves be an unreliable source by taking any chance to make SS look worse than what is by either using mods in AK (heavy possibility of using graphical mods as well), to picking out locations to compare that intentionally make SS look less appealing. They even try to compare melee combat when SS isn't even focused on such mechanics.

    Furthermore, I did my own personal comparison on the PS5, and although Batman Arkham: Knight still looks great, Suicide Squad actually does look better in terms of resolution (higher res textures) and graphics. You can argue that Batman Arkham Knight has better, more inspired art direction, but to sit here and say Suicide Squad doesn't have aesthetics going for it — an online service game with a dynamic time and weather cycle — is some bad faith bullshit.

  7. I HAVE A BEASTLY BEEFY SETUP but I actually chose to get suicide squad on my ps5 just cause I wanted to play it a night early but dude With all due respect I'm playing on a 65inch 4K Samsung Crystal not even a better OLED and I HAVE TO SAY THIS GAME LOOKS LIKE A MASTER PIECE IN TERMS OF HOW GORGEOUS IT LOOKS! So I'm not trying to judge or smack talk Watever you Chose to play on as a matter of fact I'd have imagined it being even more capable then wat im playing on or just as good but you trying to actually maintain a case for this game NOT LOOKING AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL sounds BONKERS from wat I've been experiencing an I'm a lifelong gamer 32 years of age and extremely active and up to date with the newest best technical marvels we have available to day. Once again I don't mean any offense by this but after seeing this video then playing for a couple of hours I had to come back an tell you how crazy it sounds to even try to back up that point. IT IS A GORGEOUS LOOKING GAME POINT BLANK PERIOD. It's almost not even a topic of debate wen your seeing through my eyes wat I've been playing. You seem like a pretty smart guy so relaying your points back to myself idk it sounds more like a "Just want to throw more dirt on this game an pile on with everyone" kind of thing but truth be told HOW EVERYONE of your videos for suicide squad kill the justice league start off with your opening statements on the game tend to sound exactly like that again. Say Watever you want about the game its story it's co-op, Batman the league..WHATEVER YOU WANT! Lol but to try to backup a point of this game not looking impressive? LMAO YOU HAVE TO BE PLAYING ON MID to OKAY hardware on a regular sized "nothing too crazy" screen because it looks phenomenal on my TV n ps5 not even on my PC which it would have even been better. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  8. The launch of Suicide Squad is like tethering a large stone to a stuffed toy and throwing it in the ocean.
    But, could we expect anything less from a studio named "Rocks-Teddy".
    Thank you and goodnight.


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