The Streamer Drama Doesn't Stop

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edited by: 5 take freddy


35 thoughts on “The Streamer Drama Doesn't Stop”

  1. Love how the only uncomfortable thing Carlos did was party with Andrew gate literally nothing else you seriously don’t have to do anything bad if you’re just some way some how associated with a person people don’t like you’re canceled

  2. And he(Jesus Christ) was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. (Revelation 19:13-14)

  3. I’m glad someone is pointing out that this drama is just all being perpetuated for the wrong reasons. Miz was in the wrong for sure (and I agree they’re on thin ice and need to take a break for their crimes against humanity) but it’s very clear that the intention was not to expose that but rather to expose HIM, specifically, for anything as retaliation for saying to ban gambling. I’ve seen so much more discussion and hate towards Miz and Maya than Slick himself, it’s wild. Train is clinging on to this to have any amount of high ground and it’s gross imo.

  4. It's not just about having something concrete for the layman to understand, you need something concrete to lend weight to your accusations. As long as there is zero proof then he didn't cheat as far as I'm concerned. I don't even know why Magnus put out that statement because he added absolutely nothing to the conversation.

  5. It’s funny, I started watching some Ludwig clips because I thought he was Lucid from Optic Halo. Now I’m not far into my Ludwig content and stumble across mogul mail, then get confused at the jokes about the different two… I’m so old. 😂

  6. Being blinded by friendship is a real thing my friend robbed a store and I straight up lied to a cop about it felt so guilty but he was my friend and I didn’t wanna see his life get ruined but now I realized he needed to learn a lesson at the time

  7. Look I think Tate is a joke just based on how he treats women…we no longer swing clubs and have huge foreheads…Treat a woman like you would your mother…except while in the bedroom ofcourse. but Alpha doesn't have to mean DOUCHE…just that you take control and protect said woman.

  8. I dont think its too far carlos was partying with an abuser and wanted to defend him lmao so now youre telling me I have to tell investors to defend an abuser? lmao thanks mogulmail now I know your standards!

  9. I see absolutely nothing wrong with what Andrew Tate has said or what he believes in. People get offended by everything nowadays (mainly 99.9% of the left does) everyone else doesn’t really give a Fk what Andrew Tate thinks so let that sink in.

  10. No opinion on Andrew Tate. But for someone to get fired for who their friend is in their personal life just seems like it would break some discrimination law. If that is allowed to slide then people can start fireing people for any kind of friendship, e.g. for having friends with certain political beliefs, possibly due to an assumption that you would have the same opinion.


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